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Ga boy

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Everything posted by Ga boy

  1. Chargers will try to put Josh out of business. They will bring everything including the kitchen sink. Josh will have to take some lumps, but I think he will be able to hit on a few. He doesn't seem to be Kelly tough, so I hope the kid is still standing at the end.
  2. I think that they were thinking he'd be ready enough by game 6. Also, they were hoping that the O line would be better, which is now obvious that that was a huge miss. Josh isn't ready enough at this point, but they can't play NP again. NP would probably do as well as what Josh will do this Sunday, however, the fans will boo a lot less with the rookie. Just hope that Shady can run, and KB can catch; otherwise, this one could get ugly in a hurry. I do agree that Josh gives us a better chance of not going 0-4, as along as he doesn't get knocked to la-la land. Go Bills!!!
  3. I say NP starts the first 4 games. He may not deserve it, but Josh doesn't deserve to get a concussion against SD or GB. Our O-Line and the penalties kept giving Ravens a short field. What happened to NP's quick release today? I'd like to see that in game 2.
  4. I hope the game plan is about 15 quick throws and only 3 strategically placed 25+ yard throws, and more than 30 run plays (end arounds, draws, quick counts, a whole lot of Shady hitting the hole in a hurry). Everything should be designed to frustrate the pass rush. We either win or lose 20-17. Nate will be fine as long as he doesn't have to throw more than 20xs.
  5. Hello Mr. Turna: Let's ask the coach. I would predict he would say that NP has both earned the right and gives us the best chance to get Ws. I believe that he sees us as a 5-6 win team, and Josh will eventually get his starts. I agree that he set up the reps to give NP an advantage because he didn't see Josh as ready. He wanted to get NP ready. Very smart. NP kept giving the coaches confidence that he could handle it. Josh was up an down. Obviously, he sees something in NP.
  6. Hey Hap: Nice points. Comparing both 1st pre-seasons, my take is that Nate looked better and was more confident. I didn't see that from Josh this year. Maybe I just had higher expectations from the Cowboy.
  7. If Josh would have performed like Nate did in his 1st preseason, he would've gotten the start. Something to think about ...
  8. Against Ravens, NP starts his journey to Canton … quick tosses to RBs and TEs, dupe the CBs up to the line, then go over the top to Zay … he will channel Joe Cool Montana … he will be heralded as Nate the Great … he will return the Bills to the glory days on the early 90s … not sure if he'll bring the Lombardi to OBD … I'll let you know by game 5. BTW, it's late for me, and maybe this is just a dream.
  9. After his off season conditioning program, I hear Peterman CAN throw that out route like a streaking missile. He's just keeping it under wraps in pre-season. Hear me now, and believe me later.
  10. To Peterman be the glory, great things he has done.
  11. With this O line at this point, NP gives you a quick release and I think he understands the playbook and the angles on D, and he can put the ball through a tire hanging from a tree on a rope 10-35 yards away. These 5 things could get us to the playoffs again: however, the O line has to become at least average. Also, I'd take accuracy over being able to chunk it 60 yards.
  12. Cmon dawg. If you got 25 paragraphs, keep on punching those keys. I am a lifelong learner, and I would like to hear more about why Peterman can't, and why so many have a bro crush on NP.
  13. Josh needs to show me what he can do against a first team D. Cmon man, put him in in game 3, which fits perfectly with the process. Can he do what Peterman can? is the big question. If he can, then can Peterman, and start the drafted kid on opening day. If he can't do what Peterman can, let him sit for a few games. With our O line, and our first 3 opponents, it's gonna be hard knocks for whoever starts. It would be more strategic to start Peterman, and if it goes bad because of the O line, then Josh can go in game 4. BTW, this is best preseason since the Flutie and Johnson days. Go Bills!!
  14. If the dude is all of that, he better be all of that under the Friday nite lites. Like to see it happen for him; otherwise, his only Friday nite lites will be at HS football games back home.
  15. Hope Donald Downer never hooks up with Negative Nancy. ?
  16. Not quite buying the "If anyone CAN, Peterman CAN!" hype. I would like to see if he CAN chunk it 40 yards with accuracy to his own team mate, if he CAN take a body slam like a man, if he CAN throw a quick out to his own team mate, if CAN throw it with touch to a crossing running back, and if he CAN handle a blitz. If he CAN do these then he'll fit the mold of a guy named Joe Cool Montana, who wears a size 42 gold blazer. Of course, he'll need a receiver who fits the mold of one Jerry Rice.
  17. Nate ain't trade bait. He showed again tonight that he throws quickly, throws guys open, and knows where to throw it Isn't this the profile of a quality QB??
  18. Many good points here. Buffalo will have a downtown stadium by 2025. The team will continue to be housed at the OP site. There are enough deep pockets in WNY, Rochester, and Ontario to give the NFL the revenue stream it expects. However, I don't think a new stadium closes out people who only want to pay $100 or less for a ticket. In Atlanta, they have a jewel, but there are still a high percentage of cheap tickets. They have never known how to tailgate there, so they don't know any better. Also, the stadium downtown has not brought life there. People get outta there asap. Buffalo has a sense of community, and could be drawn downtown even more. I agree Buffalo would lose the table crashing and good times in the parking lots down town; however, Buffalo's sense of community would still find a way to make it fun. Go Bills!!!
  19. Yea, everyone is saying the Peterman has a noodle arm, but his legs really didn't get set on that play. I want to see his zip in pre-season to see if the off-season program helped him. I like his quick release, and I like his football cognitive mindset. He's not afraid to throw it. Regardless of what the haters say, we haven't seen enough plays to write him off. The coach's must see something, because they've could've let him go and no one would've questioned it. I bet we could name a dozen great QBs with average arms (Montana, Griese, Tarkenton come to mind). Let's see how he plays in August.
  20. Guys, if you figure out what coach means by the process, you gotta tell me.
  21. The clock says crick-crock, or is it crick is crock??
  22. I don't know Shady personally, so he gets benefit of the doubt. There's a whole lot of doubt here. Like the guy who was accused of the ATL Olympic bombing, there may be many who have to apologize. I know these pro athletes run on a fast track, and many "associates" would envy his success, and try to smear his rep. Let's see what happens. I see the Bills at 7-9 with Shady, and 5-11 without him. I prefer the latter record really.
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