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Everything posted by TheBrownBear

  1. sounds like a good showing today. Hung tough for 3 qquarters. Didn't embarrass ourselves.
  2. Lol...keep dreaming...there's no way he'd take the Buffalo job. He's in a great situation at Oregon and Nike will throw whatever money he wants to keep him there. Plus, he's a hot commodity. If he's interested in the NFL, he'll get the best job that's available - and that won't be in Buffalo. Keep in mind that the only guys who would accept this job in the last decade are the worst kind of retreads. I can't even imagine a guy like Mike Nolan accepting the job at this point. If Ralph is still with us when we reach for Chan's replacement, you're looking at a Marty Morningwheg, Steve Spagnuolo or Norv Turner kind of hire.
  3. Way way way less. After moving away from Buffalo, I used to spend my entire fall Sundays (for years) holed up in some smelly sports bar. Now I probably only watch about 1.5 hours of NFL football a week. And that's only because I have dinner at my in-laws on Monday nights and the game's on in their house. The current NFL product is weak in my opinion and resembles a 7-on-7 passing league. I miss the physical battles of my youth. Having said that, I'm sure I'll get sucked back in when the Toronto/Hamilton Bills turn it around in 2020.
  4. Lol...thank you for that one. Made my day.
  5. Lol...I know. There is no chance of turning this thing around until there's a new ownership group in place. Just get used to it and enjoy the level of mediocrity we've been treated to for 13 years or stop watching until Ralph Wilson is no longer the owner. I've chosen to stop watching...though I can't seem to stop whining about them on this board.
  6. Make that 14 years without the playoffs, at a minimum. Even under the best case scenario where we hire a competent coach and draft a franchise QB in the offseason, you're looking at a minimum of one season to develop the QB and install the new coach's philosophy. So, if everything falls just right for us, you're looking at a team that could possibly have a chance at the postseason in January 2015. Given our history, my guess is that we get the coaching change/frachise QB thing wrong for one more cycle (an additional 3-4 years), so we're looking at playoffs in 2018-2019. That would put us at roughly 20 years since our last playoff game. It's funny, I remember my Dad and I laughing and making fun of my mother for crying after we lost the Homerun Throwback game. We told her it was just a game and that they'd make the playoffs next year. If only we knew, we would have been crying right along with her.
  7. My biggest problem with Fitz is that he totally blows in the clutch. He's really only been clutch in two games that I can remember and they occurred in back-to-back weeks last year (Raiders and Pats). Compare that with the games where he has either thrown a huge pick or failed to move the ball in the 2 minute drill to cost us a game (Chiefs, Pats, Bears in 2010; Giants and Cinci in 2011; Tennessee in 2012...just off the top of my head). Agree with the general premise, though. By most objective measures, Fitz played well enough yesterday to win if we had even a below average defensive performance. Unfortunately for us, our defense is putrid.
  8. We have a culture of losing and it will stay this way until Ralph passes or we luck into a competent GM and/or coaching staff. You almost have to try to suck in order to miss the playoffs for 13 straight seasons in today's NFL.
  9. Never. Outside of the Bills, I am a die-hard UCLA basketball fanatic. My freshman year at UCLA was 1997. I attended every home game from '97-'02. Our last championship was in 1995, when I lived in Buffalo and UCLA wasn't even on my radar. Since I've been a fan, we've been to the Final Four three times (three straight years) and lost them all. Now were mired in mediocrity under the guidance of an inept athletic director (sound familiar, Bills fans?). The Bills, Sabres and UCLA Bruins (b-ball and football) are the only teams I have a legitimate rooting interest in. Given the state of things, I doubt I'll ever experience the ecstacy of a championship.
  10. Beyonce elicits a "meh" response from me. If you're going the pop route, I'd prefer Katy Perry to be honest. I typically find Bono insufferable, but U2 was the best halftime show I've seen - followed by Prince and the Stones. I'm only a casual fan, but I agree that the Foo Fighters are tailor made for the Super Bowl halftime act. Too bad they're on indefinite hiatus.
  11. Wrong. Rivers has no arm. He constantly underthrows guys and his deep throws consist of short punt-like fluttery jump balls. He has fallen way off in the last two years. Here's a sampling of the recurring themes I've heard all morning on San Diego sports talk radio with regards to Rivers: - weak arm - choker - regressing - no confidence - underthrows the deep ball - doesn't hit receivers in stride - statue - need to draft franchise quarterback Any of this sound familiar?
  12. Rivers? No thanks. We already have a noodle armed turnover machine who chokes in big games. Don't need to swap it with the immobile version.
  13. I live in san diego and watch more chargers games than bills games. get your facts straight. vincent jackson played all 16 games last year. it was 2010 where he held out for nearly the entire season (actually one of rivers' best seasons, so there goes the absence of vjax argument). you also left out rivers' 6 lost fumbles - and he literally fumbled away the chiefs game last year. Rivers was great, statistically speaking, from '08 - '10, but he's been totally mediocre since then. And he's been at his worst in the clutch and in big mathups (tonight, 2nd half last week, last year vs Pats, Jets, etc.). The guy is slipping fast and it appears his best days are behind him. He's quickly approaching Carson Palmer territory.
  14. Rivers has sucked for two years now. He's fitz with more freedom and better weapons.
  15. guy went 1-8 down the stretch last year. Yoou think they're gonna bench him when he's won 4 of 6? Get real. Lol.
  16. looks like were being treated a textbook Bills loss today.
  17. I'm already there. Watching the Bills brings no joy or entertainment value. I watched ten minutes of the opener and the first quarter against the Browns and that's been it. I don't miss it a bit. Been using my Sunday's to fit in marathon training and/or hanging with my family. I think the NFL in general is an inferior product to what it was 10-20 years ago. It's more like a 7 on 7 passing league at this point.
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