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Trayvon Martin Case


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Tom will find that very insulting- I on the other hand am just happy to be here at PPP, a statistical anomaly overrun with financial mavens,cyber gurus, Ramboesq urbermen and polymaths of such caliber that Newton, Da vinci, and Descartes would be hard pressed to make it to the crest of the Bell curve. Everyday I can scrap and skitter amidst this forest of mental titans I consider it a privilege


And we're so lucky to have li'l ol' you to put us all in our place.


You sad, sad little man.

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Sorry Beth, you can't always get what you want..........................



Columnist Calls for Release of Zimmerman Jurors’ Names, Says Secrecy ‘Undermines the Justice System’


Beth Kassab, a columnist for the Orlando Sentinel, called for the release of the names of the six women who served on the George Zimmerman jury. She criticized defense attorney Mark O’Mara’s request to keep the names private for six months until the controversy fades.


Ms. Kassab appeared on CNN Wednesday evening to discuss her column on why the names should be public immediately. She argued that if the identities of the jurors are allowed to remain “confidential indefinitely,” it will “undermine the transparency and the openness that the criminal justice system is founded on.”


While she admitted concerns for the safety of the women are “valid,” Kassab argued that secrecy weakens public confidence in the justice system. Though juror B-37 received death threats following her shadow appearance on CNN earlier this week, the columnist advises that the focus be on the “checks and balances” of judicial proceedings.


Perhaps you should worry about public confidence in the blatantly voyeuristic media.......... Beth




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3rd why are you twisting items ?


Jeantel said a ton of things on Piers Morgan non of which were anywhere near close to an admission that Trayvon attacked GZ. She said Trayvon was quiet and passive.


Your GZ's top cheerleader........going hard at all angles.....making stuff up ?


So, do you believe Rachel or not?

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Why are the names even being released in six months?

exactly. Being on a jury is one of the most important responsibilities in this country. I put it up there with serving in the military and way above paying taxes.
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Did you call out the meme that TM walked 400ft to his house - not stopping in to get a weapon, or call his thug gang hommies, or catch up on the all-star game, or at least to drop off his skittles and drink before he turned around and walked back to attack the man he was running from- Jesus Tom you are a human skin filled with eels and the tears of children.

snapback.png....lybob, on 17 July 2013 - 04:44 PM, said:


It's probable that TM ran to the dog walk and hid, probably behind either the first or second little privacy fence on the right hand side


Why would he do that, instead of run straight home?

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Very salient point made by Ann Coulter about the abject racism of leftist race-baiters:


"Perhaps, someday, blacks will win the right to be treated like volitional human beings. But not yet. "

Twitter is up in arms about that comment. I didn't read the article it came from, but my assumption is that she's pointing out the fact that the black community isn't thinking for themselves, but rather are being told what to do and how to feel by people like Sharpton, facts be damned. But that point seems lost on everyone on Twitter...

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Twitter is up in arms about that comment. I didn't read the article it came from, but my assumption is that she's pointing out the fact that the black community isn't thinking for themselves, but rather are being told what to do and how to feel by people like Sharpton, facts be damned. But that point seems lost on everyone on Twitter...

No, what she means is that leftist race-baiters treat black people as inferior, and incapable of sound decision making; and therefore must be coddled and not held to the consequences of their choices.

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Twitter is up in arms about that comment. I didn't read the article it came from, but my assumption is that she's pointing out the fact that the black community isn't thinking for themselves, but rather are being told what to do and how to feel by people like Sharpton, facts be damned. But that point seems lost on everyone on Twitter...

Twitter can suck one. I learned last week it is only yentas, unemployed simpletons and morons with two much time on their hands not knowing how to do something better. So, if the bottom of the barrel is up in arms, that's OK. They're still on the bottom.
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Twitter can suck one. I learned last week it is only yentas, unemployed simpletons and morons with two much time on their hands not knowing how to do something better. So, if the bottom of the barrel is up in arms, that's OK. They're still on the bottom.


I use Twitter... Great for getting answers to questions, finding out about current trends and stories (I focus on technology), and interacting with companies (you can get a much faster response tweeting an issue than emailing a company's customer support line; sad but true).

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I use Twitter... Great for getting answers to questions, finding out about current trends and stories (I focus on technology), and interacting with companies (you can get a much faster response tweeting an issue than emailing a company's customer support line; sad but true).


It's still garbage. What you're referring to is maybe 5% of twitter.


The rest is all garbage.

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I use Twitter... Great for getting answers to questions, finding out about current trends and stories (I focus on technology), and interacting with companies (you can get a much faster response tweeting an issue than emailing a company's customer support line; sad but true).

if you took offense to that then I am sorry #notreallysorry. A lot of Twitter is just garbage nonsense of people blabbing about their mundane lives and trying to be relevant and or edgy with a hash tag. #growapair. The wretched dross you find scrolling across a feed with a hash of #smh or #toldyaso. Yeah. Dumb.


It is good for breaking news, following events or what is trending. But when people use those trends to form opinions their is a problem. The educated person is not going to tweet the universe his personal feelings. And even then it is not accurate. Every time I go to weather.com local weather there is a trend for rain, hot and cold. Regardless of the weather.

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if you took offense to that then I am sorry #notreallysorry. A lot of Twitter is just garbage nonsense of people blabbing about their mundane lives and trying to be relevant and or edgy with a hash tag. #growapair. The wretched dross you find scrolling across a feed with a hash of #smh or #toldyaso. Yeah. Dumb.


It is good for breaking news, following events or what is trending. But when people use those trends to form opinions their is a problem. The educated person is not going to tweet the universe his personal feelings. And even then it is not accurate. Every time I go to weather.com local weather there is a trend for rain, hot and cold. Regardless of the weather.

I didn't take offense. It just seems like people are quick to throw the baby out with the bathwater. And that's age discrimination and probably racist somehow. Why are you a racist?

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It is good for breaking news, following events or what is trending.


The thing about Twitter is, to a large extent, it's going to be as good or as bad as you make it based your chosen content. When someone is annoying, I stop following them. But I find I get linked to columns/articles/etc I would never take the time to look for on my own.


If what you see are "yentas, unemployed simpletons and morons," remember, you're the one who chose to follow them.

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The thing about Twitter is, to a large extent, it's going to be as good or as bad as you make it based your chosen content. When someone is annoying, I stop following them. But I find I get linked to columns/articles/etc I would never take the time to look for on my own.


If what you see are "yentas, unemployed simpletons and morons," remember, you're the one who chose to follow them.

If I had Twitter, I would follow one of your favorites and all of his show; Howard Stern. Then, the Bills players. A few news sites just for anything big and breaking. I would not follow Alysa Milano - she tweets the most ridiculous stuff. I did like to look at Roger Eberts Tweets. I would never follow anyone normal, maybe one or two porn stars because they are pretty funny and not lewd. And, GirlsInYogaPants.


I didn't take offense. It just seems like people are quick to throw the baby out with the bathwater. And that's age discrimination and probably racist somehow. Why are you a racist?

I love all people all colors of the rainbow...wait, what color is not in the rainbow?


I am almost 32. It's not age discrimination. I am as immature as they come, laugh at the worst of things and times, and spend most of my time on some of the most disgusting sites of the web.

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snapback.png....lybob, on 17 July 2013 - 04:44 PM, said:


It's probable that TM ran to the dog walk and hid, probably behind either the first or second little privacy fence on the right hand side


Why would he do that, instead of run straight home?


I can think of a coupe of reasons


As GZ followed TM, GZ was talking on his cell ,which we know was police dispatch, but to TM might be a partner of GZ, someone GZ is directing


When TM starts running GZ is still in his truck on a road that parallels the route TM needs to go home


TM just has his younger brother at home and he might want to make sure he loses GZ before he goes home


If you can, listen to the second police interview- I agree with the detective,s view, that since GZ got to the dog walk about 12 seconds after TM and didn't see TM ,that TM was probably hiding not going down the dog walk.


One of the things I hope results from this case, is a law that neighborhood watch must have something that Identifies their vehicles and themselves when they are acting in that function. GZ thought TM was a burglar and TM thought GZ was some kind of pervert or other bad guy, proper identification may have prevented this tradgety.

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One of the things I hope results from this case, is a law that neighborhood watch must have something that Identifies their vehicles and themselves when they are acting in that function. GZ thought TM was a burglar and TM thought GZ was some kind of pervert or other bad guy, proper identification may have prevented this tradgety.


Yes, these are all valid points. Unfortunately, they do not pertain to the jury verdict of this particular case.

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One of the things I hope results from this case, is a law that neighborhood watch must have something that Identifies their vehicles and themselves when they are acting in that function. GZ thought TM was a burglar and TM thought GZ was some kind of pervert or other bad guy, proper identification may have prevented this tradgety.


What does Neighborhood Watch have to do with anything? If I am merely a concerned citizen, I should have to post a sign on my car?

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