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Everything posted by ndirish1978

  1. I saw this topic discussed on the first page: this guy's voice is unlistenable. I tried to give him a shot, but it was a no-go for me.
  2. Congratulations on the new position!
  3. HBO Max was just released where I live. They have some amazing series and get a lot of credit for them, but man they have some stinkers too. Just watched Band of Brothers (first time watching for the wife) and confirmed it's still one of my all-time favorites.
  4. Doesn't apply though, JJ Watt and Christian McCaffrey were on the list and they didn't play
  5. According to NFL 100 Tre is like the 8th best CB in the league, I disagree strongly
  6. 95 for White is an insult and complete BS. JC Jackson is 50 slots higher? Yeah...
  7. Tyree Jackson with 2 big catches in the Eagles' 2 minute offense. Good for him.
  8. I've never seen people celebrate incompletions or someone changing protection as hard as this team on the mic.
  9. It's a good thing Brady left because jones would have taken his job from the sound of these announcers.
  10. I really don't have a problem with Gabe Davis as #2.
  11. Game is better than the show. It establishes it's world from the beginning and stick with it. You don't start off playing Catan and finish the last round playing checkers.
  12. Pretty surprised and a little disappointed to see Butler listed as 2nd string 1 tech DT with Harry 3rd on the official depth chart
  13. Game of Thrones Catan - highly recommended
  14. Both will be lower (higher number) than they should be because Buffalo still doesn't get the respect it deserves.
  15. Gave it a shot Offense - 24 QB LOCK - Allen, Trubisky BUBBLE - RB LOCK - Moss, Singletary, Brieda BUBBLE - Taiwan Jones, A Williams, Gilliam TE LOCK - Knox, Hollister BUBBLE - Sweeney WR LOCK - Diggs, Sanders, Beasley , Davis, McKenzie BUBBLE - Kumerow, Stevenson, Hodgins, Duke OT LOCK - Dawkins, D Williams, Brown BUBBLE - Doyle OG LOCK - Feliciano, Ford, Boettger BUBBLE - Lamp, Anderson C LOCK - Morse BUBBLE - Bates Defense - 25 DE LOCK - Hughes, Rousseau, Basham, Epenesa BUBBLE - Obada, Addison, D Johnson DT LOCK - Oliver, Harry, Star BUBBLE - Vernon Davis, Zimmer LB LOCK - Edmunds, Milano, Klein, Matakevich BUBBLE - T Adams, Andre Smith, T Dodson, Joe Giles-Harris CB LOCK - Tre, Wallace, Jackson, T Johnson BUBBLE - Wildgoose, Cam Lewis S LOCK - Poyer, Hyde, Neal, J Johnson BUBBLE - J Thomas, Hamlin ST LOCK - Bass, Haack, Ferguson
  16. 1 tech we have Harry and Star, 3-tech we have Oliver and someone else. I think it does play into the equation that both of the DEs we drafted and Efe Obada have spent significant time inside. Butler is big, but I have not been very impressed with him. Harry is pretty much the size of Zimmer, but Zimmer is probably a little more explosive. Want to figure out something tougher than picking DTs? How many DEs can we keep this year? Obada, Hughes, Addison, Epenesa, Rousseau, Basham, Darryl Johnson. At first blush you'd think Addison/Obada and Johnson. I dunno if it's that cut and dry.
  17. I understand this point, but if you think any question Brown is asking Beane hasn't been given to Brown by the PR guy I think you're hoping for more than that show is capable of. Back in the day when we were absolutely terrible, press conferences were vicious and then Brown would be called on and lob a ridiculous question like "how does it actually help the team that we're 4-10, does it take pressure off the guys so they can really get out there and develop?" He's not n investigative journalist, he's a team mouthpiece.
  18. I was going to add a comment agreeing with the OP and half way through I thought "what am I doing?" We're talking about a podcast that is the equivalent of cliffs notes in terms of depth. If you ran this past 90% of listeners they'd probably shrug and not care. For the 10% who would care, they already know what the show is and know other places they can get accurate informtion. I don't really consider this a huge deal or significant negligence on their part, the show is the Bills equivalent of E! If you want to see willful ignorance, we have national media guys like Stephen A Smith refering to Jordan Poyer, who is from Oregon, as Jordan "Po'yeh" as if he were some sort of secret cajun, while others make comments that the Bills were highly motivated to sign Josh because he was getting interest from other teams and was considering not re-signing (smh). Taking that level of "preparation" into account, the minutiae of capology isn't something I'm prepared to drag anyone for.
  19. Let him stay in NE, where he will avoid all physical contact on the field in an effort to preserve himself for his next team.
  20. Feel free to disagree, you said you didn't see how we'd do it. I offered the only plausible option for keeping him.
  21. The league's overall policy has nothing to do with science but purports to. The NFL is concerned about optics and money. I would suggest that mandating a vaccine is still worthless if you have protocols in place that allow anyone to freely associate with other people outside the team, vaccinated or no. To suggest that everyone being vaccinated removes the risk of illness while allowing them to associate with other vaccinated people outside the team facility is willfully misleading. You cannot mandate a vaccine and not mandate restricted association with others. Science shows that vaccinated people are not immune and though afforded protection against the newer strains, still susceptible to getting and spreading the disease. The issue here is the inconsistent application of logic in league policy, not anyone's personal beliefs about vaccination vs non-vaccination. Please stay on topic.
  22. I feel like this has been poorly thought out by the NFL. You would think this is meant to forcefully "encourage" players to be vaccinated, but it's entirely possible that a team could have an outbreak amongst vaccinated players. I admit ignorance on the nuances of all the league's protocols, but from what I've read vaccinated players may leave the hotel when traveling to interact with vaccinated family members. Given that vaccination does not preclude infection, these guidelines seem to be contrary to the goal of minimizing chances of an outbreak. The guidelines, if followed by the players to the letter, actually increase the likelihood that a vaccinated player might be the cause of an outbreak by interacting with others outside of team facilities. I don't understand why they don't just make everyone stay in the hotel, it seems like the carrot/stick approach employed by the league is at odds with itself.
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