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Everything posted by blacklabel

  1. I was sitting on one side of the couch when they scored the 98 yard TD. Then the pick happened so I was like, I better switch it up and sit over on the other side. So I did that and bam, 62 yard one-handed TD catch. The magic of the couch.
  2. I had mentioned during the game that Shakir and Cook both had their first TDs today. Good call on Elam, forgot about that. He had a pretty rough day otherwise, Pickens was getting open on him all day. Overall I think he's gonna be a good one but there'll be days like today for sure Shakir lives up to his scouting reports. He doesn't wow you with any one thing he does but he does everything very well. He's slippery out there, good vision and just finds lanes to get thru, and then going up and snagging that one up the seam, really good stuff from him today. Bummer he made all the tough grabs but dropped the gimme haha. And great run by Cook, he saw it and went and the line did their job as close to perfect as you can considering nobody touched him from 24 yards out. They're still working him in slowly but if he keeps taking advantage of the opportunities he'll definitely be on the field more.
  3. Why are you the way that you are? Yeesh. I feel like OP the type that'd watch this Bills team win the Super Bowl and jump on the board to say, "OK, cool win and all BUT...my concern is with the punt return team because they did all fair catches today. Is anyone else worried?! I really think Beane needs to trade a bunch of picks for some real special teams players!" I mean....you realize the fans on this forum are aware of the teams shortcomings, right? And if they weren't aware, well, I guess we've got you to remind us. As many others have mentioned, Keenum has played in garbage time with backups. Things would likely be different if he was working behind the starting OL and had the full cast of skill players at his disposal. *old man mumbling* ...win the game by 35 GD points and we're talking about the frigging number two QB, this is just...why I oughta...I oughta see what's in the fridge ...
  4. I felt like he was one of the best WRs coming out of the 2022 group. He's been hyped since high school but he was inconsistent at Georgia and dealt with injuries. There was also speculation on his attitude and coachability but if he puts it all together I think he's gonna be a good one. Aside from the INT, dude was eatin' Elam's lunch all day.
  5. I'm sure they'll be looking for more ways to get him involved. But they also bring their rookies along very slowly unless they're forced to play them more due to injuries.
  6. According to a post I saw on this board earlier he shall be moving to safety so I guess Poyer gonna have to go. Yup. Adios, All Pro Po...Pick Six Po...Pick Ya Nose Po....
  7. Grew up out in Chautauqua County so I got to go to a bunch of camps in the early 90s. I've got signed cards, hats, footballs, etc. In fact I just found my signed Jim Kelly cards. Think I'm gonna send them off to be graded and authenticated. Favorite memory was probably when I was ten and Jim came zipping thru on a golf cart. He saw me and a buncha other kids so he stopped to sign autos. He signed my dogeared Pro Set card but when I turned to leave there was a crowd. So I just kinda quietly sat there on the cart next to him while he signed autographs for about ten minutes. Met Marshawn Lynch in Hamburg Walmart the week Jauron was fired in November 2009. I asked if he thought firing him was a good move and he just be said, "Above my pay grade, man, but hopefully for the best. Y'all should be Raiders fans!" I worked in a group home at the time and had a resident with me that was a huge fan. Marshawn grabbed a pen and piece of receipt tape from the cashier and signed an auto for the guy. And that dude talked about it endlessly. Haven't worked there in over a decade but I bet if I ran into the guy tomorrow he'd say, hey remember that time we met Marshawn Lynch?! Got to chill in the VIP tent for camp in 2015. Had a mini helmet signed by the Cold Front guys, Kyle, Jerry, Mario, and Marcell. Kyle seems like a great dude. Someone asked what he thought about Rex's defense and while he gave a diplomatic answer the look on his face said he likely wasn't thrilled to be switching systems. Mario was quiet but nice. Marcell was a goofball, truly just a big unguided kid. And Jerry just seemed to have a really chill/cool vibe to him. Like other players on the team seemed to gravitate towards him because he has this big fun personality. Also met EJ that year and holy guacamole that dude is huge. Lynch was also remarkably bigger in person. Don't know how he fits thru a standard sized door without his monstrous shoulders smashing thru the frame. My cousin did PR with the team right out of college. His job was to be on site for rookie appearances and events that the rookies are typically contracted to do. He actually became pretty chummy with Eric Wood and hung out to grab beers with him a few times. Said he's a good dude and just absolutely loves football. All of this pales in comparison to the one time about three years ago I saw Siran Neal in Walmart. We were buying the same shampoo. We shared the silent "sup" head nod greeting. And I silently swore that I wouldn't tell anyone that Siran was having some dandruff issues. ....whoops
  8. Hate that guy. He owes me 12 bucks. I reached a certain point a while back where I saw posts/comments like this and automatically assumed trolling. But sometimes I'm not so sure. To everyone that feels the need to verbalize whatever knee-jerk reaction you have just try to like...not do that. Go outside. Skip some rocks in the pond.
  9. When that happened live I said to the wife, "That's uh...yeah, I don't even have words. Not a lot of guys would even try that throw let alone make it."
  10. Kenny “Kitten Mittens” Pickett. Might be a tough day for him. Every now and then a rookie or backup has a big game…the ol’ Matt Flynn Special…I don’t think I see that happening tho.
  11. They could give fellow camp legend Brandon Reilly a call as well.
  12. He's a solid, steady, good player. Might not always make big flashy plays but he's the QB of that defense and his size and athleticism causes issues for QBs throwing over the middle. Does a lot that goes unnoticed.
  13. I'm no Jomboy but I think he goes, "It went through. Y'all can go home now. Go the f$#k home! Bye!" Something like that.
  14. Wait...this can't be right. I was told on this very board that McDermott's poor coaching is becoming a theme. Said it right on this forum so it must be true.
  15. Shakir had a couple nice plays yesterday. It'll take some time to fully acclimate him in with the starters but I think he'll be alright.
  16. Joe Buscaglia called it earlier in the week. He said Hamlin is a better fit next to Poyer. And he noticed that Hamlin had been with the ones more than Johnson this week.
  17. Didn't he just have a career high for receptions in a game? He's part of their rotation. I'm sure he's dialed in for certain situations and whatnot.
  18. Schmeh. He got his bag, good for him. Seems like he's Trevor's top guy right meow. Josh is right tho, it ain't that cold.
  19. I'm on that Groot train. Think that dude is on his way to becoming a special player.
  20. I can't say for sure if it was a concussion because I never went to the hospital for it or anything. But about 20 years ago I was swimming in a creek with some buddies and there were these falls you could slide down. We slid down them all summer without issue. On the last day of summer I forgot to sit up when sliding down and I smacked my head on a rock. Had a big ol' goose-egg and everything felt fuzzy and distant for the rest of the day. Everything sounds like it's really far away from you and you're just in a fog for a while. Not fun.
  21. Dolphins are gonna ruin that kid. The BS they pulled last week with the back injury is abysmal. The dude slammed his head, then showed telltale signs of a concussion and they go, "oh uh, it was this back thing." Frickin' crap. And now tonight he takes a shot and needs to be taken off on a stretcher. Absolutely eff the Dolphins. Hope they lose every game, McDaniel gets fired and they lose draft picks for being negligent, irresponsible jerks. Clearly player safety doesn't mean crap to them considering they designed their stadium renovations to force the opponent to bake in unbearable heat. A "genius move" according to ol' Tua.
  22. And from the right hash, same side he missed the 38 yarder. He tends to miss more from the right as it is so yeah definitely would’ve been a really difficult try.
  23. It’ll be good to have an experienced player in the secondary.
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