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Everything posted by Poleshifter

  1. I lived in Fuquay-Varina, right next to Holly Springs. That must be rough when it gets under your contact lenses! Ouch.
  2. I have recently lived in the Raleigh and Charlotte areas of North Carolina. In March or April, you may find your car covered in a layer of yellow pine pollen. A friend who has a lot of pine trees told me that this yellow pollen will turn into black mold if it is not taken care of. Southern Arizona is much better place as far as allergies are concerned.
  3. Rest in peace, NJ Sue. I never met her, but I remember those days of the homework question. My condolences to all her friends and family.
  4. People are quick to dismiss this possibility, but as someone mentioned, we got a 5th for OT Marshall Newhouse last year. Look what they did with this "small change" draft capital. I think it was a 5th to move up for Cody Ford, wasn't it? Does Vlad Ducasse have any value to another team? A starting guard with years of experience? Give me a 6th or 7th for him, that's more change in my pocket. Bodine, maybe Teller, who knows what other teams can use once TC begins and injuries happen? Beane is a master at using his resources.
  5. @BillsFan4 Thank you for that Knox info. I'm excited to see what this athletic, but raw, young man can do. I wanted the Bills to draft 2 TE this year, and bingo, 7th round, Tommy Sweeney. This guy played in the Senior Bowl. Just seems to lack speed, but should be very useful in the Bills offense.
  6. I know you were talking about the article, not the video. Please post the quotes about Knox. Fascinating player - no TDs in college, etc. I love the pick, and would love to see the analysis behind it. Thanks in advance.
  7. I would love to see the room's reaction when they selected Dawson Knox, and then Belichek immediately trades out of the next spot. Like we stole the friggin' tight end the Pats wanted. I'll bet the room went wild, but they could never show that stuff publicly. BillsFan4, can you please show the process behind drafting Knox?
  8. Wow. I had wondered when a 2020 mock would show up. 2020 is strong at WR, or so I hear. Nice work.
  9. My wife has a T-shirt that says "My city smells like Cheerios".
  10. In this clip you can see some of the "runs into blockers" from his evaluation. Another weird e v a l: "sees the field through a straw" (I don't recall hearing that before about any player)
  11. You really should watch the video linked in the OP. Just spend a few minutes, and you may feel much better. What do these B/R draftniks think of the Dawson Knox pick? Two 4th round picks is too expensive? What kind of car do you drive?
  12. So why do you enter such a thread? Just to complain about it? OP liked that a WR was named Quick. Go visit some other thread, fer chrissake.
  13. The NFLN guys called Smith a "move tight end". Do Alabama TEs not block very much?
  14. Logic, that is a brilliant little poem. One cool thing about living in Arizona is the draft starts at 5 o'clock!
  15. No. Dawkins realized he had a sophomore slump and will fix his game.
  16. Yes, that was Ralph Nader's favorite death car. It was rear engine, so the front end was light. Air-cooled engine (no radiator) so it took a L-O-N-G time to warm up on those winter mornings! Mine was a maroon 1964 Monza, with Tiger Paw tires, I might add. They were brown-wall tires after parking in a cow pasture for a few rainy days at Woodstock. Mine was automatic, too. They had that weird little lever under the dash, not a shifter on the column or floor.
  17. This URL brings up a "buy this domain" web page. Is there another site you use to reach this company?
  18. No. Neither purple nor brown. That would be the worst kind of environment for doing acid - hanging out with a few hundred thousand people...
  19. Just keep them on the official list, but remove the number for that entry (if possible).
  20. I used to be a big Aaron Rodgers fan, but that article made me lose a lot of respect for the guy. Holding a grudge against the OC of the team that drafted someone else? WTF kind of twisted person does that? It seems your GM screwed up royally in not recognizing the glaring HC vs QB dysfunction. It's old news (or no news) around here. Lobbying to change Bills fans minds is pointless. I have found that so-called "conspiracy theories" are usually true - they are just not accepted by the mainstream.
  21. I am generally in favor of trading down a bit, picking up an extra 2nd and maybe a 3rd. There will still be good edge rushers in the teens and 20s. I think 2nd round picks are like gold. So I want extra 2nd rounders if possible. I really want the Bills to draft 2 TE - ideally, Smith/Sternberger/Knox in the 2nd, and Oliver or another in 4th or 5th. 17 days and counting!!!
  22. Bill, would you consider posting your lists of 1st Rd and 2/3 round grades before the draft? It would be fascinating to see how your lists match what happens in the draft (not that we would hold you to it!)
  23. I had previously thought that N'Keal Harry was one of those very tall guys (like Butler), but Harry is only 6'2"
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