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Everything posted by dlonce

  1. The referenced game by OP is in the top 10 but the opening day Miami win with the goal posts coming down, winning the AFC east titles,the AFC championship games, especially 51-3, Kelly’s game ending TD run against Miami and of course the comeback game rank higher to me. I understand it’s special to the o p, you certainly can’t take that away from him.It was a special game and win. Hopefully this is the start of a new top 10.
  2. Not even close. Van had the pleasure of that. I believe Rick Azar did as well. Murphy has a good radio voice,but I cannot stand his signature call of “Touchdown, touchdown,touchdown Buffalo.” Three times. Really Murph? For some reason that annoys me.
  3. I know her and Micah fairly well. Your impressions of her are exact. She’s a fantastic young woman and her husband is a wonderful man. She loves the area. In fact many former professional sports athletes and management guys love it here as well. There are a bunch of them living in the area after they quit their professions. Why? Ive asked a few of them this question, but I already knew the answer. Small town feel, small town residents, diverse culture with diverse entertainment, all with a substantially low cost compared to other parts of the country. Value. People don’t bother them and treat them as just another regular guy. Getting from point A to point B is without stress. They say it’s a great place to raise a family and the school systems and Hospitals in this area are excellent. Ive been all over the world, lived in many cities, and this area(Buffalo) is much,much better than San Diego, Atlanta, Detroit, NYC and St.louis. I guess it would depend on your age. My nephew as a young man lived in Manhattan, he loved it,loved the night life and the activity of a big city. When he grew up he hated it,moved around the country and came to the same conclusion as I have. This is a great place.
  4. Are you assuming we are going to be drafting at the top of the draft? Its week 3, we have no idea where we will draft. If we draft top two there is no way I’d trade down unless the haul was extensive. There are two Defensive line players that are studs. Potential franchise guys. There are no QBs in the next class worth a team giving up a haul for, yet. I don’t believe the Bills are one of the two worst teams in the league. Sure,they are having a difficult time but their schedule isn’t going to be that difficult soon enough. AND Theres no friggin way the Vikings are 17 points better than the Bills. That line is absurd.
  5. Once he really learns to read NFL defenses,sees it all and is able to go through progressions he will be fine. Hes behind the so called eight ball because of the team that surrounds him, and the lack of consistent mentoring a veteran QB can supply. Hes not in the optimal position,unlike Mahommes. His ability to learn and apply is paramount.
  6. ESPN is a shell of its former self. Don’t be bothered by them. It pimps basketball 24/7 and spits out useless facts during their Sports Center segments. Every clown on there attempts to be a Chris Bergman clone and it doesn’t work. Everything is a “hot take” and is garbage. I very rarely tune into those stations.
  7. Beane was mandated by the Pegulas to get us more financially in shape.. This team is the by-product of said mandate. The Pegulas have no one to blame but themselves.
  8. Fans are fans. A group of fans thought Frank Reich was a better QB than Kelly. It’s just the way it is. There is an obvious difference in the two QBs. One throws darts, can make a big play at any moment but is really green. The other guy throws with much less velocity,has more of a grasp of how NFL defenses play and is fairly green as well. Whom to start? If the Bills had a viable veteran in the midst then that is who I’d start. The rookie could learn from that guy. We don’t have that guy,or at least one that’s been a starter at some point. What’s the benefit keeping JA on the bench? Its a tough call. He could benefit watching real time action with various defensive strategy,dissecting plays with the other QBs and coaches,or he could learn on the job. He’s pretty talented,so maybe he starts. Id start him if I’m McD.
  9. Very nice analysis SoCoBills. Your quote regarding Bills in nickel while Cleveland in multiple TE sets should be heeded. Also, Cleveland did attempt more exotic plays on offense and defense that is not normally used in practice games. This might have been designed to pump up the players and fan base. They are attempting to change their losing culture. First home practice game with a lot of positive press. Our coaches will have the D ready. They will install a game plan to counter the opponents offense. Edmunds I’s a rookie. Rookie LBs that play the middle and do not consistently rush rarely make an impact.
  10. Coming from a guy named Cookie G I find the comment a bit new age. Maybe the regular season is when the line picks it up? You don’t have a line that has worked together, they need time. Teams don’t send multiple blitz packages during practice games. Cleveland did. Teams are usually teaching and attempting to keep players healthy during practice games. Practice games do not count. Williams is an !@#$. This game does not show anything about the value of our line. This is more of an indictment of coaching. If teams are going to throw blitz packages in pre season then coaches have to prepare their players for them. The argument based on one practice game is absurd. Absurdity seems to be the norm anymore.
  11. That is exactly right. Clevelands attempting to change culture, they threw the kitchen sink at the Bills. It’s a Pre Season game for Christ sake. Our OL wasn’t prepared for it, and don’t think for a minute our players who are penciled in as starters are playing full tilt. Cleveland’s desire to create excitement at home, is why Greggie Williams created a more complex defense for this game.
  12. They can’t, it’s the era of instant gratification, absurd knee jerk reaction and participation trophies. Ive never seen a bunch of so called fans with so little knowledge of football in my life. As though a kid playing in his first PRE SEASON games (yes Preseason) in a leadership role, is supposed be an immediate ALl PRO. Jesus.
  13. Back in the old days people wanted to see their players fight. It meant they had a mean streak and didn’t take any ****. Now, in the age of the pansies, it’s a cuttable offense. You cant win today. The pussifying of America continues.
  14. I don’t think the people of Boston care what he looks like. He does looks much softer than he usually does. One can pray its the beginning of the end. I don’t have the same admiration for any iron curtain woman. I put Jizzelle and Melania Trump in the same category. To each their own, personally I find there are way more attractive women that have sport husbands then this girl.
  15. Al Wyatt, Jamie Nails and I believe Justin Armor.
  16. I wanted the Bills to move up for Kuechly, when we refused I wanted them to draft Tannehill. I also committed the ultimate sin, wanting them to draft manzell. Not having a QB since Kelly tends to warp ones mind.
  17. There’s question marks about everything right now, training camp hasn’t even started. How can anyone point to any game at this point? The boards must be really slow.
  18. I’d love to see training camp back here in the Buffalo area, but I really have no aversion to Rochester camp. I used to ride my bike to Niagara University back in the OJ Simpson era. Lots of fond memories. Skip Fredonia too.
  19. I heard some anti Allen guy on WGR claim that Wyoming took the ball out of his hands and ran it,even though they have a terrible run game. He said that points to the lack of trust in the QB. Whats the truth? His attempts do not lend to this theory,but I have no clue.
  20. In another post I pointed to people who do not know enough about what a good QB looks like to make the mistakes you have. JP, Trent, EJ and Tyrod were not ever good QBs,they never were going to be good QBs.You fell in love with these guys,probably like your love for Rosen. You’re a fan, you want your QB to succeed,that’s normal. Youve applied past failures as your litmust test to the future results. I’m going to go opposite of what you have said because of your past, but now you’ve learned. You go by what you see,not because you’re a homer. So, what is it you see? Is it independent thought or are you listening to the clowns on sports talk radio? Give us something better than a 56% completion rate. The difference between 56% and 60% is minimal.
  21. Really? He played for an awful team with awful players surrounding him. It’s surprising he accomplished anything remotely close to a winning record, 50% completions and didn’t have twice the interceptions. His team notably failed against better opponents. His line was truly a sieve. What points you to him being a 4th round grade,or anything but a first round grade? Its my understanding he’s smart and knows how to dissect defenses. This guy is fairly fluid,not the traditional mechanically sound QB,but fluid. Like most QBs that are under duress(him being under duress is an understatement) he forgets to be mechanically sound, doesn’t keep his feet towards the target and throws off the wrong foot. Guess what? Neither does Rodgers or Rothleisberger and a bunch of others. A lot of his so called accuracy issues have come because he was trying to carry the entire team on his back. He attempts a lot of throws he shouldn’t, he was trying to bring his team back in these games. Thats not a mechanical problem, that’s just who he is. That is a very fixable problem, especially with NFL coaching. Im sure the anti Allen faithful will post video of him missing a wide open target, but is that the constant? Doesnt every QB miss open receivers, and wildly sometimes?
  22. Oh they’re serious. Its like the Patriots have casted spells on people. I cannot wait until they return to their rightful place in the AFC East, the doormat, just to discontinue hearing about them in every breath.
  23. All ESPN talks about is basketball, and I love basketball. When a sports channel pimps Basketball and English soccer as their sports,you know they are in trouble. I believe Shurmur said what’s referenced. Fans know very little with respect to the QB position. The world is statistic oriented now and people believe in them as the truth. Fans, and I see it here all the time, regurgitate what they see or hear from fanrag types, Jeremy Whites and Mike Schoops of the world. “He has has a 56% accuracy rating” they say, therefore he’s inaccurate. It’s not the whole story here. There are variables outside of his control that created this accuracy argument. Listen to the one of the guys that knows him well,Jordan Palmer. The variables have been widely posted by many on this board but the brainwashed doesn’t comprehend. They are NOT wrong, they KNOW their QBs. They just knew J.P. Losman was a very good QB who was “ruined” by the Bills, EJ was “rushed to play too early, it ruined his career.” You just have to laugh at the excuses. A bad QB is a bad QB,regardless of timing. I love the way Allen throws and moves in the pocket. He looks like a real QB,finally. I hated the pick originally until I actually researched him. I too listened to the guys on ESPN and the Jeremy Whites of talk radio.
  24. There were no good Russ Brandon times. I am from a family of salesmen and I know a scammer when I see and hear one. Russ sweet talked his way into Wilson’s heart, he never really cared about him, just wanted to become successful. When Ralph gave him a percentage of the team he hit the jackpot. A good salesman can scam their way into people’s minds,making them believe they are special. If you are not smart, street smart , you buy into being stroked by Russ. Look at Russ Brandon’s eyes. Small, dark, round and evil looking. There’s a correlation between facial looks and personality, eyes and personality. Its about time someone caught on to him. Having said the above, I’d hire Russ in a nano second and pay him whatever he wanted. That guy is a master marketer, a spin master. He sucked most fans into buying tickets. He schmoozed fans like he did to Wilson and his staff. You people bought into him hook, line and sinker. Glad he’s gone,Good riddance Russ. I hope these women sue the Bills and Brandon. Maybe he will have to relinquish some of the money he scammed from Ralph in the sale of the Bills.
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