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  1. No one was talking race and you think it has anything to do with that you are mistaken.
  2. Which take is this I’m defending again? I fully believe most of the hysteria surrounding the southern border is driven by racism. It’s has always been so. That’s why I get angry at policies like what Trump proposes because it SOLVES NOTHING and ultimately hurts the country.
  3. The shooter traveled hundreds of miles to specifically shoot black people. That is a racist crime. This is a fact. Take your “all lives matter” nonsense and stick it where the sun don’t shine.
  4. Regardless of race, I think it would be beneficial to interview for ANY position. Get your name out there, make contacts, acquire experience. There are limited opportunities.
  5. basically yes and in a drag racing context in which both would have allegedly occured.
  6. So the Mexicans are racist against themselves? Got it. Do u have any original thoughts or do u just regurgitate everything you hear from your faaaarrr left talking points?
  7. It's not the rules that suck. It's the system. A system built to be a haven for the grey and the vague. A system willingly vulnerable to manipulation and corruption.
  8. I'm not 100% sure what you're asking here, but if their races were reversed, Allen would 100% be the NFL MVP right now. We live in a social climate where this plays a factor - if you're white and vote for a white player, you're going to face accusations of racism from idiots. Look at the NBA MVP race last year. Look at how Stephen A. Smith reacted to Allen getting a single 1st place vote.
  9. And if you don't parrot the proper narrative? Racist.
  10. pff. i treat it like we are in a race. if you're an ambulance behind me it is my goal not to let you catch me. just like the ETA on a GPS - it's my score i need to beat! even by 1 minute.
  11. Schefter .., 😂…: smartest man in the room … after the fact … Must be nice to be able to put the bet on when the race is already finished …
  12. A good thread on the actual big lies Bringing receipts - there are countless more “…..Outlets like CNN (and TSW Democrat Correspondent BillStime) repeated the Fine People Hoax even though they knew it was a lie. Why? To inflame racial tensions. Democrats wanted the country to burn before the election so why is RFK Jr. pretending otherwise? …Day after day Biden told Black Americans that they are not safe in the streets because of white supremacy. While Trump was calling for the end of the violence, Democrat politicians were cheering the riots on. It was Biden who claimed that Antifa was an "idea" as they tore the country to pieces. And under his presidency, HATE CRIMES HAVE SKYROCKETED UNDER BIDEN. They have reached an all-time high. In other words, there was much less racial tension under Trump than under the current President. Why doesn't RFK Jr. talk about that?”
  13. I am seeing Tom Segura live next weekend. He's Colombian so I don't know how Italians feel about them. Not all Colombians are drug lords if that's what you're thinking...that's racial profiling.
  14. The mob attacks the third branch of the Co equal branches of governance. Seems to be race based as well. Not a good look.
  15. because they caused a 6 car accident while racing and left the scene?
  16. How Martin Luther King Would Respond To Today’s Attacks On DEI Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would be repulsed by the recent politicized attacks on diversity, equity, and inclusion. The frequency and dishonesty with which DEI obstructionists misquote him would surely frustrate King. It would become instantly apparent to anyone who takes time to read King’s papers, sermons, and speeches (dozens of which are published in the book, A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches of Martin Luther King Jr.) that he was a staunch proponent of race-salient remedies for racial injustice. He would insist on more, not less emphasis on structural and systemic corrections to these persistent and pervasive problems that disproportionately manufacture negative outcomes for Black Americans. Hey @Tommy Callahan - this section is for YOU: One of the biggest, most destructive lies about DEI is that it is divisive. People who hated King and wished him dead told the same lie about his crusade for racial and economic justice. MaRxIsM These idiots will hide their racism behind ANYTHING.
  17. So who's getting that racist Twitter feed and then reposting here? Not me.
  18. I'll start. Trump said neo nazis and white nationalists in Charlottesville were very fine people. Great story, makes a fine yarn to bolster the racist Trump narrative. Sucks for useful idiots that it never happened.
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