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Everything posted by Boatdrinks

  1. Who cares ? I’m not religious, so that’s not relevant to me at all. He’s the POTUS and that church is a piece of history. Lawless thugs tried to burn it down. Not going there would have been wrong on many levels.
  2. Imagine that, Governor. A U.S. president sees uncontrollable vandalism, arson, and looting going on in cities all across America and takes action to stop it. Cuomo points to the dispersing of “peaceful protestors” ahead of Trump’s visit to St. John’s church after “peaceful protestors” tried to burn it down to make his point. He says nothing about the fact that they’d planned to destroy it. Nor does he mention the violence and destruction that’s taken place throughout the country over the last week. Americans are unanimous in their opinion that what happened to George Floyd in police custody was an abomination. Frankly, I’m tired of having to say that. Every conservative has to preface their remarks about the riots by saying that, so we won’t be seen as racist. To hold all Americans responsible for the wrongful act of four Minneapolis police officers is outrageous. Actually, I misspoke. The left is only holding Trump supporters responsible for Floyd’s death. Because liberals are so enlightened and we are so vile and contemptible. Cuomo is a living turd. Clueless liberal who is soft on criminals. NYC is a disaster area due to his extreme negligence and misuse of Police personnel.
  3. False choice. If it were Obama , protesters would part like the Red Sea. It wouldn’t be necessary. In short, yes I’m for the President being protected from mobs of ne’er do wells. The church is a piece of history, and he rightly wanted to pay a visit.
  4. Cuomo will step in and give them an appearance ticket. NYS under Cuomo= lawless schi**hole
  5. Yes. The choice is clear for the majority of voters now. Law and order/ preserving American way of life vs criminal thugs. Americans can be a sympathetic lot , but only to a point. They’ll virtue signal, but they still want to drive their SUVs and go to Yoga class. They don’t want to live in Beirut.
  6. We should condemn cops ? I hope you mean the 4 cops in Minny. Otherwise, you’re crazy.
  7. Injustice happens every day. Civilians in Chicago murder each other every day. Crickets from the media, BLM etc
  8. These are lies to deflect criticism. Most or all of those arrested in Buffalo were from WNY. Several have criminal records and have served time in Erie County. Minneapolis is a schi**hole and nothing out of that place should be trusted.
  9. Yes he is. The leadership vacuum is in the liberal cities being looted and burned by savage criminals, as Mayors and Governors stand idly by. They’re fine ceding the streets of America to lawless mobs.
  10. Laws mean nothing to those who are bent on breaking them. Murder is illegal, so Chicago should be a Utopia full of sunshine and rainbows , right ? Thinking laws or silly protests can eliminate all wrongdoing is foolish. There will be police who use excessive force, civilians who murder, etc etc. Police involved deaths are relatively rare, and more whites are killed per annum than blacks in these cases. Military force should be used now. It won’t make it worse, it will end the lawlessness.
  11. Spineless liberal politicians . They don’t want to offend the criminals, but hate hard working people that want to earn a living.
  12. Lots of shooting in Buffalo tonight. And looting. They shot at Cops on Bailey. DiBlasio has no sac. He told the Cops to use a light touch and he didn’t want them appearing in riot gear. The man is a dunderhead. He won’t give Trump a win. Trump will have to send them because Blas is in dereliction of duty.
  13. No, this isn’t about feelings. It’s about facts. Poverty is as old as time, but not a license to destroy, kill and attack civilized society. This is exclusively about right and wrong. The fact is, this is America. Those who would kill us, ruin us must be destroyed with military precision. People in poverty aren’t all criminals. That’s a cop out. Many of these losers don’t appear impoverished. They’ve been sitting at home getting more on unemployment than they were when the Governors allowed them to work. This isn’t about poverty, sorry.
  14. Maybe not , but these criminals must be dealt with , and that means overwhelming and deadly force.
  15. The unemployment is due to liberal governors draconian lockdowns. Preventing people from living their lives, earning a living. That was a reason to do something. Constitutional rights were being stripped away. Where were the protests ? The good hard working people who protested were ridiculed and shamed by liberal losers. This is about one thing only. Liberal hate of America.
  16. These heinous criminals need to be vanquished from the streets with military force. That’s where we are at now. Civil war. Wake up folks! Time for the military to come in.
  17. Wrong. The past is the past, and our nation has made great strides. The stats do not support an increase in racism at all. It’s a media driven narrative and it’s now an all out assault on the American way of life. The choice could not be more clear. In the last 30 minutes or so , savages shot Buffalo Cops at Bailey and Conley. They drove a car into them too. This is now war, and the streets can’t be ceded to the criminals. The Police and Caucasian Americans are under siege. CK should worry about the shootings in Chicago etc on a daily basis rather than the occasional police involved death. Most of which happen to White subjects. Criminals (protesters”) injured a State trooper and drove a car into a Police line tonight in Buffalo. Let that sink in while you’re dreaming of your fairy tale utopia. Read my post
  18. Yes, this is now war. The enemy has defined themselves and must be vanquished with military level force. The time for “a unifying message “ blah blah blah is gone. That ship has sailed, and you’re either on the good guys side or the home grown terrorists.
  19. Don’t want to offend their base by denouncing the “ protests”. Cuomo made sure to lecture NYers about their racism yesterday. POS
  20. Great point and needs to be hammered home. BLM doesn’t count these. Nope, lol gave up on that long ago.
  21. Maybe it will find some protesters. Might make for a tasty snack.
  22. Exactly. And what changed , exactly ? Some folks were protesting against ( gasp) not being allowed to make a living or exercise their right to be free. Now, others are violently protesting against a civilized society and Caucasian Americans who they consider to be racist. The pandemic can wait; there’s a bunch of people getting a media platform to tell us how racist America is.
  23. Much bigger problems out there. It doesn’t happen all that often , and it mostly happens to white people. Don’t remember any violent protests or media campaigns about those.
  24. I hope so because it’s absolutely necessary. These racist protests and riots need to be extinguished with force.
  25. Saw this. It’s Civil war folks. Time for a lot of people to get their heads out of their arses
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