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Everything posted by chaccof

  1. 1. Born in Buffalo to an extended family that got together every Sunday and the men sat around watching the Bills, what choice did I have (this started in the 60's FWIW)? 2. That they represent my hometown; if they moved I'd stop rooting for them like I did the Buffalo Braves 3. 1) going to a game on my 13th birthday with my dad and cousin and seeing Tom Dempsey miss a chip shot FG saving a Bills victory and 2) the comeback after I had given up on the team and went to play golf and then catching the last five minutes of regulation and OT
  2. I've been trying to find information about his injury but other than generic "he hurt his elbow, remained in the game for one play..." kind of stuff not much out there. Anyone heard whether tests are being done or outlook for this coming week?
  3. If I recall correctly his wife's mother (or family) got custody).....
  4. I'm encouraged that they won a game and the defense appears to be playing better. I am hoping Allen doesn't get killed between next Sunday and the end of the season....seems to spend a lot of time on his back so far.....
  5. Nice bonus footage of the guys flying around it the jet packs that were designed and built at BEL labs near the airport.....there's something else to make WNYer's proud.
  6. Get a subscription to Sirius - you can then get all the games with Murphy and Kelso. Plus all the local commercials which I personally get a kick out of....I have that dam Celino and Barnes jingle stuck in my head..... Couldn't agree more - Kelso really seems to be able to break the plays down in a way that is understandable for someone who doesn't watch film 24 hours a day....I also like when he gets fired up about bad calls.
  7. I didn't see the game but from listening to Murphy and Kelso it sounded like the O Line was doing enough combined with Allen getting rid of the ball quicker to make things work out pretty well. A combination of those two things could be very powerful, and if the O line can open up some running lanes that really could be fun.
  8. Thats funny, made me spit out my bourbon....i'd be pooping my pants too if I had to tell my wife I lost 5 grand betting in a game that involved the Bills....
  9. The Bills have an example to follow - the late 1980's team. They get Bruce Smith in the mid 80's and build a solid defense around him, they pick up Kent Hull and Kelly when the USFL blows up, they bring in Polian around the same time and then bring in Levy midway through the 86 season. They build a fantastic offensive line with Ritcher, Ballard, and Wolford some of who were already there. They build the offense around Reed and then get Thurman in '88 and away we go. And by the way, they brought in a superb special teams coach and had a top-tier special teams group. Kelly was certainly a key piece of the puzzle, but not the only piece. I'm guessing that Allen can be a great QB too, but he can't do it alone.
  10. I personally wouldn't call what Kelly did as quitting, rather in my opinion he never wanted to come to Buffalo in the first place and was out of options until Wilson's admin assistant put the call through to Kelly's agent. I look at it as more of a business decision. But it all worked out, now he doesn't want to leave.
  11. Wasn't the Defense supposed to be the bright spot this year? This is making me yearn for the Saber's season to start.....
  12. That is a question worth pondering.....the true, long time Bills fan has to assume the glass will never fill, because it never has....But the perpetual bottle of whiskey is what keeps most of us sane during the season.....
  13. Oh boy, now we're excited to get players from Cleveland.....yeesh......
  14. wow, seems like simple math: No O + No D = No W's What a sh_t show.....
  15. His dad's funeral. And I agree, how do you let a guy out on bail who has had prior stays in mental facilities and has 5 guns in his vehicle? Seems odd.
  16. As a 1982 NC State grad from Buffalo I must say, this is pretty cool. And well deserved....Two of my sports hero's all in one event.
  17. Maybe he was severely dehydrated or had mini-stroke as both can cause mental confusion and paranoia. Now, the 'Shroom Tech thing is another story.....sounds like BS to me...
  18. Good Lord, this man has been through a lot....he's the reason I finally gave up chewing and dipping tobacco in 2014....Our prayers are with you number 12.
  19. Wasn't it McDole and Paul McGuire who got thrown out of a some restaurant in S. buffalo for eating too many lobster dainties on all you could eat night? I remember seeing a clip about that on some NFL Films special about the AFL Bills.....I think.....anyway McDole got out of Buffalo jusst in time to avoid the major suck of the early 70's.
  20. Didn't John Elway and his father kind of do that back in '83 when they literally told the Colts he wouldn't play for them? Even after they drafted him, he still said he'd never play for them and his agent did a marvelous job of building trade interest and finally getting Irsay Sr. so mad he jumped in personally to negotiate not such a great deal.
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