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First Round Bust

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Everything posted by First Round Bust

  1. luv it...but..lets be a little more careful with the franchise qb pls....he's the one we need the most-est...
  2. key details will be how much the NFL kicks-in, as well... curious to see if the Pegulas add a donation as they did paying for the entire arena at PSU (alma mater)...
  3. we rolled Miami the first time easily in part to the fact the both their starting tackles were out and we knocked-out the starting qb... but these players were back yesterday plus they had a better defensive gameplan as well the second time around.... onward...Jets may be pathetic on any given week but they have quality wins this season (Titans, Bengals) and may have found something dynamic with White as QB....and then there are the Pats...
  4. wow...biggest impact imagined...productive oh yeah but way too many carries...too many seasons...plus the post-season workload..another reason to value the passing game over the running game all things being equal...bring the titans back down more than 1 notch for sure
  5. no, if the Fins had the ball they would play for the score and not take a knee...maybe going for two was more controversial ? but we needed the practice as we give those up easily and struggle as it red zone.
  6. Pats will play us tough like the Fins did yesterday...good teams find a way, a different way to win every week. Division games are rivalries and the coaches-players know each well from all that film work x 2 games per season... cant muff punts and our O-line needs to play better...rinse lather repeat
  7. I had to listen to the game on Sirius radio and man did Eric White nail play analysis and correct penalty calls before the refs made the official all game long. He mentioned that Ed Oliver had a very strong game and that the illegal block Feliciano got called on was a new rule this year, outside the hashmarks and that he is technique was close but not good enough to avoid a costly penalty.
  8. road game - crowd noise - ball comes out fast - slot and TE focus plus run game to create play action to help the pass game Go to work D as you know the plan - now execute
  9. dont see an issue from Diggs - this may be a personal drill where he wants some off-target passes to work on...dude is a smart-hard worker
  10. PC name for WFT (formerly redskins)...Indigenous Peoples of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed regions
  11. we owe STL and SD a team - like Balt and Cleveland - I am sure San Antonio would support one well and they could play a game in Mexico City against Cowboys and Texans which would be a draw... Another team in LA ? London sounds good but too far fetched when compared to these other domestic choices...
  12. Bills red zone issues- more FGs than TDs - trend continues = 33-19 - garbage time scores by Fins make it closer than what it is...while Tribusky plays entire 4qtr
  13. IMHO...needed a 420 PM start time to better set the vibe for the extra-curriculars that Bills fans are noted for...
  14. Spain was re-signed and cut in the same season, but in between didnt Spain beat-out Teller, leading to Teller trade..so we missed twice on the same position and ended-up with dead cap space in addition to the needed replacement
  15. 2 daughters with Kim and one from his previous marriage - plus a son with Kim (Matt)...may have missed one as that is off the top of my head I believe the groom is a PSE employee, no doubt tracking all the ex-GM, coaches, staff salaries owed and related Non-Disclosure Agreements associated; keeping it within the family business...
  16. wonder if the bye week had anything to do with the wedding or vice versa...did the bride wear a white tennis outfit or something more traditional ? enquiring minds wanna know ya no
  17. since we may see it again when it really matters; controlling D Henry with a better scheme where we dont have a majority of the secondary in the box and paralyzed by play-action resulting in late pass coverage drops and too much open space.... some other thoughts... a better organic pass-rush....annual event. better O-line pass protection against basic pass-rush...esp up the middle reduction in holding and PI calls no ST blunders resulting in big plays against
  18. sorry...from Broadway Joe to Bad-Way Joe....
  19. yeah cmon people, there is no effen-way Rex and Rob Ryan loose by 41 coming off a bye...they might loose by 41 coming off a bender...but not a bye... https://www.google.com/search?q=rob+ryan+bills&sxsrf=AOaemvJbER3eSLbKtjysGoNLnflbwtuIiA:1635190552691&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=zEfw6uYHA7vYEM%2CXl21g5M9y1yyvM%2C_%3Beh9OcVHP5YiBKM%2CQxDj86RfSBxNoM%2C_%3BPVxG1qzfwZoXzM%2CifGDuv2RcIqGUM%2C_%3BCjFCKXZAXZdizM%2CUE_kQggggPU92M%2C_%3BQ1kAlVgfQPtaKM%2CWqajl-au5In6FM%2C_%3BwcPNHJ0p5Kt0XM%2Cxsi5Sylap1PwiM%2C_%3BhavwlW7ZVO1OCM%2CJiOjx6XZ1Wz0UM%2C_%3Bz3Zdoa0Fg-O9MM%2CHJiTmPPmrzTS0M%2C_%3BB-ofBLg_oYoAWM%2C3C_sAcSj6n8f8M%2C_%3BFRDq8W_5LXG8aM%2CpzHsJXwgKaAflM%2C_%3BlGf6kpwJpTRWyM%2CHY_ccJo4Ozhh_M%2C_%3BNxZKrmForu-zPM%2C8lI0vA3XO0nxcM%2C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kTAR1bScS9vUDOwDGyR5I7gBp6NTA&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwjoxaHAp-bzAhWuS_EDHeEADZcQ9QF6BAgZEAE#imgrc=zEfw6uYHA7vYEM
  20. being 100 polish.. acceptable pronunciations..(really has to do with the last part-syllable of last name) include: ka-zar- CHECK or SICK or ZACK..depends on how he or the family want it pronounced...Tony Dorsett upon graduating from Pitt changed it Anthony Door-Set then over time back to good old Tony Dorsett... so lets see if our boy gets a futures contract come the start of next season with an invite to camp... if so he will be known as the Kielbasa Kid...we hope he does not get smoked...or cut...
  21. replaces the dearly departed Bobby Hart...who keeps finding a new home every two weeks or so....cuz you gotta Have Hart...
  22. I just have one wish for the game against the fish was a a 420 start so we can wear Halloween masks whilst our team kix some Miami axe.
  23. agree the article provides some interesting and relevant roster upgrades; so in addition to parting with draft capital and fitting a serviceable vet under a tight salary cap, the Bills also would have to cut or trade an active roster player, such as...Harrison Phillips ? here is another move pending - Marquez Stevenson is still on IR, minor foot injury since early Sept ? do they stash him all season, or only activate if a WR goes down ?
  24. yep the tradition of tossing things at the field - as a kid of 9 years old, I remember a glass beer bottle thrown by a guy in the row in front of me at a cop down on the field, just missed him thankfully... and the no nets on extra points had fans fighting for the balls, including one brother who caught it and ran onto the sideline with it and ran away from security for a good half-lap before he ran into the security goons on the other side of the field who tackled him...of course the Bills went 1-13 that year so any entertainment was appreciated... aah yes my first Bills game and first home game at the Rockpile, opener, Sept 1971 - Cowboys no less, and was able to attend the very last game, the 21-21 tie against the Lions. the photo above makes the place look like an emesis basin of sorts...
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