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How would you spend your time

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B-):D:lol: :lol:


I would hire my family and very best friends. Some would fix up inner city houses. Others would over see the charity of their choice. They all would have high expectations, but be very well compensated. And I would travel, travel, and then do some more traveling
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i would start my own restaurant/brewery/artisan foodshop, in a some awesome location and do things 'my way' all the while trying to satisfy the customers....but i would have the freedom to tell them to f*** off if i didn't agree with them....god i would love that......the restaurant part, not the arguing with the customer part.....i think i would also try and rent Sandra Bullock, Gwen Stefani among others to spend time with me.....


Anyone who's ever worked retail, IMO, would love to have the authority to tell people to go B-) themselves.

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I would start an indy film production company try and make original movies written by people who cool new ideas instead of making sequels or rehashes of old movies (Was there really a need for a Karate Kid movie?).


All in all there needs to be much more originality in the world and if I could help a few cool ideas for movies get made and make peoples dreams come true I would be very happy to do that.

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and i have been in retail for a long time...that said, the customers are what make us better, its just every once in a while a customer just ruins it for everyone....customer service is uber important to me, i just ask that you be a somewhat intelligent customer


Anyone who's ever worked retail, IMO, would love to have the authority to tell people to go B-) themselves.
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I'd wake up every morning, roll over and ask my wife, "So hun, whatcha wanna do TODAY."


-and know that anything was possible.


Of course, the very first thing I'd do, is tell my Dad he didn't have to work anymore. God, that'd be awesome.


On a time-sync <sp?> sorta thing though.. I'd love to build a really nice garage, and restore old cars. (I know nothing of cars, for the most part.. but, what a great way to learn.) B-)

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I'd be playing hockey and/or golf every single day of the year. The rink would definitely be one I own and I'm sure it would be the practice facility used by the Sabres since I would have already bought them from Golisano. That golf would be completely random, which ever course I felt like playing that day.

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