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Everything posted by brianthomas

  1. I can't even count how many times last year that I saw Shady attempt to run thru a hole, only for it to close just as fast with nowhere to run.... if there ever was a hole in the 1st place. Often the OLine was pushed back a yard or 2 back from the line of scrimmage by the time he even got the ball. Same thing would happen to Allen back there. Ball gets snapped & a defender almost beats the ball back to the QB lol. On a handful of carries where Shady did break one off for a big chunk of yards, it'd get called back on a penalty for holding or something else & he'd appear visibly frustrated & upset, as the rare positive play didn't even count. Nobody ever talks about that kinda stuff. Its just the same old narrative of Shady isnt the same. That's not to say I don't think he could've played better. I also think he gets inside his own head sometimes & gets effected by his emotions too much when frustrated, but he has high expectations for himself. He's a back that needs to get into a rhythm & get into the game to get a feel for the blocking & what the defense is doing. Our offense for half the season was pretty pathetic. The only rhythm in those games was the cycling in & out of our punter. In the games where Peterman & Anderson were starting, do you think defenses were afraid of being beat in the air? No they were cheating towards the run. So no, I don't worry about Shady losing a step at all tbh. I worry about the line because it all starts with them. If theyre effective this season Allen & Shady will be as well. But people zeroing in on Shady last year for his dropoff in production evidently didn't watch the same games I did, as its not as simple or black & white imo. Regardless, if he has a good season or not, I still think this is Shady's final season with the Bills.
  2. Whats better than 1 injury prone TE? 2 injury prone TE's Seriously though... i'll pass
  3. While its easy for us Bills fans to dump on Gronk for all the times he'd own our team, its not his fault we didnt draft him. I always thought the hate towards him was misplaced. We friggin drafted Torell Troupe 1 pick before Gronk went to NE. If anything we shouldve been more livid at our GM than him. Cant blame him for 1 second wanting to make us pay everytime he stepped on the field. Sure you can be pissed at the dirty hit on Tre & heck i was too, it was total bs. But i always thought it was a Billsy fan reaction to hate the guy. Dudes literally said a bunch of times how it was "cool" his hometown passed him twice in the draft & that he remembered it everytime he played us. Its a little different but thank the Gods Khalil Mack doesnt play in our division or he'd be crushing us too. Maybe throwing shade is like an emotional coping response people have to get thru the hard times idk. But anyways thanks for the donation Gronk. Dudes made donations to causes in WNY thruout his career, so its nice to see him still giving back. Its not just the money, its also the attention of him being there that counts.
  4. Yeah this appears bogus. I'm no expert with finding who edited something on Wikipedia, but it appears this user with the name: Qwertyuiopasdfgfdsa edited the page with this info. From the random key pressings of the name, its really a lazy attempt at being a troll tbh. I mean if ur gonna plant fake news, at least make sure ur name doesnt look fake as well.
  5. Yeah i loved watching Kellen Moore's games at The Blue. They'd play later at night so it'd be the best game on & man were those games exciting. The craziest schemes & plays. When they were rolling it was fun to watch. But the NFL? Dude couldnt even hack it as a backup. College production isn't always an indicator of future NFL success. Trying to make a correlation between the 2 is just having too much time on your hands haha.
  6. In todays NFL you see teams valuing the RT position more than in years past. Surely more than in the era when Bruce & Reggie played. Offenses back then put their best tackle in the LT spot. If its the premiere position on the OLine today, it was even more so back then. When you factor in Bruce playing in a 3-4 & going against the best tackles week in & week out, it really is impressive seeing how dominant Bruce was. Its a close call & both are legendary players, but when you compare the 2, you absolutely need to compare their competition & schemes. Reggie had it better on both those fronts imo.
  7. Tu’ikolovatu & Lotulelei, I like it, have fun with that Jim Nantz
  8. 'Don't look now but theres a strange looking guy staring at us, just keep talking & walk this way with me'
  9. It'd be nice if every city in the NFL got a chance to host the draft. Seems only fair & right imo. Every team could showcase the NFL to their cities but also those individual cities would be showcased to the larger NFL audience as well. Its something that makes so much sense, its obviously not the way its done. Better for cities to lobby to the NFL to host the event. I wonder how much money gets thrown around during this selection process. But yeah its cool Cleveland will get a shot to host it. Good for them. Lots of buzz circling around Cleveland these days.
  10. Deane from his pre draft reports is an athletic TE who was pretty productive his senior year at Western Kentucky, 44 catches for 530 yards & 6 tds. Worth a shot imo. Here's another pre draft scouting report:
  11. I kinda have to agree with you here. I wasnt thrilled with the Kroft signing in the 1st place & I definitely was against signing Murphy. We had/have the cap space to blow i suppose, but we've committed good money to players who so far have struggled to stay on the field. Kroft very well could come back in 3 months, but who's to say his foot is gonna be any stronger than it was before? If anything one could presume it'd be worse off, after breaking it again, (in a non contact environment no less). Really wish we went after someone else to begin with. But since we own Kroft for awhile, I wish him a speedy recovery & hope for the best like always lol. It'll be interesting to see if Beane does his due diligence & plans for the worst & targets Rudolph or another TE.
  12. I havent read the article but I would think they respect our fans & even how hard our team plays them. They may even show us respect because they respect every team they play enough to play them hard week in & week out. Not sleeping on an opponent is maybe 1 way they've continued to beat the teams they were supposed to beat. They've been THE team to beat for the past decade. They're professional & a team like that should respect other teams their playing, we should too. In my opinion I don't make much of Waddle's statement, other than it makes sense that they would respect us to some degree.
  13. The evidence being the acquisitions of Frank Gore, TJ Yeldon & drafting Devin Singletary in the 3rd round surely show a change of philosophy to becoming a passing team? Not to mention picking up a couple tight ends known for their blocking? Seriously I don't think you can say our team is heavily favored in 1 direction over the other. With signing Beasley & Brown, it just looks like we want to have a well rounded offense & surround Josh Allen with whoever can help him. But if i had to say 1 way or the other as far as the balance of our offense, we look to be focused on running the ball 1st more than anything. But it will be a balanced attack imo.
  14. Isn't this what fans wanted, especially after we picked up Tyree? For DA to retire & perhaps move over to coaching? I for one think this is good for the Bills. Frees up that roster spot & ends on DA's terms. Wish him good luck on his next moves & hope he stays on to help Josh. if not so be it
  15. My friend has a 10 ton pollen press called The Sasquash. If u google The Sasquash Press & see the companies website, you can probably guess from there I'd go into more detail about Keith but idk if thats against the TOS here PS, i'm all about bringing in WR's who can improve our team!
  16. Kief are the trichomes from the marijuana flower, the crystals if you will smoke it, vape it, eat it, dont snort it or it will burn ur nose & make u sneeze (dont ask how i know)
  17. It'd be great if along with this kid, the Sabres went out & signed Sheldon Keefe so both franchises can enjoy the kief Get er done!
  18. All these people here saying "he has a high ceiling". What makes you think that? Because the guy has big muscles? Or is it from being imprinted by the media frenzy around him? Perhaps claiming a guy has a high ceiling amounts to saying he's either gonna make it or he's not. But thats not what a high ceiling means. DK is a gym rat, has big muscles & can run really fast, in a straight line. Maybe its his muscles that hurt his agility, isn't that kind of the rub on big guys like that? They don't have the flexibility to make quick lateral moves or twitches? His production at Ole Miss was decent but nothing many other wr's havent had more of. As a specimen, he mustve dominated most others at his level, yet he didnt dominate at Ole Miss, but people expect him to in the NFL? And like many have mentioned, he doesn't run the full route tree. So once again, why do people still insist he has a high ceiling? I'd really like to know. Its the muscles isn't it? That picture of him shirtless really made an impact
  19. he's a confident kid thats for sure. Prior to the combine process he was talking about being drafted in the 3rd to 4th rounds, even earlier. Not to say he was correct in thinking that way & in hindsight he wasn't, but dude's got some confidence in his abilities for sure. If he adds some muscle & works hard, there's definitely room for him to make this team, given the lack of depth we have at that position
  20. there's that logic again... something i wish more posters had more of
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