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Trayvon Martin Case


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That's pretty bad, but I wonder how it compares to the "academic scholar", whose murderer has a price on his head courtesy of people like NBPP, Al Sharpton, Angela Corey and Barack Obama:






Two wrongs don't make a right.


Martin may very well have been headed down the wrong road; he may have been too far down that road already. From what I have seen Zimmerman went too far down the "neighborhood watch" road; not because there is something wrong with neighborhood watch or his intentions, but because he ended up unable to handle a situation without using a gun. The intersections of those two wrong roads ended up in a dead 17 year old.


The stuff you link is people looking for revenge that they ought not; they are ridiculous people using this incident for themselves. If Zimmerman were a black guy on neighborhood watch and the rest of the story remained the same, they would not care about Martin. They are ill minded people with broken moral compasses and bad intentions.


The posting of pictures of a dead 17 year old kid is some twisted group of idiots somehow getting "revenge" through laughter. And why do these idiots need revenge? Because they didn't like what they watched on TV for a month? Instead of pointing out all the wrongs of Sharpton, the Black Panthers, the way this thing ever got to court, etc; they are getting laughs by posting pictures of a dead kid. Who does this? Ill minded people with broken moral compasses and bad intentions, that's who.

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Awesome.....doing the Don West touchdown dance also?


Funny how GZ is now scared of vigilantes with guns.....Must feel like Trayvon now.


Who gives a shhh about the murders in Chicago? Drug fights are different then grown ass men w shady pasts killing skinny teenagers armed w junk food.


I'm back from a 7 day Simon sanction.....thought we had a lil more freedom in PPP


Making someone's sister my cause isn't a threat......it's an offer for a little white wine and appetizers perhaps. I have been instructed to not offer this anymore.

Oh, you don't get it. Chicago is referenced ad nauseum because Obama is from Chicago and it's a place where those black thug gangbangers often get killed by other black thug gangbangers. It's intended as a shot at the president and represents kind of a not-so-secret handshake among Fox News aficionados.

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That's pretty bad, but

Yeah, that's all you really had to say. No matter how you want to try to justify it, the dead kid had nothing to do with what happened after his death. No matter how long-winded you might want to be, there's no excuse for that sort of crap.


Pretty un-Christ-like in my godless opinion.

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Two wrongs don't make a right.


Martin may very well have been headed down the wrong road; he may have been too far down that road already. From what I have seen Zimmerman went too far down the "neighborhood watch" road; not because there is something wrong with neighborhood watch or his intentions, but because he ended up unable to handle a situation without using a gun. The intersections of those two wrong roads ended up in a dead 17 year old.


The stuff you link is people looking for revenge that they ought not; they are ridiculous people using this incident for themselves. If Zimmerman were a black guy on neighborhood watch and the rest of the story remained the same, they would not care about Martin. They are ill minded people with broken moral compasses and bad intentions.


The posting of pictures of a dead 17 year old kid is some twisted group of idiots somehow getting "revenge" through laughter. And why do these idiots need revenge? Because they didn't like what they watched on TV for a month? Instead of pointing out all the wrongs of Sharpton, the Black Panthers, the way this thing ever got to court, etc; they are getting laughs by posting pictures of a dead kid. Who does this? Ill minded people with broken moral compasses and bad intentions, that's who.

GZ ended up getting jumped by a thug who was into street fighting and by his own admission liked to see people bleed. GZ never left a relatively small area while TM was basically home and safe before he made the conscious effort to come back several hundred feet to engage GZ. GZ was following the advice of the police dispatcher when he was attacked.

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Oh, you don't get it. Chicago is referenced ad nauseum because Obama is from Chicago and it's a place where those black thug gangbangers often get killed by other black thug gangbangers. It's intended as a shot at the president and represents kind of a not-so-secret handshake among Fox News aficionados.


The president deserves a lot of criticism, Fox News or not. He injected himself into what clearly should have been a local investigation and helped make it national. He's the president for Pete's sake. Even after the trials his messages are mixed: "A jury has spoken"......"Eric please try to trump up charges on hate crimes against this pawn we're using to further our narrative......".


Maybe not the president, but certainly others have implied that racism is rampant in our country and racism is the cause of this particular crime and that we are somehow in danger of this thing happening every day. Meanwhile there are killings going on every day and they remain unnoticed because there are no funds to be derived. And I'm being generous to the president there.


Chicago's black on black rate of crime is in fact very high but I think the criticism directed at the president is because of the current mayor and his ties to the president. Besides, Obama is not even from Chicago; he's from Kenya.

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What nonsense! Let me translate: Holder wants relief from the pressure to prosecute Zimmerman, so he’s shifting to a topic that has nothing to do with Zimmerman but that low-information people think has to do with Zimmerman. (Zimmerman was pinned down before he decided his life was on the line, and he had no route of escape.)


And, yes, I know Holder is also talking about investigating the Zimmerman matter. But “investigating” is code. As we saw with Benghazi, it means: We’re hoping that if enough time passes, you’ll forget about it.


This is all so thoroughly lame. But at the same time: It’s a very powerful person speaking dishonestly and threateningly about the exercise of power. What a disgusting combination.


But predictable enough that Obama voters — especially 2012 Obama voters — have to share responsibility for the disgustingness.

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Yeah, that's all you really had to say. No matter how you want to try to justify it, the dead kid had nothing to do with what happened after his death. No matter how long-winded you might want to be, there's no excuse for that sort of crap.


Pretty un-Christ-like in my godless opinion.


Listen you godless assclown, I said the picture thing was pretty bad. So don't play your silly games and try to put words in my mouth. Now, how does that compare to putting a price on someone's head?

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GZ ended up getting jumped by a thug who was into street fighting and by his own admission liked to see people bleed. GZ never left a relatively small area while TM was basically home and safe before he made the conscious effort to come back several hundred feet to engage GZ. GZ was following the advice of the police dispatcher when he was attacked.


None of which has anything to do with the losers who are posting pictures of a dead body all over the internet and getting laughs from them. Yet somehow, some way, people justify in their own sick minds as some sort of "see I told you so" based on the outcome of the trial.


As an FYI, I agree with the outcome of the trial. I pretty much believe the story told by GZ. That doesn't mean that GZ was a competent neighborhood watchman. He was not. Not that night. That does not mean Martin's death was GZ's fault. It was probably Martin's. If Zimmerman were a better watchman maybe a different outcome would have resulted. Heck, the neighbor who called 911 or another neighbor that ignored the whole thing and has never come forward might have been able to help.


All of these factors are completely meaningless when it comes to someone photoshopping a picture of a dead body into "funny" poses for laughs. That is the work of sick individuals.

Edited by 4merper4mer
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Simmer down ya jabronies.





Crayonz. Its not about getting a laugh for it. Or a dead body. Its an example of the extremes people are going to. How many pictures, posters, signs have we seen mocking GZ dead or alive, death threats, etc. People are wanting justice of their own.


You could easily see people mocking the death of another in the crap that's out there but that is part of the outcome of making such a case polarizing. This case is doing nothing but telling this society that they do not have to accept due process. That the rules, laws and obligations of man are not equal and that regardless of judicial actions you may still take actions in to your own.


Someone needs to link Greta Van Sustran talking to the Crump social engineer.

Edited by jboyst62
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Listen you godless assclown, I said the picture thing was pretty bad. So don't play your silly games and try to put words in my mouth. Now, how does that compare to putting a price on someone's head?


Other than the needless shots at the big man, Gene is right about this. Your two wrongs make a right play here is not a winner.

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Other than the needless shots at the big man, Gene is right about this. Your two wrongs make a right play here is not a winner.


Where do you get that I am saying two wrongs make a right? These two wrongs make a double wrong. Gene is not right about this. By law of averages alone he can't be right. He's already been right once this year as it is.

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Other than the needless shots at the big man, Gene is right about this. Your two wrongs make a right play here is not a winner.

again. It is the narrative we are seeing pushed upon us. There is no winner. There is not some Mortal Kombat game.


What is happening is a polarization of the issue. The push and in your face domination that Ttayvon was killed. And like you said, its not what happened that night, its everything since that had been put in the wash. I cannot imagine how TM's family is feeling right now. They have not had a chance to grieve because there are so many leaches on them. GZ probably has not had one rested minute for fear of a lynch mob.


Where is the justice in this? Follow the money.

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This no longer is about George Zimmerman.

It’s about a Department of Justice which does not deserve our trust and is a threat to our liberties.



They are just following the IRS's lead.



"They'll warn that tyranny always lurking just around the corner. You should reject these voices. " - BO 5/5/13

Edited by Gary M
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Where do you get that I am saying two wrongs make a right? These two wrongs make a double wrong. Gene is not right about this. By law of averages alone he can't be right. He's already been right once this year as it is.


Your post spent one sentence on the sick pictures and that sentence was only used to compare them to the Back Panthers. They are totally separate things; why compare them? The only similarity they have is that they are twisted and sick, but they are still separate things.


Gene ignores the justice department transgressions and I'm not fan of that won ton disregard for the truth either, but he can criticize those photos in any and every way possible and still be right about it.

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Your post spent one sentence on the sick pictures and that sentence was only used to compare them to the Back Panthers. They are totally separate things; why compare them? The only similarity they have is that they are twisted and sick, but they are still separate things.


Gene ignores the justice department transgressions and I'm not fan of that won ton disregard for the truth either, but he can criticize those photos in any and every way possible and still be right about it.


I stated that the pictures were bad. I also posted an article on the sick Black Panthers and Al Sharpton. Gene was wrong in mischaracterizing my comment about the pictures. I don't know what the Chinese have to do with this and why you are bringing them into the picture. Did they pose with a picture of Trayvon in front of a Chinese buffet?

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Gene ignores the justice department transgressions and I'm not fan of that won ton disregard for the truth either, but he can criticize those photos in any and every way possible and still be right about it.


You finally made me laugh. Should have used that in a thread about the plane crash though.

Edited by John Adams
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Awesome.....doing the Don West touchdown dance also?


Funny how GZ is now scared of vigilantes with guns.....Must feel like Trayvon now.


Who gives a shhh about the murders in Chicago? Drug fights are different then grown ass men w shady pasts killing skinny teenagers armed w junk food.


I'm back from a 7 day Simon sanction.....thought we had a lil more freedom in PPP


Making someone's sister my cause isn't a threat......it's an offer for a little white wine and appetizers perhaps. I have been instructed to not offer this anymore.


I know the TV told you that your take on this is cool, popular, & enlightened, but to any reasonable adult you come off as a post-adolescent MTV disciple who hasn't grown enough as an individual to have learned how to critically evaluate your own thoughts. You seem like the kind of guy who would decide to like a band & become an impassioned fan because some girl you like was in to them. It's not very cool or masculine, it's actually quite weak and feminine to be led by emotion and other men. A man keeps a level head & thinks for himself. You might want to man up.

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Oh, you don't get it. Chicago is referenced ad nauseum because Obama is from Chicago and it's a place where those black thug gangbangers often get killed by other black thug gangbangers. It's intended as a shot at the president and represents kind of a not-so-secret handshake among Fox News aficionados.


It also shows how disengenuous the outrage over this case was. Unless you really believe this is about the centuries old legacy of Hispanics shooting down blacks.

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I love how Holder is using the Zimmerman case as an example to look at the stand your ground law. The DOJ is even feeding on the misinformed. Also the Judge didn't even allow racial profiling to enter into the trial because there was no evidence of it yet you have the federal government turning this into a racial issue.


The defense even ruled out stand your ground and didn't use this as their defense. It was a classic self defense case.

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