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Everything posted by ndirish1978

  1. You can rest assured Stormlight will be finished in a timely manner. Look at the top right corner of Sanderson's webpage, he gives weekly updates on his writing and what stage a project is in. https://www.brandonsanderson.com/
  2. i get tired of the media asking the same questions and then when people complain they have to insist "it's a story, it could definitely affect... ." Guess what, we know Covid affects things, the only thing they really want is a soundbite or quote making a political stand so they can dissect it ad nauseum.
  3. First Law is very well written I'll check this out, thanks! I'll check out Destroyermen thanks! Goodkind I have issues with, he has a real problem with not doing homages, but lifting entire premises and just copying them from other authors. I know a lot of people are not aware of this. I'd recommend giving this a watch I'll try reading the Takeshi Kovacs books. I saw the first season on Netflix and it seemed like a great concept that was poorly executed; was not aware the series was based on books. If anyone is into fantasy I have a few recos for series I love: Stormlight Archive - Brandon Sanderson - This is my favorite current series, it's in the epic fantasy genre. Mistborn - Brandon Sanderson - he's just a great writer. Fantasy, but more post-apocalyptic. Sanderson is a prolific writer and churns out at least a book per year and currently has about 3 series going. A lot of his series are set in the same universe on different planets so every once in a while you might run into a character and think "this person seems a lot like person A from that other book.. and it usually is." None of it is spoonfed to you and I like easter eggs in my books. Night Angel Trilogy - Brent Weeks - This was one of the first fantasy series I read, it's pretty good. Gentlemen Bastards Series - Scott Lynch - Fun worldbuilding Kingkiller - Patrick Rothfuss - Excellent writing, but the third book may never come out while the first two are classics. Wheel of Time - Robert Jordan - I recommend this with a couple caveats: 1- These books spawned many tropes and copycats. You might read something and think "I've seen this angle before" and you'd be right, but that's because Jordan wrote it first and was copied by half the genre, so it can seem derivative to people who've read other authors who followed. 2- The series is 15 damn books long, I dunno if I'd recommend it to someone just checking the genre out, that's a huge commitment.
  4. Some people think it gets a little slow in the middle section of the series but I loved all of it. DM me and let me know what you think! If you like Wheel of time I'd recommend the Stormlight Archive for more classic fantasy and Mistborn Trilogy if you like post-apocalyptic fantasy.
  5. IMO if you have a player you've seen enough out of, whom you'd like to put on the PS, this is the time to cut them. Makes sense to cut someone now while teams are still evaluating their rosters, might make them hesitate to put in a waiver claim.
  6. Any readers here? I'm looking for a new series of books to read. I read a bunch of non-fiction but try to give myself a mental vacation enjoying some fiction everyone 2-3 books. I got really into the Stormlight Archive (highly recommended) but the next book won't be out for at least 3 years, so I'm looking for some fun fiction series I can tear through. Anyone have a rec? Thanks!
  7. Looking forward to the Wheel of Time series on Amazon. Great source material.
  8. I was going to say my Reebok Instapump Shaq Attack 4s. They came with a compressed air cartridge to pump them up. Then, looking for a picture of them, I read these are getting re-released! Lol. So I'm going to go with Z-Cavariccis
  9. I've seen very little of the kid. I don't understand how he has managed to be on his fifth NFL team going into his fourth season. Numbers say he stinks, is there something I'm missing here?
  10. This is correct. The issue is the testing policy. Saying "if everyone were vaxxed you deal with it" takes the very point of the issue and sweeps it completely under the rug. You can still get and transmit covid while vaccinated, as such there is no reason not to have daily testing. At this point, even presuming that preliminary studies stating vaccinated people are less likely to transmit the disease, vaccinated players still pose a greater threat transmission because if positive they would be allowed to walk around, maskless, for a week able to transmit the disease. An unvaccinated player would be identified as a result of daily testing and can be removed from the facilities. The carrot of way further restrictions for vaccinated players creates a more dangerous work environment than the one we had last year, where everyone was distanced and tested daily.
  11. I hope so. At this point it is obvious that weekly testing is not going to work. The best way to protect the season is daily testing, not this PR-driven face-saving nonsense that is currently dictating policy. If the goal is to protect as many people as possible (which it should be) and to avoid outbreaks (which the policy should), then testing protocols need to be daily, it's that simple. The issue is the league knows it will face significant backlash from players who only got vaccinated to avoid daily tests. The league needs to step up and take the hit so we can have a season.
  12. There is a pinned post directing covid-related discussion on this board. Would be nice if we could have actual discussions without getting threads closed. If anyone wonders what the difference is between a football-related post and a political one is here is a perfect example. MAJ's post works, the other is drivel - they both express the same sentiment.
  13. The Gamepass international app works pretty well. In my experience the NFL app is not good at all and agree it's super buggy. I haven't had any issues using the website though.
  14. WWE is pretty much unwatchable. AEW reminds me of a more entertaining WCW from the late 90s - to this point they haven't had the star power, but they are infinitely more entertaining in the clips I've watched and I'm rooting for them. I haven't watched wrestling consistently since the early aughts, but AEW looks good from the outside.
  15. This is from TSE, they have black and red helmets on there that the team doesn't use. I don't think these are real.
  16. To quote someone with extensive knowledge of the situation...myself...
  17. I really like Harry, this injury bums me out to no end. I have zero faith in Butler.
  18. Lamp IR'd means he's out for the season now right? They could have reactivated him after x amount of weeks only if he made the 53?
  19. Hatred for the Pegulas is 100% due to the Sabres. Their incredibly mismanaged handling of the team, coupled with the incredibly tone-deaf internal statements made to employees in that organization about "maintaining lifestyle" effectively turned all the hockey fans in the area against them. The hockey media tries their best to maintain the antagonistic relationship between fans and players too. Problem is that hatred is completely misplaced here, as the football team has competent leadership and is a good product on the field. The leaked report claiming the Pegulas wanted 100% publicly financed stadium + money for redoing the Sabres facilities was completely false and obviously leaked from a party hoping to turn the public against the ownership.
  20. I would posit that there aren't really any "average" fans on this board, as they have taken the effort to sign up for and spend a decent amount of time on this board. Have you been to the boards of some other teams? There are still threads on the front page that are 6 months-1 year old with 16 replies total.
  21. You know what, you're right. This makes my point invalid. In a TBD first, I'm changing my mind because facts.
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