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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. might be a criminal thing at that point on a technicality, but morally a 21 yr old guy, having non forceful sex, that she was wanting to partake in.... is a moral judgement i can live with. thats on her at that point and the courts to decide his punishment. i dont believe thats the bills place to say, you dont fit our culture. im not talking about a 34 and 17 yr old.... 21 and 17, and the girls lying saying shes in college, i can stand behind that, flame away,
  2. araizas lawyer says there are several witnesses including alleged victims friend, saying she wasnt slurring wasnt stumbling. this wasnt some kegger ripper, more of a get together. if this can be substantiated, its hard to say you were incapacitated so much that you couldnt move, and cant remember 90%. this could all be false, who knows, but if this lawyer has the witnesses to back it up, it does not match victims story.
  3. victim blaming, and not rushing to a mans guilt with a 1 sided story, are not the same thing! quit saying that, youre hurting victims by even sying stuff like this. i havent seen one person say anything blaming in here. unreal
  4. to this point, wonder if he got oral, but never had sex, and therefore wont be dna to be had
  5. why? hes an experienced pro, with a possible scramble for replacement for his home town team. this makes him a scumbag? very rational of you
  6. women dont deserve slut shaming and mean dont deserve sentencing without due process. believe it or not, its possible for a person to value both sides of this coin
  7. Absolutely insane that state will allow for sex change hormones, double mastectomy, but two minors having consensual sex is a crime.... for the male... how?
  8. *OUT OF THE CONTEXT OF THIS STORY* what a stupid freaking law. So 2 HS Srs could date and have sex for 4 years, but on a magic bday it's suddenly illegal? All the other zaney crap going on in that state, and this is where they draw a hard line? Strange, and before I get blasted there's not a parent to a son in existence that would think this should be illegal. Clearly Araiza is older, and if true hes g2 go, but no rush to judgement till we can hear both sides. If he is guilty nfg, cut dude, g2 jail do not pass go
  9. Possible there's a sweetheart law applicable here. They exist, no clue what California s law is, but doesn't seem like a state trying to stick anyone with a SO status for some kids close in age
  10. I hope this is sarcasm on the first half of this Based on what? Dudes a class act off the field, does a ton in community for 10 years, donated a chit ton to his Alma mater. This is a bad look today, but you have zero basis for this post.
  11. McD and them is a train wreck to mash up. Detail oriented, high motor, religious, respectful guy..... stoner, irreverent, ch*t talker, class clowns, types. I love PMT, and I love McD, but this is a classic tuna fish and jelly sammich lol
  12. Scrambling and designed runs are completely different. I think we have plenty of info on qbs that are run first, having shorter careers. Collapsing pocket, sure take off, be smart, use the sidelines, he's so fast that any threat is coming from the front, so he can take an approach to minimize that collision. Designed runs that require patience and high traffic are bad. Always more worried about taking a awkward hit from behind, or having no real way to slide or get to sideline. Situationally on a 4th and 1 in a close game, sure. Same with red zone. But make sure the risk reward isn't out of whack. This!!!! So much
  13. Do you want Josh to have a Cam Newton kind of career, or a Brady/Manning type of career?
  14. Sure driving your Ferrari through a corn field is proli fun, but doing it 7 times every Sunday, when there's boulders hidden in the field, might be considered abuse.
  15. So a guy that's being asked to cover the largest passing zone, in dead center of the field, is going to be replaced by Super-Brandon Spikes old school LBer? How is he supposed to make a 3rd and 1 stop, if we can't get anyone to third down.
  16. I don't and I'm sure Josh doesn't take it personally, especially if he owned up to it. His job is to talk for what... few hours a day? Every weekday? Run outta stuff to talk about, so when you have a polarizing player (at the time) thats mana from the heavens 🤷‍♂️. If any of us had to talk 3 or 4hrs a day publicly, we'd all end up sounding ever stupider than him (😉)
  17. Obviously I'm not on the field or in the locker room but I'm convinced Ford was a lazy turd. We really could of used a piece like him if he was buying in, especially knowing ike won't be reliable for this year. Hopefully a depth piece drops on waivers
  18. Contract is bad, so it's a no from me. However, the why is obvious. Huge body/catch radius high pointing, red zone target. A WR type we don't have (hodgins possibly). The why is easy. The enormous cons are: health and salary
  19. Awesome to hear thanks@ I hope we can find a way to get him in situationally this year. Maybe TE coverage, or blitzing situations. His aggressiveness with von and groot taking a ton of attention could be dangerous
  20. I'm not a condiment nazi lol all these players that say ranch say it cause they've never had buff blue cheese. It's disgusting in the south. But on the serious side, I feel like I've heard the least of all draft picks about him. He flying around making tackles? Holding his own covering Knox etc etc
  21. Has anyone heard or seen any insight on Terrel Bernard? I feel like I haven't heard anything about him????
  22. If true, who knows how things turn out. I obv don't think he turns into josh, but the jets are a factory of ruining young qbs, and darnold makes the best case out of any of them. In some bizzaro world, I could see him and darnolds in the similar realm. With us bringing Darnold up, and the jets given their best effort at ruining josh. Thank God it didn't happen
  23. Bakers gunns have a really good year and be candidate for Comeback POTY.
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