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Everything posted by julian

  1. And this is why sex work needs to be legal, regulated and safe. It’s government telling adults they can’t participate in a mutually beneficial transaction that puts so many women in harms way
  2. His mom can hardly contain her love for him, she’s so sweet and his dad is super low key proud of his son. I’ve seen that behaviour from my own dad, he loves just being in the same room as his son and it shows in his body language.
  3. That’s the league… even the super bowl favourites have areas of concern along with every other team in the league. Cross your fingers for a healthy season
  4. I hope all Bills fans enjoy every win during this Allen era, I know I didn’t enjoy the 90s run like I should have because I was so focused on winning it all. Pound your chest and let everyone know the Bills have the baddest motherf***er in the league under Center.
  5. Exactly… I just disagree with the idea that fans should feel a certain way because the division has been free the last 2 years… who gives a sh*t… pats had a free ride for 2 decades
  6. If Allen and this team are in the east during Pats run they most definitely don’t come close to 6 titles
  7. The entire Pats dynasty was in part due to the horrible division and lack of any other QB to challenge Brady… I doubt it feels hollow to most of that fan base
  8. Every coach is replaced sooner or later so not sure.. but if he doesn’t win a title he won’t receive a third contract. Maybe the Falcons just weren’t a great team to begin with and that’s why they fell off.
  9. Had Marino had HOFer Thurman Thomas things would have looked a lil different. I loved Kelly when he played here and is a HOFer without question. Dan Marino is a top QB all time IMHO and was just on another level than Kelly who was fortunate enough to play on an all time great roster
  10. I get it and I agree, I just believe if you’re not winning games BECAUSE of your QB then it doesn’t matter if he’s better than Tua or Mills. Im not even saying he can’t be better, maybe he can but he certainly needs to be or they’re drafting his replacement.
  11. But those numbers don’t make for a franchise QB in 2022, so unless Daniel Jones has a hot tub time machine, he’s going to need to be much better or they’re drafting his replacement.
  12. I’d say no because he’s not a great player, never played long enough for Bills or helped them become contenders. I think you have to tick one of those 3 boxes for a discussion to even begin, unless you see the wall of fame as a popularity contest.
  13. Some beat reporters overcompensate in the effort of trying to maintain a look of impartiality. Unfortunately, often times it’s obvious to anyone watching or listening and makes it difficult to consume the content.
  14. My brain actually convinced itself that many of these over drafted jags had potential and were going to help this team immensely. Seeing what actually talented players being developed now looks like, obviously the brain was locked into self preservation mode for a couple decades and thus allowed my fandom to survive this team’s darkest hours.
  15. Same way I know Jim Bob at work keeps getting past over for promotions, he’s a knob. I don’t need management to tell me why they pass him over because I’ve had personal interactions with Jim Bob.
  16. Nobody gave a sh*t his rookie year, now that he’s reached Vid like status, his every mundane daily action is big news great to be a Bills fan in 2022
  17. I’m all for everybody making as much money as the market dictates, if the Bills feel poyer is worth more money than I’m happy for him to cash in. My point was that I don’t care either way, if he isn’t worth the pay raise in the eyes of Bills management then so long, next man up. I just don’t choose to care about millionaire players or billionaire owners concerns over feeding their families. They’re all gonna survive while living luxurious lives.
  18. I’m a fan of the Bills, I don’t give a damn about the players being upset over money. My opinion of them is formed in how they help the team on the field. I’ll have get my ass to the factory for 55 years to make what Poyer will earn this year without a new contract. I won’t lose any sleep if he doesn’t get a raise. If the Bills deem him worthy of a new contract, then great and if they don’t think a new contract works then great.
  19. I disagree, although it does make you a horrible husband. Scum label needs to be reserved for the irredeemable amongst us.
  20. He’s just beginning to scratch the surface of his potential, considering where he started as a rookie, he’s on the upward trajectory. He’s a unique case study who’s story and career has many more moments, turns and statistics to be obtained before we can make any concrete conclusions. That being said, 17 seems to relish leading his team into enemy territory, it’s a great sign.
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