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Everything posted by Captain_Quint

  1. My expectation is that our boundary corners will struggle early in the year (Dane and Elam) but will slowly come into form. The offense (as it has proven in the past) will carry us while they figure it out and it could lead to some shootouts early in the year. I expect at least 1 or 2 Def holding calls/illegal contact/pass interference every game from the rookie (which is ok). But by season end, I think our defense will be galvanized and will be one of the best in the league when it's all said and done, including the secondary.
  2. They pulled him on Moss's first TD and he led the way into the endzone. One of the first productive things I've seen that guy do since coming here. Hopefully he can rebound under Kromer and work his way onto the field.
  3. Ko Simpson ain't got nothin' on Yolo!
  4. Still preseason, but all this guy has done so far is impress people. He had a few nice catches yesterday and looks like he's going to be a very reliable target for Josh.
  5. Call me crazy, but it seems like Ariza may be the better holder, with better traits. Ok He had smooth wrists, and 7 1/4 inch hands. When he has to flip the ball, his fingers strike true and he doesn't get much juggling and bumbling. Seems like his knuckles are loose and can handle when there is perspiration on the ball. Haack has alot smaller hands and is proven, but doesn't have the leg or hand size or Ariza.
  6. McKenzie is one of those 'glue guys' that makes this team what it is. Really glad he stuck around and hoping he has a big year.
  7. Is this a haiku thread already? Isaiah must stay The Bills drafted him, so now, We must be patient.
  8. I heard from a friend that the location of the museum will be Dunkirk, and they will build a monorail between the stadium and museum. Don't shoot the messenger.
  9. I thought this was being built in Dunkirk??? I overpayed for 50 acres when the rumors were flying 3 years ago.
  10. I think that if you follow the clues leading up to the finale, it's kind of obvious that Tony gets shot in the head while at the diner with his family.
  11. "You can get a good look at Duke Johnson by putting a stick up his ass, but wouldn't you rather take the trainers word for it?"
  12. Keith McKeller Micah Hyde Actor Martin Short And we're eating clams casino
  13. PA took the brunt of the storm. I've seen alot of bad hurricanes since I moved south, but we're ready for them down here with flat and sandy soil. In the hills of PA, it was like filling a bucket up. It took years for some of the small mining towns in eastern and central PA to recover, and some never really did.
  14. This is probably to replace Ulmer, who recently retired this week after a long career.
  15. Looks like the proof is on the pudding here. No telling yet if he'll regain his seat atop the Federal Intermediate Credit Bank, or if he has bigger fish to fry. But I know we all wish him the best of luck in retirement.
  16. Good thing you aren't in charge. The guy retired before minicamp and you don't think it's threadworthy?
  17. https://www.ebay.com/itm/393938815675 Looks like this isnt the first time this has happened. Wish him the best of luck.
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