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Everything posted by brianthomas

  1. the thing that i take from all this is that thank god we won't have any more prediction threads about the draft after tomorrow. Now we can move on to arguing about who will start where & who will get cut/traded instead!
  2. Did Josh Allen have great production from Wyoming? Were you down on him too because he didnt put up 40 tds? Theres more to the NFL than college stat lines. Sure they give you some kind of indication of what to expect, but we've seen cases where great college stats mean doink in the NFL & vice versa. His measurables & numbers from his pro day are off the charts, some approaching elite level. He was projected by some to be a 1st rd talent, others 2nd rd. He's big, fast, had a good ypc & can block as well. He imo was the 4th best TE prospect in the draft. For that time in the draft, you weren't gonna get any one better at TE. And the Bills valued other positions as a greater need or value than TE for their earlier picks. So I'm just happy we got what we needed. So far another solid draft, GO BILLS!
  3. How do you know? New England traded away from their spot right behind us, so for all you/we know they wanted Knox & traded out of that pick once we got him 1st. By all accounts he was mocked to be chosen in the 3rd round, NFL.com had him projected for the 2nd round, so it seems fine to me.
  4. hey if u wanna be the best, u gotta beat the best. We're coming for ya New England!
  5. i hear ya, feel the same way. Anyone who replies to you that says something different you can be sure was a big DK lover
  6. Idk im not scared of Rosen at all. If anything i think this is a good thing. Watching Rosen lose the respect of that lockerroom in Miami & seeing him getting sacked again multiple times here in Buffalo, getting up with that stupid look on his face. Its gonna be great
  7. All those pre draft arguments about how the Bills should draft DK at #9 & how the naysayers were wrong to be against it. I wonder what those guys are thinking now seeing wr after wr being picked before DK does. So glad we didnt reach for him at 9
  8. Theres still some good wr's out there too. Hakeem Butler, AJ Brown, Parris Campbell, DK, Ridley. We can just let the draft come to us & still get someone good. Perhaps use one of our later picks to move back into the 3rd. No reason to rush things imo
  9. yeah i thought perhaps the seahawks traded back yet again. Got excited there for a moment
  10. I'm guessing if this is true they'd be bison, since bison are native to North America & buffaloes are indigenous to South Asia & Africa. But how would they react to the blasting of that stupid train whistle? Maybe it'll take a buffalo stampede to put an end to that thing @Gordio you rest your hand on the enter key during your post or something? haha
  11. i thought all these prediction threads would be done with once the draft started. Guess i need to wait til the draft is over for that to happen lol
  12. if you're gonna point to 'logic & common sense' in your thread title, at least spell the subjects name correctly. Logic & common sense would dictate that you should
  13. Idk how people come up with this stuff. Our Oline was one of the biggest issues last year & we've been working to upgrade it all offseason, because you know, we have a young QB & wish to protect him. So we take one of our brightest young tackles in Dawkins & trade him along with our #9 draft pick for a DT for which this draft class has lots of depth with. It makes no sense. Trade 2 assets which are very valuable in Dawkins & #9, for a DT in which if we just picked the next BPA at DT we'd be getting a good player anyways. This idea would seem to hurt the team more than help it imo.
  14. Shaq has come along slowly but has shown signs of improvement. I'm guessing GM's don't like to walk away from 1st round draft picks unless theyre convinced he's not worth the roster spot. They don't need to resign him right now, they don't need to dump him off the team either. They can wait & see if he is worth holding on to or they could trade him down the road. Just seems like a good position to be in & what you'd want really.
  15. If Allen goes on to have a productive career, this trade with the Chiefs won't mean as much. But if Mahomes goes on to be the next Brady & Allen somehow busts (even though i highly doubt he will), this coulda woulda shoulda passing on Mahomes will go down as another chapter in the big book of Bills mistakes imo. Regardless of who was making the draft decisions that day.
  16. So i guess this mock draft isn't really what you think the Bills will do, but instead what you would do or hope they do. Pretty entertaining for sure. I think most of it is highly unlikely for reasons most have already stated but I'd be happy for the most part if we got those players. Bottom line the Bills are in a good position to get some quality players & have tons of flexibility. It'll be pretty hard for them to screw this draft up. Sure I myself wouldn't pick DK at #9, & but if thats what they do we still get a freakishly athletic wr so you can't really complain. I just wish this darn draft were here already!
  17. Yep, North Buffalo/Kenmore atm. You wouldn't really expect these things around the city until you remember spiders are everywhere. The big ones don't really bother me, they're actually pretty cool. Its the one's you can't see that get under my skin.
  18. We found one of these nasty ****ers the other day as well. Glad to know we weren't the only ones dealing with these things. Cuz then i'd really be worried these spiders were singling us out haha. Just a sign of spring. These creepy crawlers start coming alive, so make sure to lay the law down so they get the message!
  19. how 'bout putting Tremaine in at TE? Dude would instantly be our most athletic TE & has a big wingspan to catch contested throws. (sarcasm) But hey now that i think of it, he really would be our most athletic TE because our current crop are average guys at best. Really hoping we upgrade that spot in the draft. Which is where i'd like to find our next Dlinemen as opposed to putting Teller on there.
  20. If the Bills drafted Metcalf, the plan down the road would be for him to be the #1 wr, but rarely does a rookie wr get penciled in as the #1 wr in his 1st year. Its a big jump from college ball to the NFL so it will take him some time, perhaps a whole season before he'd be our #1 wr. That's not to say you wouldn't place him on the outside once & awhile to run some deep routes, but no way does he immediately become your #1 wr. Me personally I think he's too much of a reach at that spot, given the other talent available in the draft & with our other needs. Hopefully this is just a Bills smokescreen or the case of another insider not knowing what he's talking about. DE, DT, OT or TE or trade back with some combo getting Harry as our wr or Fant/Hock/Smith at te would be my dream draft.
  21. Just my take on #4 but I have to disagree with part of this statement here. Our front office wouldn't be giving out contracts to anyone for the intent to make other clubs doubt our desire to draft OL in the 1st round. Firstly that just seems absurd to even conceive as an idea. But the obvious reason for those contracts with how they are designed is for salary cap management flexibility. Beane seems to understand how much a bad contract can hurt your football team. So he's structured these contracts in a way where we can walk away from these players if they don't pan out & not have to eat dead money at the end of it. He's definitely been focusing on upgrading the line & he's paid those who he needed to like Morse for instance, but for the rest of the guys brought in to compete for spots, if they don't work out then see ya bye bye & we'll upgrade whoever next time. To put it another way, if our front office really wanted to make other teams think we wouldnt draft OL in the 1st round, wouldn't they do the opposite & give out longer contracts to fool everyone like you suggested? Giving shorter contracts means we have less commitment & can walk away from what we currently have. If you have 5 guys signed for long term deals, nobody would expect you to draft OL in the 1st. But if you have only 1 guy signed long term, people would probably expect the opposite. So even if our GM would attempt to do what youre suggesting, how they've done it would be totally backwards from how you'd need to do it. Which they wouldn't do anyways since the goal is improving the depth & competition on the oline. So no i don't see it as posturing at all. Just simply trying to upgrade an area of need & filling holes while not committing ourselves too much in the process. Which imo is really smart & refreshing. But yes if all works out, our offense should be in a much greater position to succeed than it was last year, Allen, McCoy/Gore, everyone. And as for the draft McBeane can draft BPA. Things are looking up for sure
  22. Jerry definitely gets pressure on opposing QB's which is great & what we need, but how many times does he whiff on sacks due to over pursuing or having the qb slip off his arms? This isn't a hate post bcuz i love Jerry, but I still think Jerry loses control of his body sometimes while rushing. So i'd like to see that improve a bit, like he has improved on taking bad penalties & i think his sack numbers will only increase. But I'd have a hard time paying Jerry top end money for an extended contract extension due to his age getting in that zone where a dropoff is expected, coupled with his lack of sacks. Past 3 years he's averaged 5.66 sacks per year... even worse if you go out another year further. So whats that worth you know? Not top end money like what i've seen mentioned
  23. last thing i want for our o line is continuity from last season. I think thats just about the complete opposite from what you'd want So no its not a concern that we'll have perhaps 4 new starters on our line. Only place to go is up imo
  24. I'd love to see Brady retire, but all his other public statements stating how he intends to play til he's 50, leads me to think otherwise. Brady will retire when his play significantly shows signs of deterioration & he's just not there yet.
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