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Everything posted by chaccof

  1. Neither, I think he was simply attempting to deflect at that point. I'm guessing that by the time he got interviewed someone in command, like a coach, told him that was a dumb thing to do and to either deny it or say no comment. I don't remember where I heard this but someone once said if you're going to lie, lie big because people are more likely to believe something so outlandish that it must be true.....
  2. I'm with you on this - while the refs did a poor job on some critical calls, it won't be shocking if this results in his suspension for at least a game and that ultimately hurts the team. I did like his interview after the game though, that was pretty funny...." what video? I'd like to see that video..."
  3. Was it Dennis Shaw that held those two records (in 1970)? I recall he had a good arm, don't recall him being a particularly nimble runner.
  4. Man o man, was I wrong....give him the key to the city.
  5. Damn. The one Sunday I agree to do something with my wife and this happens.....awesome though. When I told her the score she said "really, are you sure its the Bills score?"
  6. Wow, just wow....what's fun about this season is that if you, for some reason, like life gets in the way, can't stay current for a couple of hours with twitter, instagram, the interweb, etc. there is always gold coming out of 1 Bills Drive....Matt Barkely? Really? I bet half this board knows the playbook better than he does.
  7. How did the Bills beat MN so soundly in MN this year?????
  8. 6-3 Jets....if Allen doesn't play 17-6 Bills if he does
  9. Draft position matters. Its just that the Bills leadership, over many years, has failed to cash in on all the high draft picks we've had. As I said, I just don't have faith that the current leadership can spot talent or develop it.
  10. As other posters have already noted, the Bills have had a number of top 3 picks over the years and other than those great six years from 88 to 94 haven't done much with them. I personally have no faith in management to know what to do with or how to develop a top 3 pick....its a short list of exceptions (Simpson - and they tried to screw that up save for Lou Saban, Bruce Smith and Kelly come to mind).
  11. Wonder how far you'd have to go back to find a more inept team? Late 60"s? Early 70's? Maybe 84-85?
  12. I agree but would have liked to have seen him use Portrait instead of Landscape - the spacing would have been better......
  13. When I was 30 I had a Sunday morning ritual before each Bills game that involved watching certain Bills higlight video's, wore the same outfit for the games, had to sit in a specific position for offense and then a different position for defense, yada yada yada....my wife thought I was nuts and I probably was - but this was during the SB years so I just couldn't bear to change things for fear the Bills would burn down. The four days after each SB loss were terrible. Then we had kids, then life started getting in the way, then I found Lexapro and no more craziness on game days. I hardly yell at the TV any more.....its nice.
  14. Cool, I knew my 1971 signed team ball with OJ and Al Cowling's signatures would be worth something.....just didn't know why.....thanks Mom and Dad!
  15. It's all about hope....intellectually I know that the Bills are a team that loses much more than they win (since 1960 I think the team has had something like 18 or 19 winning seasons out of 58)), I also know, having grown up in WNY and having lived in other NFL cities since I left in 1978 that the WNY area lives and dies with their Bills (and to a certain extent the Sabers, but I always felt like the Bills ruled the area). And so the hope, every week, of a win, and how great that is for the city and at work, where friends and co-workers always congratulate me (I live in VA now) on the few wins over the last 20 years. And when the Bills lose and I go back to work, like today, people feel bad for me. I do find the hope fun, and the conversations rooting for the Bills outside of Buffalo brings is fun.
  16. True points, but I don't play fantasy football and I've gotten to the point where I don't really enjoy watching football unless its the Bills or NC State. Both got waxed this weekend so like I said, some time freed up!
  17. It certain does free up Sunday afternoons though.
  18. So how exactly did he injure it? I've seen the video but doesn't look like he got hit or hit a helmet. Or is it just "one of those things"? That would concern me.
  19. Were you the guy in the Bill's hat and shirt? I think I remember seeing you.
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