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fergie's ire

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Everything posted by fergie's ire

  1. Isn't this coach supposed to be an old school coach? You know....the kind that would run Oklahoma drills because they WANTED players to fight each other and get fired up?
  2. Yes....and I have suspected this. Remember a couple of years ago when Mario and Dareus were not a good fit and bitched and moaned all season? I don't necessarily think that Darby and Sammy were complaining to that degree...but I often think that new coaches will look for guys who don't seem "all in" and cut them loose to send the message: "Be with us 100% or be gone." I seem to remember Bill Cowher doing the same thing when he came to Pittsburgh and outright cutting guys who were high draft picks to send the message he would cut anyone.
  3. The Bills are clearly looking toward the future and stocking up on draft picks, but I have also wondered if there is a reason that they traded Sammy based on the present. They have said they want TT to work on reading defenses and making quick decisions and they may have thought that TT had gotten into the habit of just looking at "where's Sammy" and throwing there. I remember years ago that when the Giants traded Jeremy Shockey a lot of people thought that they had robbed Eil of his best (and maybe only) target....but once his security blanket was gone he actually became a better quarterback. I'm not saying this was the only reason they traded him but may have figured into their thinking...and a reason why having a bunch of possession receivers could benefit TT in this system.
  4. In some ways, the Sammy trade makes more sense than the Darby trade. Sammy was probably in his last year...is an injury risk...so for the new group it might be best to move on. Though no need to rush to move on from Darby. The idea that they are tanking (or, at the least, stockpiling for the future) would make sense. But then why sign Boldin? Particularly to a one year deal? Makes me wonder if there is going to be a part B to this plan....like maybe they are setting up a trade for someone else.
  5. First: condolences. Second: Astro-NOTES!, Astro-NOTES!, Astro-NOTES!!!!
  6. What are they thinking? Taking him out for steak when he has been used to eating at KC steak joints? Doomed.
  7. Seems someone else connected to the Bills....maybe a GM/Coach went to Coe College, too.
  8. And it is a shame if Dareus does need to ship out....because with his talent "the ceiling is the roof."
  9. I think, that if you check the team bylaws, you'll find that when there is an opening in the area (which there is) the team is required to select a very fast....very small...receiver who can't stay on the field in the second or third round.
  10. can·non fod·der ˈkanən ˈfädər/ noun noun: cannon fodder soldiers regarded merely as material to be expended in war.
  11. Kurt Warner WAS a backup before coming to St. Louis. He was the backup quarterback for the Amsterdam Admirals of the WFL. His dad told him that if he couldn't start in the WFL, maybe he should think about giving up the pro football dream. Kurt's response was, "I don't know dad....this Jake Delhomme guy I'm backing up is actually pretty good."
  12. Yes...and they actually played this clip at the stadium before the Giants first home game the following season....which was awesome.
  13. But was it as smug as this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhw_YLGmvKw
  14. I guess that the Redskins were so impressed with his D when they played him in '15 that they just have to have him in for a look. http://www.espn.com/nfl/game?gameId=400791549
  15. 2015 Fitzpatrick>>2015 Osweiler. Osweiler = 6'8" prototypical quarterback bod and arm. Fitzpatrick, not so much. The theoretical potential a team saw in Osweiler led to the over-sized contract. Don't see the same happening for Tyrod.
  16. And while we're at it....after that sorry attempt at a tackle (trying to blow a guy up with his shoulder), I am done with Gilmore.
  17. I agree. I even seem to remember that he was injured during our great Schwartz-defense year, and that our defense suffered during his absence. Maybe someone more skilled at such research than me could look it up.
  18. Other than a win against the Brady-less Patriots, our wins are against the 22nd, 25th, and 31st ranked teams. Does not exactly fill me with confidence for the second half of the season.
  19. I, too, believe they should bring him back slowly. However, remember that Odell Beckham was in the situation....on PUP for first six weeks. Not sure if he had any pre-season play before that....and tore the league up when he returned. I know they are different positions, but if they just use Lawson as a quarterback seeking missile...and doesn't have to think to much....He should be able to contribute right away.
  20. According to Gannon, he can't throw outside and so the Bills run nothing but routes over the middle for him. Man....that announcing crew was terrible.
  21. And don't forget he drafted Robey-Coleman and let him go to the Bills.
  22. I had actually heard the opposite in terms of readiness. According to NFL.com's draft report, Goff "Spent 99.8 percent of his pass snaps from pistol or shotgun this season. Will likely need to orient himself with NFL footwork from under center" whereas of Wentz, they reported that "Played in a pro-­style attack with plenty of snaps under center. Asked to make NFL throws and showed he could do it. Stands tall in the pocket and delivers with a relatively high release point." Yes, the talent level for Wentz was a question....but in terms of footwork and reads, he was used to a pro style offense. So, it's not surprising that Goff is struggling (or for that matter that Wentz knows what he is doing). What is surprising (and concerning for the Rams) is how much Goff has struggled and how quickly Wentz has adjusted to the speed of the NFL game.
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