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Everything posted by ndirish1978

  1. He requested his release presumably cause he was buried on the depth chart. I dunno if he's going to want to walk back into a building where he used to be a #2 just for the practice squad.
  2. Smoke requested his release, probably because he was buried on the depth chart. I dunno if he'd be a happy camper here on the PS.
  3. Something about the way this was presented made me laugh.
  4. I would presume that labelling something as "Breaking" indicates that you are the one who broke the story and doing so when you didn't break the story is considered quite unprofessional. She's getting dragged in the comments for not sourcing Wawrow and she just keeps stating that she got the information from her own sources.
  5. In summary, this was never a real story and the media was bored and needed something to report.
  6. If you watch any of his podcast appearances after leaving he relished the "heel" role while here for some reason. Once you establish that kind of persona people only see you as the persona and they will be against you.
  7. MLJ was a solid reporter, sorry to see him go but wish him the best
  8. I haven't watched game film looking at him specifically, has Tremaine gotten any better disengaging from blocks?
  9. By the end of this year I wouldn't be surprised if he was our #2.
  10. This is one of the dumbest trades I've ever seen. They took HALF of Trevor Lawrence's snaps away for the duration of training camp and gave them to Minshew in this sham of a competition, then traded the one person who is adequately prepared to be that team's backup for essentially nothing.
  11. I'm pretty sure you're confusing Fairburn's background with Matt Parino's. The incident was because Fairburn reported on team messaging that was on screen in the locker room that he wasn't supposed to
  12. If they were to cut Roberts, do you think we pick him back up?
  13. This makes a lot of sense, thanks for that insight. To be clear, I'm not questioning the medical professionals, whom I have zero reason to distrust or cast aspersions on. My issue is that I mistrust the league and I don't believe they care about anything more than making money so I don't look at announcements that they are consider changing a policy as an update to changing medical conditions. The political side has been mismanaged. If they wanted everyone vaccinated they should have just mandated it and worked something out with the NFLPA, instead they penalized players with things like telling them they couldn't have endorsements without being vaccinated. I don't believe that removing an endorsement from a player could be considered being made with health concerns in mind.
  14. I agree that there are medical people in place trying their best to do things based on the evidence at hand. I do not believe these people are alone in setting league policies though. I believe they make their set of recommendations and the league makes their policies taking the experts reports into account along with their own set of executives. The desired outcome was a 100% vaccinated league, they set out to do that with a carrot/stick approach. Carrot - no mask, fewer tests, can visit family and friends; Stick - Mask, daily tests, no family visits AND no endorsements? I agree that the word entirely was a poor choice, should have been significantly influenced by perception.
  15. Daily testing would be a more effective tool to protecting the season. If anyone wonders if the NFL's policies are based entirely on perception, this hollow attempt should verify this. Assuming this passes (which it won't), according to current regs, you would have everyone walking around with no social distancing inside without masks, getting tested bi-weekly and being allowed to interact with people outside of the team "bubble." With this situation you could have a single breakthrough case walking around spreading the virus for 2 weeks and no one would be the wiser. Again, my issue with these policies is that they are based on perception, not prevention. Truly preventative policies in this situation are inconvenient. The Bucs went beyond the league's policies and banned players from leaving their hotel on road trips because it's obvious that the NFL only wants cover from blame and not to actually protect players.
  16. Have any of you read those Jack Carr's James Reece novels? They're a decent read. Fairly predictable, but good. Reminds me of the old days with Tom Clancy when he actually wrote books himself and it wasn't a team of writers purporting to be him releasing books.
  17. thank you guys. I'm fairly confident that my general knowledge and these sites can at least get me to the playoffs
  18. https://theathletic.com/2786655/2021/08/26/fantasy-football-cheat-sheet-fully-customizable-rankings-and-projections-for-your-league-scoring-updated-aug-23/ bottom of page
  19. Mods feel free to move this to off the wall. Hoping I can get some help from people who enjoy fantasy football to advise me on a website where I can find a cheatsheet. I jumped into a buddy's league as a favor after someone dropped out last minute and they were on the verge of cancelled rather than having an odd number. I'm not a FF savant - I follow the Bills as closely as the compression sleeve on Stevenson's leg but I don't care about parsing stats for most other teams other than watching them before we play them. Anything you could send me would be greatly appreciated as I am now pairing ignorance with a fairly unhealthy competitive drive. Thanks board!
  20. You can rest assured Stormlight will be finished in a timely manner. Look at the top right corner of Sanderson's webpage, he gives weekly updates on his writing and what stage a project is in. https://www.brandonsanderson.com/
  21. i get tired of the media asking the same questions and then when people complain they have to insist "it's a story, it could definitely affect... ." Guess what, we know Covid affects things, the only thing they really want is a soundbite or quote making a political stand so they can dissect it ad nauseum.
  22. First Law is very well written I'll check this out, thanks! I'll check out Destroyermen thanks! Goodkind I have issues with, he has a real problem with not doing homages, but lifting entire premises and just copying them from other authors. I know a lot of people are not aware of this. I'd recommend giving this a watch I'll try reading the Takeshi Kovacs books. I saw the first season on Netflix and it seemed like a great concept that was poorly executed; was not aware the series was based on books. If anyone is into fantasy I have a few recos for series I love: Stormlight Archive - Brandon Sanderson - This is my favorite current series, it's in the epic fantasy genre. Mistborn - Brandon Sanderson - he's just a great writer. Fantasy, but more post-apocalyptic. Sanderson is a prolific writer and churns out at least a book per year and currently has about 3 series going. A lot of his series are set in the same universe on different planets so every once in a while you might run into a character and think "this person seems a lot like person A from that other book.. and it usually is." None of it is spoonfed to you and I like easter eggs in my books. Night Angel Trilogy - Brent Weeks - This was one of the first fantasy series I read, it's pretty good. Gentlemen Bastards Series - Scott Lynch - Fun worldbuilding Kingkiller - Patrick Rothfuss - Excellent writing, but the third book may never come out while the first two are classics. Wheel of Time - Robert Jordan - I recommend this with a couple caveats: 1- These books spawned many tropes and copycats. You might read something and think "I've seen this angle before" and you'd be right, but that's because Jordan wrote it first and was copied by half the genre, so it can seem derivative to people who've read other authors who followed. 2- The series is 15 damn books long, I dunno if I'd recommend it to someone just checking the genre out, that's a huge commitment.
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