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Everything posted by Boatdrinks

  1. The mask is one of the biggest piles of BS in this whole charade.
  2. Lawlessness and destruction , looting and killing Cops are not acceptable. We are not a Democracy, by the way. Haven’t we been told the lawless rioters were just a small minority ?
  3. Yep. They now believe in mob rule, IF it will further their cause.
  4. Ahhh, time to fire the fear mongering machine back up at CNN. Much of the initial surge has been lost to the protests , as they cheered on the lawlessness. Must’ve seen the economic news wasn’t as bad as they hoped.
  5. Very sad, total failure by DeBlasio. NYPD was castrated by that POS. You never bow down to the enemy.
  6. Let’s hope. We need some good news right about now. Hopefully people start getting back to normal habits sooner than later, save for maybe increased hand washing. I’d have so much more confidence in the mental capacity of the American populace if mass protests of the lockdowns had taken place( minus looting and destruction of course) and the media championed the cause.
  7. And once again, the WHO has blood on their hands.
  8. Disgusting behavior rewarded by Libtard politicians, and it’s occurring nationwide. NYC did the same. Hatred of Trump by the left has driven them to madness. How can any law abiding citizen vote Democrat ?
  9. This majority can only be brainwashed, self loathing, or just hate America. There’s no way to sympathize with criminal behavior such as looting, assault, murder of cops etc and consider oneself to be sane.
  10. Don’t care if Trump is an Atheist, I’d still vote for him. Many Police forces haven’t been able to do their job because they’ve been directed not to by uber- liberal Politicians. It’s truly a disgrace. They won’t get tough with the criminals because it gives Trump a win. These people would destroy America if it meant they could gain power.
  11. Anecdotal evidence aside, we can only judge by what happens in Cities across America every day. The vast majority of Cops do their job and do it well. While it would be naive to say there are no racist Cops ( or in any profession ), the occasional sensationalized news stories are portraying a narrative that is far out of line with the reality. Numbers and blanket statements thrown around with no context don’t tell the story. There are a lot of criminals out there ( as the events of the last few days show us) and Cops have a tough job. Even tougher under liberal Governors and Mayors intent on returning them to the streets as quickly as possible.
  12. Nothing wrong with pointing out Police wrongdoings. It needs to be done. When liberal buzzwords such as “ systemic racism “ get thrown around, it takes a different turn. I don’t think there is anything “ systemic” about Cops that act outside of the scope of their training. There are around 1,000 police involved killings per annum. It’s amazing in a country of 330 million that there aren’t more. Interestingly , the race of the officer doesn’t have a statistically significant impact. The Minnesota officers were a diverse group. Chauvin is white, but the other three were African American, Hispanic and Asian . Bad cops should be prosecuted for their actions if they are not justifiable. The Floyd case is obviously an example of unjustified use of force. I’m not sure that it was racism. Just 4 bad cops. Still , the number of bad cops is very low. It will never be perfect, regardless of what we do. Just as laws don’t eliminate all crime. If the number was so high, we would have far more police involved killings than occur on an annual basis.
  13. Antifa, whatever white supremacist organization may be out there, etc. of course there are. I’m no expert. However, the hypocrisy of BLM is impossible to ignore. Edit: no, I don’t consider myself a victim in any way.
  14. We’ve been told to listen to these morons through the entire thing. It means only one thing to me: regardless of your reason, go back to things the way they were. They were fear mongering the entire time.
  15. I’ll be waiting for their hashtag on statements of outrage over the senseless deaths of those two men.
  16. Mentioning race makes it racist on its face. Look at what they do, and what they ignore and it oozes out everywhere. I don’t expect you to see it or understand it, because you subscribe to what it really means. You believe Caucasian America is racist at its core.
  17. Those lives don’t seem to matter.
  18. BLM is a hate group with a divisive, racist slogan. They’re hypocrites. I’ll wait for them to issue a statement in outrage over the death of retired Police Captain David Dorn, and Federal Officer Underwood. I doubt it will be forthcoming. It seems it only “ matters” if a Cop or Caucasian individual is involved. I’d also expect to hear outrage from NFL and NBA players as well, demanding answers. Doubt it happens. They’re hypocrites too. Absolutely no one is defending the “ diverse 4” from Minneapolis except an attorney, with all that implies. Media are complicit as per usual.
  19. Her politics suck, but hey I’d drop a line.
  20. But the numbers are not in exact proportion to the statistical makeup of society! Everything must be equal, because all ethnic backgrounds commit crimes in equal proportion. This is not fair ! We must do something or we are a racist country.
  21. They’ve clearly lost their mind. That’s more upsetting than their being upset.
  22. It should be open warfare with the military involved at this point. You don’t think this is actually happening ? Tell that to the business owners whose property and livelihoods are destroyed , merchandise looted, cities desecrated, etc etc. The media narrative ( except for the real media) is trying to shape public support for the criminals.
  23. You’re underrepresenting the rioters. They have taken over, and their numbers aren’t that small. On the flip side, people should actually realize that the number of bad cops is indeed small, and not buy the media narrative. In both cases ( looters and rioters are small percentage, outsiders etc etc) and the “ systemic racism” b.s . are media driven narratives removed form the reality. You seem to want it both ways yourself. When the protests were about something legitimate- people ‘s right to pursue happiness, earn a living, not wear a mask, assemble in groups were being trampled by Lib Governors because some people might get sick, you were adamantly against those constitutional rights. Now, protests are over some undefinable, invisible load of bunk, and it’s perfectly acceptable to be lawless and destroy ?
  24. Yep. Somewhere along the way, the message that “ you can be anything you want in America if you work hard enough” got hijacked. It was so unfair ! It was changed by liberal educators to “ you deserve anything you want in America, even if you don’t work for it”
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