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Everything posted by dlonce

  1. Big Ferrgie fan, but I despised him hanging his head coming off the field. The kids of today would consider that a cutting offense. It was a whole different game back then. The league didn’t have to keep the fans interested through scoring. The generation after us was the video game generation. Got to see all memorable games,except comeback game. I had seats on the Bills side right on the 50 yard line 15 rows up. I bought them in the late 70s, when attendance wasn’t very good. Had them for 30 years until My family and I decided to hang out in Florida through most of football season.
  2. No issue at all. There was was only one can’t miss QB in that class,Elway. All the rest had problems, just like this years class. Kelly had major shoulder surgery and there were questions of his recovery from it. Marino was said to enjoy coke,party boy and so on. That was an era when QBs were not protected,it wasn’t an offense oriented league and running games were of vast importance. So there wasn’t as much fascination with the QB position. It was very important but there wasn’t much press regarding it. Todays social media, and instant availability of news/sports shines a spotlight on athletes. Look at how people dissect a players every move.
  3. Look at some of his game tape. He’s much more poised and polished. He throws a great ball and has great feet, both in and out of the pocket. This kid is way better than your above referenced clowns. He’s athletic. I threw **** (not literally)at my TV when we drafted Losman, I threw a bottle of beer at my nephews TV when we drafted Manuel (literally). I deferred throwing anything this year because I truly didn’t know much about Allen. He took a lot of hits to make plays because his line and receivers were utter garbage. He threw picks because of his line and receivers, forcing balls when games were out of reach. He has surprising elusiveness and speed for a guy almost 6’5” and 245 pounds. Check the tape. He doesn’t look like a college QB to me at all. I wasn’t a fan of his before but I am now.
  4. Wow, you can really see his skill set in this game. He’s got great foot movement,slides around in the pocket and will throw it away when he has to. You can see how outclassed his team was in this game and likely most games. If he gets any time in the pocket he’s going to be great,IMO.
  5. Allen should become a starter as well. WHEN is the question. I don’t believe he will sit the entire year.
  6. Whats interesting is this year 2015 Wyoming MWC SO QB 2 4 6 66.7 66.7% completion percentage. If a player is inaccurate they normally remain that way. Not the case here. What happened in 2015 that was different? Coaching? Players? Different scheme?
  7. Nice find. Conlan was a beast,if only he could have stayed healthy.
  8. Where did you find Allen’s sub 60% completion numbers from high school and Junior college from? Is there a link to them.
  9. Formal semantics. Are they good players? Who is a bust? Those guys who grade drafts are normally incorrect down the road.
  10. Im pretty close to being as seasoned, my first time there was 1963. I agree with your assessments, all three. When I was in my late teens and early twenties I used to feel as that poster does now, then you grow up and realize it isn’t worth it. Theres no way to grade this draft right now. They are all ass hurt because they sucked down the koolaid served via guys on ESPN. Social media is creating monsters out of people and everyone is an armchair GM. I like the draft on paper.
  11. He was trying to trade up with those teams to draft Allen, your alleged “our guys” were gone. Beane was concerned about other teams moving ahead of him. Arizona was reportedly trying to move up for Allen. It was rumored the Bills wanted Allen all along. What would have happened if he fell to Miami? The Ravens and Patriots were said to want a QB. That’s not panicking that’s going after your guy. You’re bitter because you wanted Rosen. I get it but my guess is Beane and his scouts did at least a year of due diligence. I think I’ll defer to their expertise until proven incorrect. Teams bittered on Rosen for some reason and the Bills were not the only team to pass on him. Lastly, they likely knew what Cleveland was doing prior to the draft. These teams talk to each other and it was no surprise,so why panic? Let it go, let’s see how Allen pans out.
  12. Does anyone really think the Bills took Allen because the Browns(THE FRIGGIN BROWNS) supposedly put out disformation? Jesus, this is insane and the Browns are the team that predictably bungled their draft.
  13. This is funny actually. Josh is after his job, now his woman. Non story. She’s friggin hot, A.J. and her know it. You’d have to not have a pulse to not think so,never mind a raging hormonal teenager.
  14. Good post. People don’t realize how minimal those percentages really are and many factors are involved. Just listen to what Palmer said today on John Murphys show. Wyoming’s offense didn’t use many dump offs and bubble screens like the other QBs teams did. He pointed to the lack of separation by his receivers as well. He watched every game and calculated an average of dump offs and screens,calculating his accuracy percentage to be 62%. Myself,I wasn’t a big fan of Allen,but I have changed my mind now.
  15. Does it matter his bias? Certainly teams checked his tape, watched in person and came to the same conclusion because he was being talked about in high regard. There are no area code misses in his repertoire.
  16. Love this interview. He just explained Josh’s completion percentage. Watched all the tape because he thought it was very low for college. He came to two conclusions why. Wyomings offense didn’t predicate gimme passes,bubble screens,etc. And He didn’t have receivers who were open or wide open, unlike the other QBs offenses. Palmer said if Wyoming had employed those short gimmies and screens then he estimated Allen to be around 62% accuracy.
  17. The knee jerk reactions on this board is amazing and 99% of fans here don’t know anything about scouting a QB or what makes a good QB. I wanted Rosen strictly because he could hit the ground running. I desire immediate satisfaction. Im also fine with Allen. This board and their stats are hopefully proven incorrect.
  18. There were teams behind them that might have been looking to trade up to get a QB. Sitting and waiting is a dangerous game. Who says Miami didn’t want one of these guys too. Two solid first rounders out of this draft. I’m fine with using those second rounders.
  19. He would have been gone,either by a lesser trade via Arizona or when Miami picked. Lastly, the people complaining about this are mostly the people from the old BBMB who know absolutely nothing about what a decent QB looks like. That includes the guy named Transplantbillsfan,who loved EJ Manuel and Tyrod Taylor. You sir know literally nothing about the QB position. They regurgitate Whatever the prognosticators say. This guys a really,really good QB.
  20. It’s a failure of a plan because of the trade down with KC because McDermott was enamored with Andy Reid. Houston wanted our pick offering the same first this year but we chose the team that’s been a historical playoff team instead of Houston. Pick 4 sure would look nice right now. These rookie managers are going to learn,likely too late, that you don’t make deals because someone helped you out in coaching. Very,very stupid trade in hindsight, not to mention who we actually could have drafted.
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