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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. My kids used to love Peppa back in the day. They will love this.
  2. I used to live there. There is some gerrymandering that goes on with how they count their population. That said, even if you view Indy as much bigger, I do think the closed stadium in Buffalo could draw more events than a lot of folks think.
  3. why can Indy get that stuff though? It’s not exactly a booming metropolis. They get all kind of crazy stuff, including the NCAA volleyball finals, etc.
  4. I don’t want to derail this thread, but not putting a roof on the stadium is dumb. I looked at the costs. It will be a lot more— but how can they not get a much better rate of return with all the events they can hold in an enclosed stadium? Short-sighted. they could do a much more affordable design like Lucas Oil too, and it wouldn’t break the bank.
  5. Forecast improving some re wind speed. Looking like 20 mph, and gusts of 44. That is down from 25/60. https://www.windy.com/42.752/-78.746?2024011418,42.551,-78.746,9
  6. Agreed. the JT spot (I guess it’s the 4) is a real problem for us when JT isn’t scoring and Benny is ineffective. It would be great to play Maliq at the 4, but he is really doing wonders at the 5.
  7. Great win against BC. Loved the unique early rotations, with Qadir and Brown in the starting lineup. Second half got a little ragged, but they gutted it out. if I had a complaint, it’s that Red needs a faster hook with Taylor. When he is just chucking them up and missing badly, he can’t go on and on shooting like that. if this team could make open outside shots with consistency, they could have really put BC away.
  8. By the way, I recommend this website to any of the weather worriers like Myself. I have found the predictions on wind speed and wind gusts to be quite accurate. right now, they are calling for 25 MPH winds at 1 PM. Gusts of 50 MPH. The gusts are going to be the real variable. Without those, We should be able to have some windows to throw even if the wind is at 25. I have found that if the wind speed drops to like 20, it’s usually not a factor. So hoping we get a little Bit of a break since the rest of Sunday looks like the wind will be less than 20. https://www.windy.com/42.752/-78.746?2024011415,42.551,-78.746,9
  9. we are really that bad against the run? I feel like we have been pretty good all year. The first few games we gave up a couple long ones, but seems we have settled down.
  10. I just hated every single character. And the movie didn’t feel like it went anywhere. And then the ending—- umm? That came out of left field and felt pointless. I usually don’t feel that strongly about movies, but I really disliked that one.
  11. one of the points he makes in the book is the MJ today has super high THC content. People assume it is like the 1960s stuff, but it is much more potent.
  12. I read this book last year, and it really changed my views on the issue. The link between marijuana use and mental health problems is very strong. https://www.amazon.com/Tell-Your-Children-Marijuana-Violence/dp/1982103671/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?adgrpid=129227562456&hvadid=580829965141&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9052407&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=1103419649454403166&hvtargid=kwd-604853000870&hydadcr=15120_13523052&keywords=alex+berenson+tell+your+children&qid=1704851629&s=books&sr=1-1
  13. https://www.post-gazette.com/sports/paul-zeise/2024/01/08/josh-allen-buffalo-bills-pittsburgh-steelers-nfl-wild-card-weekend/stories/202401080078 they think getting the Bills was the much easier matchup. I guess we will see.
  14. I think the main change would be to: Build A Dome!!!
  15. Can’t play scared, but gotta play smart. That means taking the check downs, throwing the ball away if everything is covered, and kicking FGs when you can get points on the board.
  16. theoretically, I agree with you. But knowing our team, that aggression will lead to that Steelers defense scoring on some strip sack or pick 6.
  17. I said this up thread. If we don’t turn the ball over and play smart special teams, then I think this is an easy 23-10 type win. If we do our somewhat common dumb things, they will get like all their points off turnovers and we will lose. we can’t have the mindset that we must score 50 points. just play clean and play field position.
  18. This game will come down to two things: turnovers and special teams. we need to be happy with good field position, kicking field goals, and being conservative. Let the inferior team make the mistakes for once.
  19. I thought they did a great job of carefully reviewing that Kincaid catch. Wasted 5 Minutes, even though the down, distance, and clock would have been exactly the same regardless of whether it was a catch or not.
  20. the knox non-call PI was as bad as it gets because the ref was literally 5 yards away, watching it happen. How do you miss that?
  21. Agreed. I like Tua. Nothing wrong with being a good QB in a great system. But he isn’t carrying a team to a win like that.
  22. in all seriousness, how can anyone watch that game and think Tua is better. It’s like one guy is playing varsity ball and the other JV.
  23. It was an awesome play. it also was a blunder by the dolphins. As soon as that ball was tipped, the defender could have just taken sherfield out. No PI there.
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