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Everything posted by BillsfaninChicago

  1. That call is up there with 15 yards for Jerry Hughs patting his teammates helmet bad.
  2. The commentary guy just say just said “Imagine playing in an empty Gillette stadium?” Now that Brady is gone that will be a common occurrence with New England fair weather fans...
  3. It could be worse. You could be like me and wanted the wrong Josh on that fateful Draft night in April 2018...
  4. I know this a despised position but I like preseason games (granted not 4 or 5 games). It let’s me watch the younger players and see the position battles in real time. Plus after an 8 month hiatus from football I will take whatever I can get.
  5. That was such a BS flag but I was not complaining at all at the time. In fact we may have won the game because of that which eventually led to breaking the playoff drought.
  6. I voted one and don’t even know what the second option was/is...
  7. Let’s not lose sight of what is awesome here. The Dolphins wasted 2nd and 5th round picks on a one season back up.
  8. I do remember at a young age so many fans during the Miracle at Rich playoffs getting mad when the Bills put a healthier Kelly back in the week after a Reich led team beat Pittsburgh in the Divisional round. After Kelly dismantled Miami it made me start to realize fans should not make personnel decisions.
  9. Casinos hate that you can do this BUT they can’t stop the Bills from going 15-1!
  10. I remembered thinking we had a playoff team after that game. I was only 15 years off in my calculations...
  11. The huge blow to the prosecutor’s case is Kraft being a billionaire with unlimited legal resources.
  12. I’m a hypocrite because I say I would forgive him and yet I don’t forgive Saint Doug...
  13. Awesome news!! It feels so nice not having to look for a new coach every 2-3 years now.
  14. I am super excited to watch football but I am getting more concerned that there may not be a completed season this year. I hope I am wrong though.
  15. Tom Bauerle should change his name and I can give him a couple of suggestions if he would like.
  16. Man with even suggestions like that this 2020 season is starting to feel like my childhood dreams of becoming the star wide receiver of the Bills...Not going to happen.
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