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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. Moving can be stressful, you should plan a nice massage for after you're finished! Check IG yet?
  2. Anyone happen to see bernard put there? Curious how he looked
  3. Hes patient, with the ability to accelerate/explode out of a cannon at any point? How I took it
  4. He passed a year ish ago according to a thread on here. Never met him in real life but always appreciated his posts. Gunna have the best seats for the first ever 20-0!
  5. Miss ASTRO. I like his Twitter stuff but it was nice to get everything in one place. That an irreparable rift of sorts?
  6. You think bass is missing 8 or 9 fgs because of araiza? Lol based on what?
  7. Triple flea flicker! Who would expect that, bound to hit on one of em!!!
  8. Check your email every now and then. I usually cancel it after promo expires, month or two later I get 3 mos at $1.... rinse repeat lol I spend about $9/yr for 9mos
  9. Didn't Isiah have that nice return or was that shakir?
  10. Let's be real the nfl is too big to ever feel any pushback. Mayne Cleveland will feel it some... but if you think 31 other teams fans are going to change their viewing habits because of Watson you're being delusional. The sport brings me exponentially more joy than frustration. It is what it is
  11. I'm far from a legal eagle, but I heard a former prosecutor talking about any time a grand jury is involved it raises some red flags, that they're easier to tamper with. I wish I had the link, I'm not one to claim this is true even, but it was a very interesting anecdote. Edit found link: this is a podcast so I don't have timestamp, but one of my fav podcasts, and this was quite a bit different than what they normally put out https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/mattandshanessecret/MSSP_389_-_AUDIO.mp3?dest-id=446194
  12. I heard pft on pmt one time say, after you lose someone you love when you think about them your first reaction will be grief... but eventually that first reaction will be to smile and happy memories again, that's how you know you're starting to heal. It'll be a long time, but hope Dawson and his family can get back there
  13. Good for Kyle and anyone else speaking up about this. No matter what you say it's been 'you're racist' or 'you don't care about women' so much of sports world has stayed out of the way. Watson is a scumbag and he deserves everything coming to him. Absolutely hope guys on d are taking shots at the knees, amd I hope refs turn an eye to it
  14. Might be some fireworks between car and ne after a week of joint practices, even before taking acct for scrum earlier this week
  15. What an unnatural looking pic 🤦‍♂️
  16. best bet is to find a college student that you can use their name and your email to sign up for stream sunday ticket... its like $30 for 4 mos. thats how i did it
  17. All that's cool as long as everyone is consenting. Hell I'd go check out most of those, but the people in those circles pound consent even harder than the rest of the population, because it is in wild territory
  18. One thing I've thought about a bunch since Tony Romo broke out as an announcer, is that if this guy can accurately guess plays that much, there's a bunch of dudes on every staff that csn do the same thing. I don't think there's nearly as much surprise involved in games as one would expect. There's a bunch of, you know what's coming and good luck stopping it anyways. Kinda makes things that much more magical to me. Obv it's not every play, but it's not just 3rd and 1s either. Just my 2 cents, and I don't disagree with you that id still prefer to keep this stuff in house as much as possible.
  19. I got a release in Vegas once, cost me $1k
  20. Merriman =/= Haynesworth. Dude looked impressive in the little time he played, just couldn't stay healthy. Haynesworth was just fat and didn't care.(ready for flames) Even he got a bit of a raw deal, being asked to do complete opposite of what he was good at. Then again he shoulda picked a diff team
  21. It would be be so jetsy to mortgage more of your future this week, to really make sure you lock in that 7 - 10 season 😆😆😆
  22. someone shared a pro tip with aaron. dont bang 6s while hallucinating, lucy will make a face realll wild lol on a more serious note, that comment is way off. dude has been permanently stuck with draft night face. he came off as intelligent, grounded, and sinerely happy... maybe for the first time ever. good for him, seriously
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