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Everything posted by Andy1

  1. Trump was angry and unhinged throughout the debate. That is the over riding impression I had. Harris answered the questions with substance. Trump responded with angry concepts, like his health care plan.
  2. Shakir seems to have the most improbable TDs, but he scores!
  3. So today Trump’s talking points are: Public schools are performing sex change surgeries during the school day. I guess they do it during lunch break or in study halls. He’s going to change the 25th amendment so Harris could be impeached. Russia is being treated so unfairly. His brain is mashed potatoes. Guy has no idea what he is saying.
  4. And today we can add former VP Dick Cheney to the list of Republicans for Harris. I was never a big fan of his but I give him credit for announcing his public support for Harris and recognizing the threat in the alternative. I’m still waiting to see a list of prominent Dems who are supporting Donald.
  5. The father has been charged with multiple counts now. He belongs in prison.
  6. This sad story is about parental responsibility. A lot of kids have crummy childhood circumstances. Most don’t think about doing something like this, but then most aren’t given a gun at that age. If the kid doesn’t have access to the gun, he doesn’t fantasize about the act. What type of father gives a kid an AR? When we were 16 we had bolt action .22 rifles for rabbit hunting. School shootings didn’t exist. The kid knew the AR is for killing people. Probably thinks that’s why Dad gave it to him, so he could use it. Kids father is responsible.
  7. Need safe storage laws, then lock up the parents if the kid uses their gun.
  8. Well, today we can add Liz Cheney to the list. This endorsement might help persuade some Nikki Haley voters to switch over.
  9. This is an interesting topic that spans across party lines. The issue is real but I suspect there are multiple causes. People now spend more time in internet communities rather than participate in groups, clubs, attend church, etc where they can meet partners. Some women and men are just very picky with the attitude of “I’m not settling for anyone unless they meet all my requirements.” Many people have superficial standards based upon people’s appearance or financial wealth. Instagram images of perfect people may influence this. American culture does not celebrate the academic achievements of young people. Sports achievements are what we celebrate as a culture in our high schools and colleges. Meanwhile, the high school nerds are ruling the world. I wonder if this young male problem is present in other cultures which place higher emphasis on academic achievement. Obviously as women have more options for employment and careers, they no longer feel a need to be attached to a man for financial support. America has a culture of independence so women are doing what they need to do to not be dependent upon men. I know alot of men who earn less than their professional wives. It’s not a problem if they understand each other. Young people often move away from home for jobs in distant cities where they are on their own. Student loan debt, stupidly expensive cars, increased housing prices all make it hard for young adults. Child care, if you can find it, is crazy expensive. If you are worried about your bills, you may not be as interested in finding a partner. As Scott mentions in the video, most of the wealth accumulation has gone towards older generations. We need policies that help all young people. We are leaving our kids with some crappy issues to deal with as we refuse to address hard issues like the federal debt. It’s hard to think that they will be better off financially than previous generations.
  10. Looks like Donnie goes to sleep at night wondering about if people really think he is weird. 😂😂
  11. It’s just campaign talk. Everyone is still waiting for Mexico to pay for the wall too.
  12. I guess I agree with you a bit in that we all see the world through our partisan lenses to a degree. It’s part of how we were raised, how we think and who we are. I have my own issues with some of the policies of Biden, and now Harris. There are no perfect candidates. In talking with people i know, it seems to me that going into this election, both parties wanted someone different but were stuck with the old guy. As a Dem, I’m very happy Biden walked away. It’s time for a new chapter. Meanwhile, Trump is selling sneakers, bibles, digital trading cards and the same old story and hoping people buy it. The interesting thing about Trumps issues with veterans is it goes against Republican orthodoxy. Republicans, to their credit, have traditionally been about reverence for the sacrifices of our veterans. This latest issue is one of many fumbles he has had on this topic. After a while, it becomes a pattern and a characteristic of who he is.
  13. No one would say a word if he took pictures with the family on their phones and returned them to the family. This is about the Trump team bringing their video crew into the cemetery, intentionally disregarding federal law after they were notified, pushing aside a female cemetery official doing her job, then using the video footage for his campaign. Afterwards team Trump slanders the Arlington official by claiming she had a “mental health episode”. And finally, Trump on the stump claims to not have been aware of anything wrong. If your guy is oblivious to proper behavior in Arlington, maybe he is unfit for the job he is applying for. It’s interesting that none of the MAGA crew here can speak one itty bitty critique of Trumps behavior in this incident. The responses seem to be no story, can’t trust the media, cant trust the Army statement, Biden caused their deaths, etc. I guess the orange god king can do no wrong. If a Dem did this, it would be a Fox and Republican talking point from now to the election. If I were on the other side of the aisle, I would look forward to the day when Trump is gone from the stage. It must be exhausting to constantly have to defend him.
  14. A simple apology from Trump is all that is needed for him to demonstrate his respect for our veterans. We all know we will never see that though, since he can do no wrong.
  15. That’s a bridge too far man. Who knows what they were thinking. Maybe team Trump reached out to them to do the event so they could get the images they wanted. Maybe they are star struck by the orange idiot. It really doesn’t matter what the family wanted. Trump and his team have the responsibility of following the law and acting appropriately. They are at fault, not the family.
  16. There is a reason for the law. The law bans filming for partisan political purposes. Trumps cameras were there specifically for partisan political purpose. This country has a long history of separation of politics from the military. There are both democrats and republicans buried there. No one is asking them if they consent to being used for a political campaign. For those who don’t know, this is called respect for our dead veterans. Media have filmed Presidents there during the course of their duties. That footage is called reporting and is not used for political campaigns. Now one would expect that someone who has had four years of education about the military and politics in the role of the President would know about this. Apparently Trump and his team of only the best and smartest were clueless. Now if they didn’t know, they are idiots. But then, when informed by cemetery officials, they said F-it - “We will do what we want”. So that makes them scum who don’t respect veterans. If a Dem pulled this stunt, Fox entertainment would be talking about it for months nonstop, and you know it.
  17. Our MAGA crew here has been real quiet about this incident. There has been continual denial about his disrespect for the military and those who served. This is just the latest disrespectful incident of many that Trump has done through his words or actions. Maybe it’s starting to sink in now with this latest incident. He decided that getting the video and pictures he wanted was more important than honoring these buried there by following the federal law banning filming for political purposes. They pushed aside the cemetery official doing their job to stop the filming. He then immediately used the pictures for his campaign to raise money off the images of the gravestones of those vets. And to further insult the Arlington Cemetery staff, Trump staff claim that the cemetery official had a “mental health episode” which caused the conflict. It’s hard to do something that shows less respect for veterans than that. Team Trump claimed to have video supporting their side. We are all waiting for them to release the video and a formal apology to the Arlington staff would also be appropriate.
  18. Giving a “thumbs up” and using dead veterans for campaign material is beyond weird and repulsive to most people. “Federal law prohibits political campaign or election-related activities within Army National Military Cemeteries, to include photographers, content creators or any other persons attending for purposes, or in direct support of a partisan political candidate’s campaign,” the cemetery officials’ statement said. “Arlington National Cemetery reinforced and widely shared this law and its prohibitions with all participants. We can confirm there was an incident, and a report was filed.” The Trump people were warned ahead of the event that photography is prohibited. A cemetery official doing his job attempted to prevent the photography of the ceremony. Afterwards, the Trump campaign accuses that official of having a “mental health episode”. Trump then uses the video footage for a campaign ad. It’s just another example showing Trump is a self-absorbed low life who has no reverence for our veterans. If dems pulled this stunt, Fox entertainment would be talking about it for a month.
  19. Ah yes, I forgot. Trump only hires the most qualified and best people. But I guess if they disagree with him, they instantly morph into the elite Washington swamp scum.
  20. Yes, it has been discussed because it is remarkable. It is amazing how none of the people who worked closely with Trump are willing to publicly support him. Most are staying silent to avoid MAGA backlash. Many have come out publicly to warn America about him. The further people are from Trump, the more appealing he seems. In all my years of following politics, I’ve never seen this level of disgust towards a former president by his former Republican team members/employees. If you were interviewing someone for a job and his former coworkers spoke like this, no one would hire him. Here is a small sample of what people who worked closely with Trump have said about him: General John Kelly: “The depths of his dishonesty is just astounding to me. . . . He’s the most flawed person I have ever met in my life.” General Jim Mattis: “He’s dangerous. He’s unfit.” “The president has no moral compass.” “This degradation of the American experiment is real.” Dan Coats: “He doesn’t know the difference between the truth and a lie.” Rex Tillerson: “A moron.” Mitt Romney: “I think he’s not smart. I mean really not smart.” “A whack job.” Gary Cohn: “Dumb as *****.”
  21. More than 200 Republicans who worked for President George W. Bush, Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) or the late Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) have endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris, warning in a letter that a second Trump presidency “will hurt real, everyday people and weaken our sacred institutions.” The open letter with the endorsement was first published Monday in USA Today, with 238 signatures. In the letter, the GOP alumni wrote that they are voting for Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, despite policy differences. “Of course, we have plenty of honest, ideological disagreements with Vice President Harris and Gov. Walz,” they wrote. “That’s to be expected. The alternative, however, is simply untenable.” Here is the link to letter and signees. https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/25071901/bush-mccain-and-romney-alumni-for-harris-statement.pdf
  22. A political party that doesn’t praise any of its former presidents or nominees is weird. A political party that doesn’t have any former presidents or VPs attend its convention is weird. It’s because the party of Trump is a cult. The Republican Party no longer exists. Cults are very weird.
  23. Trump and his cronies were the definition of the swamp.
  24. A dozen Republican White House lawyers who served in the administrations of then-Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush are endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris in her race against GOP nominee former President Donald Trump. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/white-house-lawyers-who-advised-reagan-bush-endorse-harris-over-trump-2024-showdown
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