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Everything posted by julian

  1. I work for one of the most recognizable companies on the planet here in Canada and we had a co worker arrested and charged with defrauding the company insurance and collecting monies illegally. He was not only not fired but was back at work awaiting his day in court lol. crazy
  2. Oh… ok so the distinction is between gang rape and sexual assault. Well, I’m still shocked you would believe it’s much worse to be a victim of gang than losing one’s life. I’ll just say as a father of two daughters, I’d want them home with me and their family to have an opportunity to heal from the trauma of a gang rape and live a full and productive life. This really isn’t debatable so I won’t debate it. Peace.
  3. I apologize for misinterpreting the your statement, I thought I read it as you saying rape is worse than murder and it was a hill you would die on. Sometimes my comprehension isn’t where I’d like it to be.
  4. Is this trolling, I’m old and not even sure I know what trolling is, but are their other people here who share the opinion that ending a woman’s life isn’t as bad as sexually assaulting them ?
  5. Exactly where I am, if McDermott handles this properly and gets the players on board then this may be something of an unfortunate blip in the first 6 minutes of the Americas game the super bowl champions Buffalo Bills 2022 . looking for positives here.
  6. Why is Steve Smith talking about Von going after Panthers LT ? Do these guys have no info ?
  7. buffalo_losman is still my email address and has been the only private email I’ve ever had. Could be worse like so many who thought it was cool to roll with hotstuff6969@hotmail
  8. I 100% agree with everything you just wrote here and I’m always innocent until proven guilty. My desire for this team’s success is powerful and I’m going to assume it’s trumped by the management and players desire. I’m giving McDermott and Bean the benefit of the doubt and will trust whatever decision they make is with the interest of winning first and foremost. Fingers crossed.
  9. Man I don’t want to agree with you on this, but I want that super bowl badly so I’m waffling but leaning towards let’s just move on and stay focused on the goal
  10. Adams no longer wanted to be there and KC had the luxury of having already won a recent title and still have the leagues best receiving TE.
  11. When first hired and hearing this dude speak I thought he’s unique and maybe he’s one of these brilliant people whom don’t fit the usual stereotypical image of a head coach. The more I hear him speak the more I’m thinking he’s just trying too hard to be different and I don’t like him and he needs a wedgie and to be stuffed in a locker.
  12. It seems to be the position group across the league where there isn’t enough quality starters to meet the needs of all 32 teams. It’s no mystery as to why there isn’t capable starters in back up spots.
  13. Last time Watson was seen on the field there was no elite level Allen, Lamar, Burrow or Herbert… good luck Browns
  14. If Bean gives Singletary a contract after this year then he’s not the GM I think he is.. keep drafting RBs and rinse n repeat.
  15. Do people really believe the Bills decision makers, doctors and Whites representatives would allow for a “rushing him back” scenario to take place ? If he plays week one it’s because he’s been deemed 100% ready for football.
  16. As crazy as it sounds, Hart might make this team lol
  17. Brown was back with the ones at practice today where he belongs with his massive upside. Q looks like a solid swing tackle .
  18. Along with McDermott he’s put together a super bowl roster with maybe the best QB in the league… winning the ring is now on the coaches, players and Lady Luck.
  19. Yeah there’s no doubt it can happen, but the fact you’re pulling up instances from the stone ages is kind of my point.
  20. Even for a below average punter the odds of directly losing a game from a poor punt is so small it’s not even worth consideration. Not saying it’s never happened or couldn’t happen but it’s unlikely.
  21. Agreed, Until it’s critical and or the post season
  22. Minus the QB Rams chargers Bucs Browns Vikings Im talking about starting lineups, it’s just my opinion of course but those 5 teams would be super bowl favourites with Allen at QB. I wholeheartedly agree on McDermott, better not see another coaching meltdown or the pitchforks will be out.
  23. I actually agree for the most part, this team isn’t in the top five rosters league wide IMHO. Only once Allen exploded did the shift start taking place by outside observers that the Bills roster is stacked. It’s a very good roster 6-10 range, Allen makes the offensive roster look like the best unit and it’s simply not.
  24. Lamar is a limited passer and electric runner, you can win 10+ Regular season games every year with Lamar. The playoffs are a much different animal, well coached teams with elite QBs creates a much more difficult obstacle for Lamar’s limitations.
  25. Imagine how much fun the negative posters would have on the Patriots boards if they believe the Bills deserve anything other than praise for their draft results.
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