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Everything posted by Poleshifter

  1. It was fun to see the various players hanging out during the game. I saw Bodine & Oliver talking, it just seemed an odd pairing - and really cool that the team isn't full of cliques, i.e., DBs only hang with DBs, etc.
  2. Are you f**** kidding me? Geez, rational people don't just change teams for $$$ reasons. Gugny, are you from WNY area - or latched on to Bills some other way?
  3. Marv's "treat them like men" philosophy let the players stay out all night BEFORE the Super Bowls. That was not very wise. That is what ticked me off about Marv as a HC.
  4. Christian Wade would fit in with that offense!
  5. Wow. What have you seen from David Sills that would lead you to THAT conclusion? He was great at WVU, but it does not seem he has done much in TC or PS games. Folks say he has skinny legs (wasn't that Shane Conlan's deal too?), needs to get stronger. Practice squad would be good for him.
  6. Marvelous work, Scott. Thank you for doing this important work. Congratulations on the award - that is huge.
  7. Remember during the draft, as soon as Beane took Knox at #96, the Patriots traded out of the #98 spot. A reasonable conclusion here is that the Pats* wanted Knox, and we hopped in front of them and took the guy they wanted. That made me happy.
  8. I would love to see Wade on KR/PR. He is hard to tackle once he gets the ball. Also would like to see him for a few plays with the starting OL. See what he can do. One explosive play in each game so far, with limited touches.
  9. Good lord. Do people still eat margarine? Ever call it oleo? Butter makes it better.
  10. I agree with this. The Pegulas could extend McDermott and Beane to 10-yr extensions today, and I would be happy with that. Oh, I know it is too early for that, but I'm just sayin'.... McDermott and Beane have a plan - have you ever seen that from a Bills' FO? They are working the plan, and showing some success.
  11. Can you get Labatts Blue at the stadium? I was grossed out to see CFL fans drinking Bud Light at their games. Come on, you hosers have some great beer up there. I suppose it is due to the mega-conglomerate beer companies dictating what beers are sold in stadiums.
  12. Ch 212-1 shows The Bills are on, but I am getting a "game blacked out" message. Blacked out in Arizona? WTF? I hate those TV bastards.
  13. I'm glad it was canceled. If they could not do it justice, they should not use the Woodstock name. I was there 50 years ago. It's pretty cool to have been part of a piece of history. 4 weeks later, I went to the Toronto Rock n Roll Revival, with Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis, Little Richard, and more. The Doors were the big name closing act. On the drive up to TO, the radio said John Lennon, Yoko, and their friend Eric Clapton would play the festival, so that cool as well (aside from Yoko).
  14. Wasn't Andy considered small? Or was he just short?
  15. I wonder if I can find the cow pasture (about 4 miles from venue) where I parked my Corvair in deep cow mud for 4 days. I don't have my '64 Corvair any more, though.
  16. This is great! How old is this little guy? It's a pretty mature thing to do (doing it respectfully, that is).
  17. I got down on one knee and proposed - on Valentines Day. We met on a blind date, and have been married almost 30 years. Sometimes marriage works out well.
  18. I don't think so, Phil. Tommy Sweeney should make the Bills' final 53. Vince Ferragamo (ex-Alouette, I think) was with Andre. Not sure why they were there in Edmonton.
  19. Wow, this is pretty juicy stuff. I wonder how the Beach Boys got on the devil's music list...
  20. Thanks for the explanation. And "salties" = ocean-going ships? (either that or some little fishies)
  21. I'm enjoying this discussion. Can you explain a bit how the escarpment does this rounding and impounding?
  22. Thanks, Promo, I appreciate the update. I love watching the CFL.
  23. This is the Tom Terrific I was thinking of. Thanks, OldTimeAFLGuy!
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