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Everything posted by Jerome007

  1. Well, what do you expect? It's business. Why would she commit more than this year? They might renew, might not. And teams do change facilities and areas they train in all the time.
  2. We'll see how she does but yeah I'd rather she and and her husband nominate someone else, for sure. And I do find it ironic that Terry hired her and then it led to them becoming husband & wife... Anyway, as usual, let's not shoot down a decision before we let it have some time to unfold. But it's normal to be worried when owners meddle too much in day-to-day operations. It's rarely their strengths
  3. I'm wary just because we don't know the details, and it was Kim who "confronted him", and it happens to be Kim the new president! Yeah she's the co-owner and can do what she wants, but it doesn't mean she's competent nor that her judgment on this is bias free! Will she be a good president? It means more meddling by owners and that rarely go well.
  4. Isn't good that the Bills might have two decent if not good QB on the rosters? Some people B word and moan all the time. If they both suck during the season, sure, complain. But as of now I'd say it's a step up to times with EJ / Cardale / Joe Webb as backups! And they might actually be really good. Time will tell. All Bills QBs need some better OL & WR teammates though...
  5. I know but he looked surprisingly thin to me, considering his listed weight. He must a gem to have the Bills trade up for him. As for the OP, I'm sure the Bills brass want to win NOW yet build for the future. Recall how last year was supposed to be a disaster by the doomsday crowd? Yet only 4 out of the 12 playoff teams of 2016 made it to the dance for 2017 so no mater what you plan, better also to prepare the future. And AJMc is supposed to be a very good "bridge QB".
  6. Stats matter but they're NOT the end all be all. For accuracy, it's not only the completion %. It's the drops (which were very low so not good here), the OL protection, the quality of WRs, the schemes! If he played in dink and donk offense it better be high, but for bombs away offense it's another thing. IDK, so I can't even have an opinion, but I'm sure some of you guys do, and Beane and McD most likely - hopefully! My point is, maybe he is indeed inaccurate, but stats are not enough to make the case. Anyway, again, there's no rewind button, he is a Bills QB. Let's root for the guy to be great! It doesn't mean to not criticize the choice but damn, let Allen feel welcomed here at least!
  7. Exactly! I'm sure we're all uneasy about this pick but IT IS A RISK WORTH TAKING. The top 4 QBs were anyway. Allen is even more a risk but his ceiling is higher. They better have a great QB coach for him, which they don't at the moment. But anyway, he is our QB now, so what's the point of dissing the guy??? What good does he do him or the team us fans root for? I don't get it, all those "it's so Billsy" comments and all that crap. If you feel the team is such a losing cause, root for another one and leave! There is a big difference between valid criticism and purely negative constant rantings.
  8. At least he won one superbowl, as it really does seem GB has wasted THE best QB. Brady gets the nod for his 8th presence and 5 wins at the SB, but Rodgers is damn good! Certainly on Brady and Manning's level
  9. I love him as a player and seriously, the combo of his blocking and Shady's running has been so exciting to watch. The most exciting thing on the Bills' offense since Doug Flutie for me. And I love how McCoy is openly courting him to be back. In that angle, I wish he'd come back anytime. But yeah, his mental state seems a liability. The way he rants on Twitter reminds me of one of my friends. Super friendly and helpful if normal, but if he uses speed, becomes weird like that, sometimes won't sleep for 2-3 days straight, goes on weird rants, especially at night, self-destructive yet could barely remember what he did... It really seems the be the case here. Eerily similar.
  10. Whatever the reason, it still sucks and the Bills lost their 2 best linemen surprisingly since the season ended, and traded Glenn. So DEPTH at the very least is a very big issue, and well, getting starters has become one too! If it is about money, man he's going about it in really bad strange way. But who knows? He could be telling the truth: yeah he's POed at the paycut but it's about his health. In any case, I hope that this calms down and that he comes back one more year! And that Shady pays that 300k!
  11. SOME people are callous and a**holes. Not all of us. But yeah, way too many for my liking as well. He was the best OL on the Bills by far and the Shady-Richie combo was MONEY for the team. Sure he was getting older but he had one more good year in him most likely. Now with him and Woods gone, wow, that creates some issues and shoes to fill this year, not next year. Anyhow, just strange his tweets of late. And if it truly is a doctor/health issue, that's the Bills two best linemen gone for that reason. It might be time to take a close look at the quality of the team therapists and doctors!
  12. Richie was by far the best lineman. His blocks paved the way for so much of Shady's runs. Sure he CAN be replaced, everybody can be. It doesn't mean he will be though! Some of you are crazy for saying it's a small thing. There's no guarantee the Bills find a good replacement for him this year.
  13. There not really "done right by him" anymore but I too can't grasp why the best lineman is the one asked to take a paycut.
  14. Exactly. With all the films available and these two workouts, it should be enough. Maybe the players could do videos for their own promos. At least they are in familiar terrain, with their own coaches, equipment, are warmed up, etc. I do get the part for interviews, character and all that though. If no team can do these private workouts except after pre-season games have started, then it's a level playing field for all.
  15. Maybe not but I'd go! It's a special moment and you sure get a feel for the hugeness of the NFL. Not that college wasn't crazy for these guys though.
  16. As title says https://buffalofootballbeat.com/2018/04/05/did-richie-incognito-just-fire-his-agent-via-social-media/ BTW can anyone explain to me why, of all the players, a guy that made it AGAIN to the ProBowl and was the force on the OL is the one to take a paycut???
  17. It's not that picks are bad, but I'd trade picks for PROVEN starters anyday. It is a crapshoot with picks whether people want to admit or not. The allure of "new blood" seem to blind people to the reality that most draft picks do NOT become starters! But, when you do find a gem, it's worth it for sure. So I'd say Rams have the right approach, and so do the Browns and Bills. Not one better way, unless you picks turn bad that is.... Edit: and GunnerBill makes a great point that picks have less impact on the salary cap and you can get them on the cheap. Still, the goal is to get producers, so proven starters are better... but do come with an higher price tag. Next year the Bills have room in the salary cap, so then it could make sense to trade their picks for players while this year it's the other way around.
  18. You guys are nuts. I'm sure Beane will try like hell to move up. But if the price to pay is too much, he'll stay put, as he should. Two first round picks could be huge. Not "franchise QB" huge of course, but nobody knows if this current crop of QBs are anyway!
  19. Crazy how hard it is to evaluate players! Tebow was a Heisman trophy winner and what a QBR! He took his team to a playoff win, yet no team will give him a sniff and he's now playing baseball. EJ had great accuracy in collge (!). Now for almost all the top QBs in this draft opinions are all over the place. I don't recall seeing that before to that extent. If the Bills can't trade up or much, and Jackson happens to be available, a QB IS worth the risk for the team's top pick. A failure is a failure, and it can happen at other positions too, but a winner at QB sure makes up for it!
  20. From all I've read, including in this thread so far, there is NO consensus for the top QBs! LIke none. Sure the same 4 names come up all the time, but in what order, and if they really are worth a Top 5 pick to begin with, no consensus. Which is crazy. Usually the top picks are almost a given in the drafts. And all of us are so QB focused I don't even know who are the star players at the other positions! And well, I'll trust Beane and the "process".
  21. What feels more like a crapshoot THIS year, is how the evaluation of the top QBs are all over the place. Nobody is a definite #1, and many fall below Top 10 quality according to many "experts". Usually the first or first two QB picks are clear candidates. Even if it means picking Manning or Leaf, both were the top guys ( we know how that one panned out LOL 50% right there)
  22. Unless the Bills don't draft a QB in the 1st round, I fail to see how Manziel fits with the Bills! They have McCarron and Peterson. Of course if they still only have 2 QBs after the draft, or if Manziel somehow agreed to no guarantees and he can be cut before game 1, then it can make sense.
  23. Ha ha you're something else. By my first post, yeah my initial reaction because it's him is that he was a damn POS. But indeed, it could be a money grab frivolous lawsuit. Point is, WE don't know. Yet YOU are 100% sure it's a money grab.
  24. "for injuring a 66-year-old paraplegic working at NRG Stadium to control access to field" Stay classy. I suppose he'll use the race card defense.
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