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fergie's ire

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Everything posted by fergie's ire

  1. Fitz went on an 80 yard drive with 3:41 left to beat Oakland. Then Fitz lead a great two minute drive against New England to put points on the board before halftime....which helped sparked a second half comeback and finally ended our long string of futility against that franchise. We all crowed that we finally had a coach and quarterback with the courage to lead such a drive with little time on the clock....a few weeks later Fitz was crushed by London Fletcher and was never the same again. Trent Edwards lead the Bills to three exciting come from behind wins...we all marveled that we now had a quarterback with the savvy and skill to lead the Bills in pressure drives....then he was crushed by Adrian Wilson and was never the same again. jp Losman leads the Bills to an exciting come from behind victory over the Texans including and amazing two minute drill culminating in a last second touchdown. We are all excited that we have found a gunslinger quarterback who will lead the Bills on many future comebacks. The next year, Losman gets hurt, Edwards steps in and does better...everyone clammers for Edwards. Losman's confidence seems rattled....and he is never the same again. Drew Bledsoe....too much baggage and history to go into. Rob Johnson steps in and replaces Doug Flutie who had struggled to score all year. He leads a great two minute drive to set up a field goal to beat the Titans....a Titans team, by the way, that went on to shut EVERYONE down that they would face in those playoffs with the greatest show on turf barely scoring enough to beat them (23 pts) and Peyton Mannings Colts scoring no more than Johnson and the Bills......but wait...a throw back on the kickoff run in for a touchdown. Buffalo looses...the next year starts with some injuries, some stupid one yard sacks...and that after the devastating loss destroys Johnson's confidence and he is never the same again. Buffalo, you seem to have a good one there in EJ Manuel.....Try not to break him.
  2. Long time lurker....first time poster. Help me out....I'm jonesin' for info. I just need one little news tidbit to get me through...and I promise I won't bother you again. Just need some kind of report about actual players actually doing something. If you live in Buffalo and you see EJ in Wegman's tossin' a tub of Cool Whip in his cart...just share with me a little about his throwing motion. If you see Kiko attacking some wings...just write up a little analysis of his aggressiveness. Can't make it 'till training camp......
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