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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. Maybe you don't know the definition of lynching, hint, has nothing to do with a tree
  2. Same people who think I shouldn't be allowed to watch shows like South Park/Chapelle set, because they're outraged about things they don't consume
  3. What?!?! Weird with the 19 part considering the circumstances and I'm from the wait and see clan. "Donate 4 dollars today to a sexual assault foundation in Cleveland in honor of Watsons accusers" would be almost equally weird
  4. 11 days. Very well could be in response to being raped by 3 dudes, or mat getting tested because of unprotected encounter, and finding out that way. Totally possible she gave it to him if its the later, we'll never know
  5. So dox your own client is the professional thing to do? 😆
  6. Do we know what time it was? She snuck out telling her parents she was doing x and instead did y. Needed a place to stay the night Doesn't mean she told him I lied to my parents, not to mention even if she did plenty of college kids live at home and an 18yr old college kid might not tell their parent they're going to a party with drinking. Not saying this necessarily happened, we dunno, but pretending there's no possible explanation to him giving her a room to sleep in, other than setting her up for a gang rape is naive at best.
  7. Don't blame him. Was an interesting prospect, jets have criminally destroyed so many draft picks, def worth a flyer of sorts for a team outside AFCE
  8. Lol he had a really tiny mic him and kromers daughter were sharing. Side note shes cute. Worth risking melee attack by beach chair 😆😆
  9. 95% of my conviction here comes from sean and kim. i trust them to do what they 100% believe to be right. regardless of what they do, i trust them and think theyve earned it. if they make a decision and turn out to be wrong, they still get my benefit of the doubt. i dont know mcd personally obv, but of anyone that i dont intimately know, i cant think of a more high caliber human. i believe in his leadership, and the locker room does too. (generally agree with you though, mcd decision process is capped by our investigative team)
  10. Does anyone honestly think kim, beane or mcd would keep this dude around for talent? i trust them to do the right thing. if they cut ties tmrw, i dont believe itll be due to pressure, but some new finding. if they cut him, i think itll be for the right reasons. if they keep him on board and stand behind him, it will have nothing to do with talent, and everything to do with sticking up for "family" catching an unfair backlash. theyre not going to walk out of this is hypocrites to the lockerroom. the media might, but that wont matter. thats soooooooo engrained into mcd. stand up for what you believe is right, is the man i see him as. either way.
  11. Bass wasnt the first kicker picked, beli's guy is out of the league already. hes kinda raw as a prospect. booming leg, but lacks direction and hangtime questions. i dont find it overly odd
  12. yes there are degrees to things. do you think him getting oral from a girl misrepresenting herself as 18, willingly, is the same as a violent forceful gang rape. hes not my matt, no. but i also dont want my team to be siding with a scumbag and i dont think theyd do it unless they had the utmost confidence there was no malice. bills had an easy out in cutting araiza for haack for atleast 6 weeks... a few days back they cut haack and kept the rookie around. i dont think they believe he did anything wrong or they wouldve seperated themselves. i dont want my team enabling a scumbag. yes i hope this isnt true, and the hookup was mutual, and that the gang rape was a seperate unrelated incident. dont we all want some variable of that?
  13. My question on this (i seriously dont know). If mat had willing participant sex with this woman. then she laid down, safe to his knowledge, and left...... 30mins later shes forcibly gang raped. couldnt matts dna end up in a tear still? assuming these are very seperate incidents, dna evidence might not be helpful here. really hoping mat just got willing oral, and has no dna down there.
  14. the implication here by alleged victim atty is "hes so good buffalo will turn a blind eye", when really i read it as, araiza immediately reported this to buffalo, they did their investigation, likely spoke to witnesses or have credible witness accounts, and decided to stand behind a guy that caused no harm. araiza may have had sex with this woman. he may have led her to a room she could crash out in.... doesnt mean he fed her to the wolves. if he left her in there solo, went about his night, left her where he could reasonably expect her to be safe, and then in unknown time frame later..... was assaulted by a pack of fn mongrels.... its posssible for him to have had non forceful, willing sex.... with a girl that claimed to be 18, was not slurring or stumbling, according to her friends (who didnt know mat)..... he caused no harm, never carried malice, didnt throw anyone to the wolves...... happens to be the only one involved with money... she feels wronged and lashes out at the only viable target........ This is where im at, and i started at cut this scumbag. poor girl never deserved to be raped, but based on the story, and my belief in mcd/beane/pegulas (kim!!!)... they cut haack, i think theyll stand behind a young guy like that. thats me and my opinion, with the info i have now.
  15. outside reputation is whatever. if the locker room trusts the information stafff provides them, rallys behind it..... wont matter what pitchfork mob reacts to (with less information than the team and locker room)
  16. We cant assume him saying that means he was black out drunk. Dude gets a call of a girl speaking very unnaturally, blatantly asking "did we have sex", he smells cops says, i dont remember (sounds a lot like- i do not recall- aka dont wish to self incriminate).
  17. Dude, knowing this team and beane and mcd.... if they have credible witnesses, believe he didnt act maliciously..... that team has had a family sit down to say- hey this is whats coming. this is why were standing behind mat. we stick up for our players when we believe in them. as a team, this isnt going to effect our goals. the media might be brutal, but this is us taking a stand for someone who could just as easily be YOU. -- THAT IS A STRONG LOCKER ROOM MOMENT If that meeting hasnt happened, and the bills are standing behind their guy, that meeting will happen. If thats what beane and mcd do, i think theyve earned the trust of the team to get benefit of doubt. hell, this could be somewhat of a rallying point for the team. Does this sound unreasonable? I truely dont think it does.
  18. we dont know that. its just as fair to say - hes a stand up guy, had unprotected in heat of moment... afterwards realized that wasnt smart and got tested afterwards, due to the encounter. she could have gave it to him just as easily, and he was being a mature sexual partner. ***IM NOT SAYING THAT DIIIIIID HAPPEN**** but that is how a lot of people find out they have things. id argue someone who rarely has these encounters is the type to be responsible and check.... where as the bar crowd, after a week says "wow no sores, dodged a bullet" and do it again. culturally thats how this generation works
  19. twisting rational peoples words into terrible things they didnt say. this is virtue signaling. victim blaming is toxic. you know what else is EQUALLY toxic, assuming 100% of people accused of things, are guilty of them. justice is justice is truth... are you saying all the women of the salem witch trials had it coming, they were accused after all ^^^ see what i did there? thats not a very nice thing to do (let alone morally superior) is it???
  20. he couldve chose to get the test due to the sexual encounter (pretty responsible), found out he had it, and told her. we dont know who gave it to who.
  21. might be a criminal thing at that point on a technicality, but morally a 21 yr old guy, having non forceful sex, that she was wanting to partake in.... is a moral judgement i can live with. thats on her at that point and the courts to decide his punishment. i dont believe thats the bills place to say, you dont fit our culture. im not talking about a 34 and 17 yr old.... 21 and 17, and the girls lying saying shes in college, i can stand behind that, flame away,
  22. araizas lawyer says there are several witnesses including alleged victims friend, saying she wasnt slurring wasnt stumbling. this wasnt some kegger ripper, more of a get together. if this can be substantiated, its hard to say you were incapacitated so much that you couldnt move, and cant remember 90%. this could all be false, who knows, but if this lawyer has the witnesses to back it up, it does not match victims story.
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