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Everything posted by DCofNC

  1. I was surprised Mitchell wasn’t the pick instead of Coleman. He must have REALLY rubbed teams the wrong way in the pre-draft process. Talent wise, he should have gone much earlier. Coleman appears to be a guy you want in your team and he has some talent, I’m hoping for a Michael Thomas type of thing from him, without the Michael Thomas experience on the personal side lol.
  2. I like Spencer, but I wouldn’t sign him to big money, he’s just too big of an injury risk.
  3. He doesn’t have the moves to play outside. He’s a good starter at 3T so he would be paid well. People here just need to quit acting like he’s some sort of generational talent, that he is not.
  4. You keep making the point, Oliver is easily neutralized unless you have somebody taking attention off him. He’s a compliment player, he’s NOT THE guy. Jones is THE guy, you can’t stop him, Donald was THE guy, triple him, doesn’t matter. Oliver is like a situational pass rusher, only useful when conditions are perfect. He’s basically the equivalent of Manny Lawson when he was here. Flashed when everyone was occupied, but the minute teams aren’t worried about a real player beside him, poof, he’s gone. Your whole argument basically says, Jones, a guy they picked up for a little of nothing, is the guy teams can’t stop one on one. Oliver has to have that to show up.
  5. Oh I feel horrible for him, he’s already made 3x more money in college than the average person will make in their lifetime. Now he gets another 40M, even if that’s cut in half and he never earns another dime in any other fashion he would be able to take $400k a year for the next 50 years WITHOUT considering interest earnings. The poor, poor guys. And this is why it pays to play on a team where the state has no income tax. Look at what Josh Jacobs did, deferring his signing bonus and all but the minimum salary until the team completed their move to Las Vegas. He’s forever my hero, F California.
  6. my point exactly, he needs to be a secondary player. Jones is a stud and wrecks games on his own. Oliver gets taken out of entire games when he doesn’t have somebody else eating blockers for him.
  7. Adams is doable.. ASSUMING, he will play on his current deal. Aiyuk wants top dollar on a new deal and that’s just not in the cards. Adams SHOULD come cheaper as he is older too, but who knows. I’d flip the Raiders a second and change for him, no problem.
  8. Yep! This is 100% spot on. This is also why I can’t help but wonder what in the world makes people think Oliver is a great player. Jones will flash more in a single game than Ed does all year and Jones does it when it matters. Oliver is a good player, Jones is a game changer.
  9. Buffalo isn’t the most beautiful place in the world, but there’s no reason to rip on it, especially when your Daddy lives there.
  10. Have to accept his worst and ignore a dominant game to keep the numbers close, it’s almost like reality doesn’t matter anymore.
  11. What he wants vs the vet min his market value is, will be the issue.
  12. So often it’s like Beane has selected players for the scheme he wants, not what the team runs.
  13. 2 stats that NOBODY cares about, unless they are grasping at straws to justify trading the only legitimate/proven WR the team had. Shakir has been a nobody to this point to anyone outside of Buffalo. He may step up big, I hope he does, but he’s done less than Davis had when he was asked to be a #2 across from an All-Pro and he struggled. Shakir needs to be ready to take the defense’s best without much of a proven threat to take attention. His likelihood of success in jumping up to a 1 from a 3 is realistically pretty low. I’m hopeful, but he’s probably not going to be anything super crazy this year and if he is, it WILL shock the rest of the world.
  14. From a real fan of the man and from his play, Larry Fitzgerald comes to mind. The pure football fan in me brings up others; I hate him when he’s playing against us, but TJ Watt is fun to watch, he’s a single man wrecking crew. Also used to love watch Polomolu for the same reason, just electric players. If we could take the off field things away, Tyreek, Ray Lewis, Lawrence Taylor, all come to mind. Just stand outs amongst the absolute best, it’s hard to be that much better than the best of the world, but man they did it. The best part of it all, right now, we have the single most entertaining player in the league as our very own QB. Allen is a monster and even if he has t quite been able to get the team over the hump just yet, it’s a heck of a ride!
  15. At the end of the day, Josh Allen is the most EXCITING QB in the league. Mahomes makes better decisions with the ball and is the superior QB. Only the delulu’s in Buffalo think JA is the better QB. He’s great, but Mahomes has been flat out better.
  16. Being so confident, I’m assuming you have something more to stand on, other than pure hopium. Right?
  17. 33 pages about a WR room “getting better” by losing a legit #1, the #2 and having never played a down together, gotta love the off-season.
  18. Taylor Rapp, I see him as a maddening liability and a flag waiting to happen, wanted him to go elsewhere.
  19. I’m a big fan of Samuel, I worry about health, if healthy, he’s going to be the #1 and put up big numbers, BUT he could well be the dud of signings if he can’t. I’m hoping Mike Edwards beats out Rapp for the starting role along side Bishop. I do not want to see Rapp on the field as anything other than a glorified LB.
  20. I would like to think the running TDs will come from the RBs, but let’s be honest there will be enough broken plays to get Josh 7 or 8 and then when push comes to shove, he’s going to make ***** happen late in games. I see another 12-15
  21. Good man! I’ll be at the Miami game, in Miami this year, outside of that, you’ll have to drink those on my behalf. Go Bills!
  22. You got a Time Machine? I’ll go back to 2018 and take you up on that. The OP said “in his prime”, not “his best year as a Bill”, so I disagree on the semantics. The fact this team has had 3 HOF WRs and a couple others that had the talent to get there but turd burglars throwing them the ball is amazing when you think about it. Is pretty amazing. This team has had, T.O., Reed, Lofton, Boldin, ampules, Stevie, Lee Evans, Diggs, etc it’s pretty wild.
  23. The only people in the world that would agree are Bills fans who only watched football in the Kelly era. Reed, while great in his own right, doesn’t belong in the same breath as Owens.
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