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Everything posted by Andy1

  1. I was listening to Tasker speak a while ago and his point was that it is very hard to be a good receiver and a good returner. Devin Hester at his best was strictly a returner. When he began playing receiver, his return skills declined. Your mind has to be in one place, not two. I’m not sure what the solution is, but McKenzie does look much improved as a receiver. Looks like he has been taking lessons from Beasley.
  2. I gotta say I’m really impressed with the development of our players from last year. Kudos to the coaching staff. McKenzie, AJ, Motor, Zimmer and others all look improved.
  3. Wow! Motor looks like he’s got new wheels. If this translates to the regular season, he will be huge.
  4. Bruce is one of the most thoughtful players ever. I think alot of Marv rubbed off on him.
  5. I think he’s working for Josh’s agent helping out in contract negotiations.
  6. Well, the good thing is there is still plenty of time before they play a meaningful game. Hopefully his perspective changes. I really hope he can play and has fully recovered. Bills need to have a hospital doctor speak to the team explaining the impacts of the virus on people. Not sure that would help though, but it may provide them some perspective. While we don’t know the long term impacts of the vaccine, it is well known that many viruses can also have long term impacts on health.
  7. Rex was right about one thing: I remember him saying “there’s only one Tom Brady”. And try as he may, Mac is no Brady.
  8. Keep those memories of her close to your heart. They will bring you happiness someday.
  9. I hope Wilson doesn’t end up on the Jets. He looks a lot like a Mahomes type QB.
  10. None of us can choose our parents or the zip code we grow up in. Statistically speaking, a lot of where we end up in life is probably determined by those types of things. Now certainly, some people overcome great odds to achieve success but those who got a bad roll of the dice when they were born have a much steeper hill to climb than others. Those of us who were fortunate to get a good upbringing do need empathy for others. Personally, I struggle to have empathy for violent criminals or those who physically or financially harm those less fortunate than themselves. I think people find it easier to be more empathetic with others, similar to themselves. One of the great things about football is that people from all sorts of backgrounds come together and form friendships with teammates who are different than themselves. Where else in society does a cantaloupe farmer hang with guys from the hood? Maybe football players are more empathetic than others because of this dynamic. Definitely sounds like something McDermott would preach. It’s not easy, but empathy for others different from ourselves is a start. It’s in the Bible too.
  11. I have no sympathy for Britt Reid. I hope the justice system gives him alot of time to think about his actions and reform his life. He has access to so many resources to help him that others don’t. He shouldn’t get any leniency due to his name or status. Football should be irrelevant to him now. I hope the victims have no permanent debilitating injuries as a result if this idiot. I guess I better understand why the Chiefs take on players with sketchy backgrounds.
  12. I think the lesson is that mobile athletic QBs like Mahomes, Allen, Herbert, Murray and Jackson are more desirable than the historically prototypical pocket passers for today’s game. Especially for young players learning the position, mobility gives them another tool to use to keep drives alive.
  13. I think there is inherent risk in either approach. While 1st round picks are not a sure hit, a lot of free agents look to sign their big contract and then their performance does not match the contract. They may not fit the system of their new team, they may not fit the culture, or their effort may wane since they got their payday. By far the best approach is to hit on your first round picks as best you can. Misses should be few, outside of QB, which no one can predict well.
  14. Goffs contract is a killer for the new team.
  15. Neither of our backs have the speed to get to the edge. We need to build a team that can attack any part of the field. Neither Moss or Singletary have me sold on them. Felton looks like a viable option for upgrading the position and McBean likes versatility.
  16. There are several interesting options at TE in the draft. I think Knox needs some competition at his position.
  17. I’m all for upgrading the d line if we can. If our problem is beating the Chiefs though, I don’t think investing a lot more in the d line will matter much. Maybe a reallocation of salary resources would help though. They beat us with very quick passes and lots of YAC. The best d line in the league won’t stop that.
  18. I agree completely about how we got out coached. Our receivers were playing injured which limited us. Mahomes was killing us with very quick passes with receivers getting YAC. Even with better D linemen we wouldn’t be able to stop him.
  19. NFL Network is replaying the game now if anyone wants a second look at it.
  20. This is the one weapon I want for our offense. He is the closest I’ve seen to a T Hill type player.
  21. Dabolls play calling seemed very bland in this game. Would have liked to see McKenzie used more. They lost to the better team. Bills need more power on d line, speed on offense and a dynamic running back. Keep building the team....
  22. Great news for the team. I hope the Pegulas reward his loyalty. Hope he wants to “finish the job” here before moving on.
  23. CNN with Wolf Blitzer just did a short piece with Coy Wire and Pinto Ron mentioning the Mafia has donated over 200k so far. Way to go!
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