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Everything posted by BillsfaninChicago

  1. Ok this sheds some light for me. I was wondering why the Bills online store was selling “Benny the Butcher” shirts. I am such a square I thought he was an actual butcher.
  2. I know schadenfreude is not a good thing but man I loved seeing Billy Boy throw his phone in a Rex Ryan tantrum! 😂
  3. I think this season settles the debate on “is it Brady or Belichick that made the Patriots what they were.
  4. I went in 2013 and it was unreal how Bills mafia represented. We seriously took over the Big Easy. It was too bad we had Thad Lewis at QB because we deserved a better game for the fan representation down there
  5. I hope Covid is a thing of the past by the time we play the Saints because I am in the mood for some Bourbon street!
  6. If I live a thousand years I will never understand the absolute obsession with Cousins before he signed with the Vikings.
  7. That makes sense and it is a great situation to be in. I would just be carful wanting to play one team over another. You never know what team will show up on Sunday. Especially this year.
  8. Life has a funny way of flipping what you think should happen with what actually does happen. I was at this game back at the start of 2005 that was just like a playoff game and all we had to do was beat second and third stringers...
  9. I will admit that I can be a Debbie Downer during game days from time to time but I tend to have more mood swings than my last three girlfriends combined when the Bills are on!
  10. Man alive I wish the world was normal and fans were allowed in the stadium. It would be insane right now
  11. 26-15 was the score of the Dallas game last year. Dare I say it is our signature score? 🧐😉
  12. Ironically enough the 7-11 by me tends to not be open quite a bit lately.
  13. Man they are really fixated on stadiums Belichick has won in on this broadcast. I guess it is a slow news year with not much else going on in the world 🙄
  14. He was an important piece of the puzzle to ending the playoff drought. Wish him the best of luck in the next part of his life.
  15. Dang! I was so busy with work today I forgot there was an NFL game. I guess that means I am responsible and have my priorities straight? No just forgot...
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