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Southern Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Southern Bills Fan

  1. Some of us were born in western NY and moved here. Trust me, it's much better here than there.
  2. It definitely needs the upgrades. Remember that the Superdome also hosts things like Super Bowls, Final Fours, CFB National Championship games, ect. It's not like Buffalo where they can put it out in the burbs, New Orleans is surrounded by swamps and a giant lake and river, it has to be downtown. Tourists aren't going to stop going there because of a little higher tax.
  3. I hope you’re joking. Jackson is a long term project that may turn into a backup QB
  4. I have to admit that the RB in the 3rd and no WR seems odd to me. A 3rd round pick should be a starter or a highly contributing backup. I trust this administration though, they really seem to know what they are doing.
  5. Can’t believe that he doesn’t have to wear that metal elbow brace everywhere since the injury lasted like 8 years.
  6. Not what I expected. I thought it would be Ohio State guys with picks 1-17.
  7. I think Zay last year was working against opponents first and second corners. This year he will be matched against third and fourth corners. I think we will see a big difference.
  8. My opinion of Rodak is that even when he's just trying to report Bills news on ESPN, he seems to constantly put a negative spin on it. I don't ever agree with telling anyone to kill themselves because some people actually end up doing it. I also don't do twitter, it's poison.
  9. They definitely aren’t shy about going and getting players they think will help.
  10. Can’t y’all see what a brilliant marketing ploy this is? 2019 Bills backfield sponsored by AARP.
  11. A 33 year old DE who was getting released anyway? Big deal. Plus he's a racist pos.
  12. Big deal. If this were 5 years ago when he was good then it would be something.
  13. From what I read, the Steelers had to give permission to teams to talk to AB or his agent. The word is they were refusing to let anyone talk to him.
  14. Everything he reported looks to be true. It got squashed by AB in the end.
  15. Laughing at all you "experts" saying he needs the money or he's washed up. His last year was 63 rec 560 yards 5 td's. That's better than our $8 million TE that we just cut.
  16. I disagree about the Saints. They went 7-9 several years in a row because Brees was greedy and refused to restructure. They seem to stay competitive now because like New England, they do it with no name receivers. Come down here and bring up the name Jarius Byrd and see the reaction you get.
  17. Interested in hearing how Ed Oliver interviews with teams. There were reports that he may be an attitude problem but it might have been the coach. Also Juwaan Taylor the tackle from Florida that many have mocked to us at 9, won't be participating in drills due to hamstring.
  18. To be fair, trying to come up with 15 hours a week during the offseason is pretty difficult. I do agree that Murphy seems to think he knows everything and talks down to Tasker quite a bit.
  19. I'm interested in how you know how smart he is or isn't? Have you ever talked to him?
  20. Hopefully this will work to our advantage. Some team may fall in love with him at the combine and trade up with us.
  21. You keep going into the injury risk. If the NFL was that concerned with injuries to younger prospects their wouldn't be 4 preseason games.
  22. If the Bills were affiliated with one of these teams and we could watch their prospects we would watch every game, buy gear, attend games, ect. Also the later round drafted QB's who are always considered "projects" could have more reps and time to develop.
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