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Everything posted by BillsfaninChicago

  1. To be honest this team over the last 20 years along with “winning the off seasons, have had a lot of awesome week one wins as well as fast starts early in the season only to nose dive by mid season. Not at all saying it will happen this time and I want nothing more than it to not happen. However, I have been programmed at this point to just take it one game at a time.
  2. I was in London for the game in 2015. There are an impressive amount of Bills fans. Also the fact that Wade is some semblance still with our team could also increase the Bills fandom over there. You should have a great time wherever you go to watch the games plus it will kind be like a prime time game for you.
  3. Isn’t Mono highly contagious? They should have him play week 3 against the Patriots.
  4. Yeah it was actually when we looked like we would be good in 2008 I think we were 5-1 at the time and Gonzo nixed coming here.
  5. I don’t believe so. I have seen flags get picked up for that I think.
  6. The last Monday Night Football game ever played on a baseball in field. We are witnessing history here folks
  7. What a game! Also helps us a little having an AFC team lose.
  8. I wish I could swear a lot on here. I am drunk right now and I have crass things to say that will not prove any point or add to the conversation but it would feel good to say them about the Cheatriots and Antonio Clown.
  9. I believe he was the player the Jaguars took when Nix traded up to jump in front of them when Russel Wilson was on the board so that we could nab TJ Grahm...
  10. I think if Daboll’s offense requires a capable FB my answer is yes unless there is a better option that comes along if that is the case. To be honest I would too, there is a better chance than not that he could get snagged onto someone else’s 53 while he is on waivers waiting to be the 11th protected man on our practice squad (I may not have the designation rules right for him). At the same time though I put my trust in this coaching staff and in preseason I think every fan has to eat their vegetables when it comes to the final cut down.
  11. Kind of bummed Teller looked like he was progressing. They got a relatively good return at least.
  12. After watching the Bernie Mac Film Mr. 3000 I want the Bills to sign Eric Moulds to a one week contract so that he can get 5 yards and get the 10000 mark. It will make amends for the one game suspension he got in 2005 for rightfully complaining about the staff and front office!
  13. I say we go punter less and just go for it every time on 4th down! Works in Madden!
  14. Not going to lie my heart rate increased a second when I saw the Bills notification only to see it was they cut one of the Punters...
  15. I never thought of Mario Williams being a bad signing. It is weird I keep seeing people say that. If Wrex didn’t take over in 2015 we would have likely made the playoffs with him on defense that year.
  16. Exactly, crazy stuff I wonder if his teammates knew before the game.
  17. It is crazy the Colts are Playing the Bears so it is on here in Chicago tonight and fans in Lucas Oil Stadium have a look of disbelief on their faces as they see the news on their phones.
  18. The crawl on the NFL Network said we lost last night. It might just be because I am hungover but that annoyed me.
  19. I noticed that too! I had to keep rewinding my DVR to see which defensive player was making the tackle because Gumbel and Green could not have cared less.
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