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Trayvon Martin Case


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The DoJ refused to do anything when the New Black Panthers put a price on GZ's head, and they are willing to say that they want to "get" GZ at any cost. They want him really bad but want witnesses, informants, etc. to tell them why they should want him so badly. This DoJ has everything ass backwards. They are a disgrace.

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The most concerning thing I see is a witchunt with polticial influence all the way up from the president to the state and federal levels (DOJ) when there was no probable cause to even bring this to criminal court to begin with. A special prosecutor comes in with trumped up charges after the police chief and state attorney are fired because of outside political pressure and not based on the actual evidence or lack there of in this particular case.


A jury finds GZ not guilty and the one juror even said race was not an issue in this case at all. Race wasn't even mentioned in the deliberations, yet the president, media, state and federal heads continue to push the race buttons.


To top it off you have a state attorney of all people calling GZ a "murderer" after he was found not guilty by a jury of his peers. Absolutely DISGUSTING!


BTW, this is coming from a Canadian :)

Edited by BuffaloBillsForever
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The most concerning thing I see is a witchunt with polticial influence all the way up from the president to state and federal level (DOJ)where there was no probabl cause to even bring this to criminal court to begin with. A special prosecutor comes in with trumped up charges after the police chief and state attorney are fired because of outside political pressure and not based on the actual evidence or lack there of in this particular case.


A jury finds GZ not guilty and the one juror even said race was not an issue in this case at all. Race wasn't even mentioned in the deliberations.


To top it off you have a state attorney of all people calling GZ a "murderer" after he was found not guilty by a jury of his peers. Absolutely DISGUSTING!

Yeah, but hey, those Republicans really suck, huh?

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Yeah, but hey, those Republicans really suck, huh?


You know what I don't understand? The Obama WH has proven that there is nothing it won't do for some campaign money. Holder could take out GZ with a drone by dinner tonight, and collect that $10,000 reward from the Black Panthers.


It's a total win-win that shows the nation that Barack Obama is once again focused like a laser on jobs and the economy.

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So apparently, people don't like it when you take your picture as if you're dead on the ground, with a package of Skittles and ice tea....


"Trayvoning", a Disturbing New Trend

well, since this thread is pretty much the wild wild west... well, I need to find the pictures I've seen. They took the photo of him laid dead on the ground and shooped it in to other images. He was posed awkwardly, hands kind of out, etc, on his back...


One was him flying over the rainbow with Peter Pan saying he never wanted to grow up.

Another was him doing the Thriller dance in the video next to MJ

Another was him coming down the stairs of the WH with his dad, Barak Martin Obama


Hold on, I found some. Image may be disturbing to some...


http://imgur.com/H12...V79PJ8q,OVYGFXE 6 pictures, go to top to see'm...


http://imgur.com/H12SNLX,hjduYUL,WWtdg6S,joqugRi,V79PJ8q,OVYGFXE#3 my favorite

Edited by jboyst62
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Some of the same stuff No Saint posted but the comment section is really good:





This no longer is about George Zimmerman, it’s about a Department of Justice serving political interests.



There’s a reason we stand up for the rights of individuals like George Zimmerman against an overreaching State.

It’s not just about the individual. It’s about all of us, and the reality that there but for fortune could go you or I.

The highly politicized Department of Justice desperately wants to bring federal charges to placate the race-agitators, and has joined in the witch hunt.


This no longer is about George Zimmerman.

It’s about a Department of Justice which does not deserve our trust and is a threat to our liberties.


One well thought out comment:


Jazzizhep | July 16, 2013 at 7:47 pm


While many on the left may try to argue the e-mail address is no different than a tip line, or a plea not unlike America’s most wanted, the supposed crime (hate) is not like any other crime. The only evidence the DOJ is hoping to gather is exclusively opinion and/or hearsay. How is GZ going to prove his innocence if 50,000 ppl. say they heard him say nigga at any point in time in his life. Sure, at great expense to his legal team they can show particular ppl. are lying, but what if several dozen ppl say they walked into the mortgage firm where GZ worked and proclaim, “he said we don’t give loans to ppl like you.”

Man, this is a baaaaad idea for the DOJ in particular, and for civil liberties in general.

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So apparently, people don't like it when you take your picture as if you're dead on the ground, with a package of Skittles and ice tea....


"Trayvoning", a Disturbing New Trend


Trayvon'ing isn't a new trend. I remember seeing it last year


http://imgur.com/H12...V79PJ8q,OVYGFXE 6 pictures, go to top to see'm...



On a serious note, that shows just how much race relations have changed since the more innocent old days of Punch Out. Back in the day, that training scene was just a cute little diversion. Nowadays, the thought of a fat middle aged black guy on a bike chasing a white kid thru the streets is kind of disturbing

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Hold on, I found some. Image may be disturbing to some...


http://imgur.com/H12...V79PJ8q,OVYGFXE 6 pictures, go to top to see'm...


http://imgur.com/H12...9PJ8q,OVYGFXE#3 my favorite


I don't think Zimmerman is a racist and I think what has happened to him has been horrible almost beyond compare and continues to maybe even get worse. It has exposed so many things that are wrong with our society.


And now we get a disgusting display presumably from pro-Zimmerman photoshoppers that expose even more wrongs with our society. Sorry but if the dirt bags that made that crap are so "clever" maybe they should be smart enough to never create or post the "clever" poses they can create using a picture of a dead 17 year old. Maybe they should think twice and check themselves into a mental hospital or find their priest or psychiatrist of choice to get help.


IMO the numbed minds of the people believing Sharpton, Holder, Hillary et al and the "clever" minds that somehow equate this verdict as some sort of revenge against an already dead Martin are equally sick and either never had or somehow lost perspective on what it means to be an individual.

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well, since this thread is pretty much the wild wild west... well, I need to find the pictures I've seen. They took the photo of him laid dead on the ground and shooped it in to other images. He was posed awkwardly, hands kind of out, etc, on his back...


One was him flying over the rainbow with Peter Pan saying he never wanted to grow up.

Another was him doing the Thriller dance in the video next to MJ

Another was him coming down the stairs of the WH with his dad, Barak Martin Obama


Hold on, I found some. Image may be disturbing to some...


http://imgur.com/H12...V79PJ8q,OVYGFXE 6 pictures, go to top to see'm...


http://imgur.com/H12...9PJ8q,OVYGFXE#3 my favorite


So apparently there's a line I won't cross. 'Cause that ain't right.


Still..awfully big boy for 13.

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So apparently there's a line I won't cross. 'Cause that ain't right.


Still..awfully big boy for 13.


He was either a thug or a thug in training. Anybody who has paid close attention to this case knows what really happened. Too bad, thug got schooled. Move on, solve the 20 murders a weekend in Chicago.

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He was either a thug or a thug in training. Anybody who has paid close attention to this case knows what really happened. Too bad, thug got schooled. Move on, solve the 20 murders a weekend in Chicago.


I listened to Jason Whitlock's podcast today, and then looked up some of the stuff he was talking about...........TM was living with his uncle and not his mother. Whitlock said some things weren't adding up - why the mother was so dispassionate, why the parents weren't there for the verdict, etc.


So, he looked into it and must have read stuff that I ended up reading. I don't even know if his parents were ever married. But, then his father was married to somebody who had a bunch of kids with him, and that wife is who really raised him the most, and she's the "forgotten one." His mother couldn't even answer basic questions about him early on, before the PR guy got involved.


She didn't go up to Sanford until March 8th or so, even though her son was killed.........The father didn't contact the police until 14 hours or so after the incident. What kind of parent isn't saying WTF it's 1AM, 2AM, 4AM - where is Trayvon? (This is how Whitlock put it).


Whitlock isn't exactly pro Zimmerman. He thinks that a better case should have been made for manslaughter. He had some interesting points on this. He said he knows Trayvon kicked his ass, and he was leading a thug lifestyle, but he said now he's never given the opportunity to have the lightbulb go on and turn around his life. (That is true, but the odds are better that he would have kept going down the wrong road).

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He was either a thug or a thug in training. Anybody who has paid close attention to this case knows what really happened. Too bad, thug got schooled. Move on, solve the 20 murders a weekend in Chicago.


Awesome.....doing the Don West touchdown dance also?


Funny how GZ is now scared of vigilantes with guns.....Must feel like Trayvon now.


Who gives a shhh about the murders in Chicago? Drug fights are different then grown ass men w shady pasts killing skinny teenagers armed w junk food.


I'm back from a 7 day Simon sanction.....thought we had a lil more freedom in PPP


Making someone's sister my cause isn't a threat......it's an offer for a little white wine and appetizers perhaps. I have been instructed to not offer this anymore.






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Trayvoning? Links to shops of a dead kid? You guys are !@#$ed up.


That's pretty bad, but I wonder how it compares to the "academic scholar", whose murderer has a price on his head courtesy of people like NBPP, Al Sharpton, Angela Corey and Barack Obama:




They didn’t bother to condemn “those people” when they were standing directly in front of the stage, passing out the flyers only a few days earlier.


On March 30, 2012, in an e-mail response to a Washington Times inquiry, DOJ Office of Public Affairs’ Xochitl Hinojosa wrote: “The FBI is aware of the statements and we are unable to comment at this time.”


They haven’t done much – if any – commenting on it, ever since. They were too busy working on “justice for Trayvon” to bother with “justice for the Zimmerman family.”


As I noted in a recent post, but will repeat again – a member of Zimmerman’s family actually sent a plaintive letter to Atty General Eric Holder pleading for help in April of 2012, asking him why the Panthers hadn’t yet been arrested for threatening his family.


“I am writing you to ask you why, when the law of the land is crystal clear, is your office not arresting the New Black Panthers for hate crimes?” the family member wrote to Holder.


“The Zimmerman family is in hiding because of the threats that have been made against us, yet the DOJ has maintained an eerie silence on this matter. These threats are very public. If you haven’t been paying attention just do a Google search and you will find plenty. Since when can a group of people in the United States put a bounty on someone’s head, circulate Wanted posters publicly, and still be walking the streets?”


The New Black Panthers have issued ultimatums to the Sanford authorities, saying they want Zimmerman arrested “dead or alive.” They have placed a bounty on Zimmerman’s head, and have called for the building of an army of vigilantes to track him down and effect a citizen’s arrest.


Most recently, the New Black Panther Party has called for violence.


In a conference call recorded over the weekend, the militant group said it planned to “suit up and boot up” and prepare for the next stages of the “race war.”


So far, however, no members of the New Black Panther Party have faced legal consequences.


The NBPP also called for a militia of 5,000 black volunteers to help capture George Zimmerman. Which Holder’s Justice Dept. also ignored.


And now, they’re at it again: New Black Panthers: Zimmerman Acquittal Means “War”…


Via Aaron Klein:


“Were at war,” Shabbazz Tweeted. “Its (sic) silly and immoral to call for peace when war has been declared.”


The NBPP slammed what it called the “white mans (sic) justice system,” claiming the courts base their law on “the white is right theory.”


“Only a devil would applaud that verdict. Only natural born devil. By applauding that verdict you in fact admit that you are a devil,” wrote Shabbazz.


“The major problem with whites is they see white as exalted over others,” the Twitter feed added.


A conservative black blogger pointed out the double standard a year and a half ago:


If the Klu Klux Klan or the Aryan Brotherhood came out and openly stated that they were going to issue a bounty and form a posse for the capture of a black man, how long do you think it would be before those involved would be arrested for racial intimation, conspiracy to commit a hate crime etc? Of course, it would be almost instant and rightfully so in that case. So how is it possible that the NBPP is able to stand out in the open and issue a bounty on a citizen who hasn’t been charged by the government with a crime?






Awesome.....doing the Don West touchdown dance also?


Funny how GZ is now scared of vigilantes with guns.....Must feel like Trayvon now.


Who gives a shhh about the murders in Chicago? Drug fights are different then grown ass men w shady pasts killing skinny teenagers armed w junk food.


I'm back from a 7 day Simon sanction.....thought we had a lil more freedom in PPP


Making someone's sister my cause isn't a threat......it's an offer for a little white wine and appetizers perhaps. I have been instructed to not offer this anymore.


Who the !@#$ cares about you and your opinions and time outs? You've only proven that not only you are uninformed but are stupid enough to put your ignorance on display for all to see. Go away. Go back to the kiddie table. Don't visit here unless you know something about a subject. Have a nice life together with dog.

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