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Everything posted by chaccof

  1. I thought the game was in Orchard Park? No? Wha'd I miss?
  2. You're right, but not by much. Look, if you've been a fan for any length of time you have to get a little jittery with a familiar and fast start like '08 and '11. Believe me, I love it, I have my Bills polo on at work today, I'm kibitzing with the other two Bills fans I work with here in Virginia, I'm just saying I'd feel much better about the future if in the past the team had beat a team or two with a winning record. That's all.
  3. 5-1 is certainly intoxicating for a fan. What concerns me is that the record of the opponents the Bills have beaten this year is something like 6-26 and of course the one lose was to the only team they've played with a winning record. The next several games should be wins on paper. The Eagles scare me as they're probably desperate already.
  4. I was just thinking of that....I always get sucked in when they start out the season strong....uggg
  5. What are sand bass? I've heard a black bass, smalley's. large mouth, striped bass, but never sand bass....
  6. If I can pull it off, I don't let my wife know there is a bye week....and I tell her bye, going to watch the game....
  7. I'm embarrassed to ask this as I have been away from WNY for many years, but what's the plus one? Hot dogs, pizza, weck or wings? Seems more like a quartet v. a Trinity +1....
  8. That's a good one - will try to see where I can use that in the future....work's out, too much HR stuff to deal with, maybe with some friends, maybe here is a couple months when people forget.
  9. I won the Jr. division of the PBA tour event in Buffalo during the summer of 1977 or 78 - think it was called the Big E open....beat a couple pros....no organized football though - too scrawny...
  10. Ah, I get it - very sneaky...and so true now, particularly with what California just enacted...can't wait for the NCAA's reaction to that.
  11. No doubt a great scheme - however, I would have expected that the OL was prepared for that based on film work and while I only listened to the game not watched it, it sure sounded like the OL was getting dominated.
  12. i feel like I got caught up in the hype of being 3-0 and as long as i've been a fan I should know better....if there was ever a day to take advantage of a relatively "human" Brady today was it and the team just beat themselves. Uggg....Kudo's to the defense though. Must be tough for those guys to have to watch the offense and special teams on a day like today.
  13. Unfortunately, this sums it up perfectly....until the Bills prove they can beat the Pats it will be hard for them to be favored IMHO
  14. It would certainly send a signal to the rest of the AFC that the team is for real. I mean, look, if the defense plays to the top of their game and the offense protects the ball anything's possible.
  15. Had a great time at The Local in Pacific Beach. Great to meet Uticaclub and some of the other folks there. Of course the fact that the Bills won made it that much more fun. As the members of the San Diego Bills Backers say "Win or lose, its only 50 feet to the beach...."
  16. Does anyone know if PB Ale House still the official Bills bar in San Diego? Will be out there this weekend and hoping to catch the game.
  17. As offensive lines go, the Electric Company has to be top 10 all-time, right? Or did OJ just make them look that good?
  18. Julian Nunamaker - this was the fall of 1971 and my parents were building a house so we lived in an apt and Nunamaker lived across the hall. My parents gave him one of those footballs with two white panels which he took to practice and got many of the team to sign including OJ and Al Cowlings....
  19. You want old? How about: 5. Frogger 4. Tetris 3. Ms. Pac-Man 2. Pac-Man 1. Pong....
  20. My daughter's getting married next June and my son and I are desperately trying to convince her how cool this would be....the 70,000 drunks, the beautiful fall weather, probably TV coverage, likely less expensive than a real venue and reception at Hammer's ....so far she's not going for it....
  21. A one year work stoppage in the NFL (and I don't believe it will come to that) will have the same effect on me that the multiple MLB strikes and the NHL strike had on me - the NFL will then be dead to me. Couldn't tell you the last time I watched an NHL or MLB game. I stopped watching the NBA when the Braves left Buffalo. I'm basically down to following the NFL, college football and basketball and golf...
  22. I really enjoyed listening to Kelso's take on things. I also liked the fact that he stayed in WNY after playing (at least I think so - didn't he coach a HS team somewhere in WNY?). I always appreciate the guys who stay after they play for the Bills. Will be interesting to see how Woods meshes with Murphy.
  23. I was cleaning my parent's house out last fall and found a picture of the Congress from 1971 signed by Kemp and dedicated to my sister and me. We set it aside in the "don't sell" pile but somehow it ended up being sold at the estate sale. Literally this week, my sister got a call from one of my parent's old neighbors who said they had bought the picture but decided that we should have it back! What most impressed me about Kemp (and a couple of other Bills from the old AFL like Paul Maguire) is that they chose to stay in WNY after their playing careers. Really said alot to me about them and what they thought of WNY.
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