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  1. Allen was locking onto his first read against the Bengals too. All I'm saying is teams don't fear our passing game yet. Their game plans are going to focus on Shady. They will stack the box and sit on short routes regardless of who the QB is. Tyrod could throw the ball deep but teams still stacked the box. It has nothing to do with arm strength.
  2. One thing we know is, McD has no job security fear, going with Nate in week1, after the Chargers debacle! There was a lot of WTF reaction to his sanity, last year as I recall
  3. Disappointing. At least the defense would have had to play honest with Allen in there and Shady would have room to run. I like Peterman, he has a lot of good attributes, but the poor arm strength will be a killer. The Ravens are going to jam eleven player, a couple cheerleaders and a few assistant coaches into the box and have their secondary jumping routes all day. I'll keep hope, and I'll pull for the guy, but in my eyes this is not the best chance Buffalo has of winning this game. My fear is the coaches are willing to sacrifice this season, we'll eventually put Allen in, start piling up wins, and ultimately just miss the playoffs because too many earlier games were considered expendable. I actually thought we were going to win this one. Now? I still think we can, and will still hope they do, but I don't like our chances. I initially predicted 9-7 with a wild card birth. After this announcement? 7-9, with people here screaming we should have started Allen sooner. My excitement for Sunday plumetted, but what can you do? Maybe the staff knows something I don't. Maybe they have a plan. Maybe they'll overachieve like last year. Still a Bills fan, still going to pull for them. I hope (desperately) for them and Peterman to prove me wrong. But this, to me at least, looks like the Bills are already sacrificing the season outright for the sake of the future beyond. Ugh...not the way I wanted this day or season to start... ?
  4. Yep, I’ll be there to witness it in person. Hope the Bills surprise me and it’s a good competitive game. Fearing the worst
  5. That would strike fear in any cb's heart!
  6. My initial support of ej manual is probably the most poignant example of why I’m not an NFL GM. Im sort of hoping my irrational fear of josh Allen’s accuracy woes is the next.
  7. I'm interested. Not sure excited because of line fears. If Nate plays I think we get murdered by 8-9 in box that will take away most of what you envision. I'm excited to see how he uses Ray Ray and Murphy to keep teams off balance. They won't play much but I see a bunch of jet sweeps, screens, bubble screens, reverses, etc with those guys as integral part of our offense. He's going to have to manufacture first downs.
  8. Has anyone bought into Allen yet? I just can't get there. When has teaching a kid how to be a QB when he's never proven capable of being an elite QB at lower levels ever worked? He doesn't make quick decisions. He doesn't make the right decisions. He isn't accurate with the football. He doesn't appear to have good touch on his passes. This guy looks like taller JP Losman out there. It's not like all this info wasn't available going into the draft. Yet Beane and McDermott pay the price equivalent of the number one overall pick to move to seven to take him. Between the Allen reach, throwing away all that draft capital, and all the Carolina re-treads, I'm starting to lose faith in this new regime. That's the worst part. I actually bought in to those guys. Please someone convince me I'm wrong. Edit: my biggest fear is McDermott will wait until week 8-10 to play Allen, and then pass on a legit QB with our inevitable top 5 pick because Allen needs more time. I sincerely hope we give him the chance to prove boom or bust this year.
  9. My biggest fear with this regime is that they'll "character" their way right out of contention.
  10. "Doesn't know the meaning of the word 'fear.' (Doesn't know the meaning of many other words, either.)"
  11. There are different types of people. Different personality traits. There are lemmings There are sheep There are those who find comfort in blindly calming their fears and doubts by letting someone else telling them don’t worry, be happy There are those who prefer to have others think for them and tell them what to think There are people who prefer to analyze, to think, and decide for themselves There are leaders and doers, and there are followers There are those that just prefer to drift through life accepting what happens and what they are told There are those that believe *&%$ just happens There are those that believe we can change and affect what happens There are those that prefer to go through life wearing rose colored glasses There are those that want you to prove yourself and show them the money There are those who prefer to believe in the mystical process that is not fully spelled out There are those that believe trust and faith must be earned by actions, and not just unquestionably granted There are those who see the world in only black and white There are those who see the world in infinite shades of grey. Those on TBD are many variations of the above. Everyone is not the same as you. What you view, and how you view it affects your judgment, as it does theirs. One man’s weed may be another man’s flower. That is life.
  12. you should have watched pre-season games, Ray Ray has been a steady contributor in games. Can't speak for his job at practices, though. I see as locks Benjamin Holmes Jones Kerley then is up for grabs, a week a go I would have guessed Streater was a lock, but now I don't know. The key here is how they feel about Coleman. They traded for him because they really liked him or because it made sense at the time and would not hesitate to cut him if they see no progress from him? I fear he didn't have time to impress the team or the fans If they are not sure about Coleman, I can see them adding Reilly and McCloud to the 53 man roster. With Foster and Phillips to the PS.
  13. Ive seen McCarron play before and not crap his pants its preseason it doesn't mean a thing. Of course Peterman looks good so did EJ I fear with Peterman starting things could go really well -until we get down 10 points in any game it's virtually over. Play with the lead we'll could be alright...but Peterman in the gun slinging it no chance.
  14. I'm nervous about McDermott and his ability to develop a young QB. Wentz, and we can include Goff, had great sophomore seasons. They also had offensive minded head coaches and great talent around them. Especially on the o-line. I'm fearful that Allen's rookie year could look a lot more like Goff's under Jeff Fischer. Good news is that Goff was not permanently damaged by that bad season. But will McDermott be able to bring in the pieces to help Allen in the future?
  15. My fear is being in position to take bosa. Sure I would love it. But this is one of the worst WR/OL combinations in the league. Need to get Allen some help
  16. It's hard to make a call after only three preseason games. But from the action we've witnessed, Nathan Peterman has played the best so far. Peterman is the only QB to play well against another first-team defense. I think that has mostly to do with his quicker decision making, which helps counteract some of the poor O-Line play. When put in with the second and third teams, he also raised the level of play for the guys around him. Once the real bullets start flying however, I think teams will stack the line and clog the shorter routes. Eventually, teams are going to take advantage of the lack of arm strength. In contrast, I think Josh Allen is still too slow in processing everything - which is totally understandable for a rookie, but only makes the O-Line struggles more apparent. He's clearly got the most talent of the group. My fear is that with the terrible blocking in front, Allen is going to be a sitting duck. Instead of being able to focus on his footwork, mechanics and other developmental steps, he's going to be running for his life all game. Some say he needs to have real in-game experience to get better. But I don't want the lack of protection to push him back into the old habits he's learning to break. I haven't been impressed with AJ McCarron at all. He is a five-year vet who holds the ball longer than Allen, but offers none of the upside.
  17. Bring him back! Chain him up to a weight bench with nothing light enough to throw within reach. Unleash him on the opposing defenses after a lot of propaganda as to how much of a dangerous animal he is. Let them fear. Maybe smash up his car and leave logos for next week's team on it framing their fans as the culprits. Think fast times at ridgemont high. We can make this work! Prove me wrong. /S
  18. And Republicans won't shut up about it. Fear will determine the midterms. Republicans will primarily run on maintaining the majority to prevent Trump's impeachment (will never happen even if they take the House) and illegal immigrants storming over the border at such a rate that we'll all be slaughtered by MS-13 within the next month. Democrats will primarily run on claiming Republicans will take away your medicare, medicaid, and social security at such a rate everyone on those programs will die within a year. Should be fun.
  19. The playcalls could be exactly the same. The knock against Tyrod was the he was afraid to pull the trigger for fear of turning the ball over. Peterman went into that Chargers game with the determination that he would not hesitate to throw, and he paid the price. He's much more discerning now. But because of that half, every time he throws a pick or a near-pick, the announcer will mention his 5-pick game. Other QBs will not have to face that; he always will.
  20. The first six games are brutal for any quarterback. Five of the six teams finished in the top half of the league in total defense with the Vikings finishing 1st. The Vikings, Chargers, Texans, Packers and Titans all arguably rank in the top 10 as far as defensive line talent goes. After last week and Allen's post game comments, I'd feel most comfortable with McCarron as every Peterman throw makes me fear a pick 6 and Allen isn't ready. It's not an ideal situation no matter who we go with. I think they start Peterman and if he plays poorly they'll go with McCarron until at least week 7. Gives Allen time to sit and learn with his body intact.
  21. I would not consider The Police to be New Wave at all but I associate New Wave with 80s synth. The Smiths and Tears for Fears exemplify New Wave, in my opinion.
  22. Crazy Richie might strike some fear into his fellow Oline when it comes to protecting the QB.
  23. https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-called-off-pompeos-north-korea-visit-belligerent-035550400.html Interesting. The 'belligerent letter' came first from a 'former' official. I wonder if Lil' Kim is facing an internal coup from those who aren't interested in peace (and the subsequent loss of power when they can't rule through fear).
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