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  2. Context matters. George Floyd was alone (nobody in the crowd was threatening the police) he became compliant and unconscious. Ashli Babbitt was backed by a violent cult mob. Again, context matters. I realize that is difficult for you.
  3. He’s just trying to find out if there is any way he can get some inside information from opposing teams cheerleaders.
  4. Oh man. I thought we’re discussing opinions on punters in general but it sounds like you really don’t like Araiza. That’s all good. I’m glad the young man is getting a second chance. People make dumb decisions, especially young ones.
  5. I’m not saying you’re wrong I just don’t personally see that. Are you saying there’s a higher chance of a punt being blocked or something? Because honestly what’s the difference? He was crushing it against mostly all NFL talent in preseason, kicking it 82 yards or something
  6. George Floyd resisted arrest. Was he too a Darwin Award nominee? Is that how we want to play this? There you go.
  7. My 1st ex wife was from Milwaukee. I have bad memories of that place.
  8. A. The talent that's been put on the field has been great. Without fact-checking, I think the Bills are the winningest team in football since Beane got here. Fans may not agree with the plan or every single decision, but they really couldn't ask for more from a GM.
  9. 31 out of 32 teams "fail" every year. The problem with Bills fans is looking at "great" as being the one in 32 to take home the Lombardi. From a strictly numbers % - that's a 3% chance every year. Everything else is viewed as a failure. Every AFC team has failed to stop the Chiefs from taking the AFC title in 4 of the last 5 years. Every team in the league, AFC or NFC, has failed to stop them in 3 of the last 5 years. It's not just us. We're just the team who gives them the most consistent run for their money out of everyone. If we're a failure, most everyone else in the league is a mega failure for the past couple seasons. Failure was 18 years of not even making the Playoffs. Failure was the QB carousel of terrible QB after terrible QB where average bridge QB's like Tyrod Taylor or Ryan Fitzpatrick were viewed as mana from heaven. We've gone from that to winning the Division 4 years running. 5 playoff wins in 4 years. Is it frustrating being so close and not getting it done? Yes, definitely. I was as upset as anyone when :13 seconds happened. When, against the odds playing with a MASH unit on Defense and stars either out or underperforming on offense, we were still in it late against them last year but fell again. But this team has been great. We just haven't hoisted the trophy. When will it happen? Who knows. But we still have one of the top 2 QB's in the league and we've statistically been one of the top teams in the NFL. Josh still has a good number of years left before we need to worry about decline. We aren't a failure. It's not all or nothing when it comes to being a great team.
  10. I refuse to pay for Dunne article. Those who say his McD article was not a hit-piece, I hear you. I get your arguments. But when you attack a guy so strongly, I find it unethical. I don't believe Dunne made up any quotes. But I didn't agree with his conclusions nor did I like that fact that he interviewed mostly malcontents. Reading the article, you'd think McD was the worst coach on the planet. Yet, the players gave McD an 'A' rating in the NFLPA poll. It wasn't fair and balanced reporting. Dunne says he still stands by it which is why I still stand against him. Not willing to pay, I listened to most of the WGR interview with Dunne. Some interesting stuff. Nothing specific about the Diggs trade other than Beane telling Dunne that it was about more than the cap - but we knew that already. Dunne was complimentary of Beane which made me feel like he was trying to repair damaged bridges and make nice with Bills fans.
  11. It is a shock these days when people act like reasonable adults instead of spiteful teenagers. I am glad that we appear to have reasonable people here. I actually wasn't bothered by the article very much. How many head coaches are not micromanagers and control freaks? The last one the Bills had that wasn't was Rex Ryan and that was not a good experience. The 911 analogy may not be the most appropriate but it was just a one time mistake and Daboll does not appear to be the easiest guy to get along with. The only story in the Dunne article that bothered me was that McDermott was upset about the players buying the WR coach a car.
  12. Just add another chapter in the “Book of Billsy” if he unleashed a punt in the playoffs that leads to the Bills demise once again.
  13. Agreed...Bill's like "Tell me about your Grand Daddy issues"
  14. Lots of differences. Most importantly, the punter is probably the least important/impactful player on the team … unless your team absolutely sucks - which the Bills and Chiefs do not. Bottom line is this … teams like the Bills and Chiefs don’t win or lose meaningful games because of anything a ***** punter does. This Araiza guy lost me when he chose to go public on Tommy Lauren’s crap show. He’s a clown. And he’s just a ***** punter. It’s like a baseball team being worried about who their backup batboy is going to be.
  15. No he didn't, but he does open up his rallies with a bastardization of our National Anthem sung by "J6 Choir", calls them hostages, patriots, horribly mistreated and calls on Biden to release them.
  16. Has his performance in the playoffs and the second half of last year not been so abismal, one might agree with you. But he disappeared and had a huge drop in the playoff against KC. It was time for him to move on....
  17. A big leg isn't everything for a punter. Some scouts didn't like him because his kicks would outdistance the coverage. He's also just a boomer, from what I understand - not good at directional or pinning inside the 20. And yes, I'm rationalizing. It works.
  18. I have no idea what he said. All I know is when the lefties here tell you what Trump said you can take it to the bank that its not what he actually said.
  19. I’ll disagree to an extent. I don’t buy into the narrative that the article was some sort of revenge by Dunne getting rejectef for press credentials. I do think Dunne went into writing the article with his mind already made up and selectively used information to confirm his bias. That’s why I found it to be a bit slanted, and the narrative that he was trying to paint never played out. And you are compete wrong about Beane and the sources on the Bills. About the 25 sources - they were all FORMER Bills players and coaches - including some who had negative experiences. He didn’t source anyone currently working for the Bills. This is where the criticism of the Dunne article is very valid and worthy of scrutiny. How many people that have been fired in a transient field like the NFL are going to have glowing things about the person who canned them? No one on the Bills spoke up against McDermott and few have publicly levied any criticism against him, sans this article. As far as Beane granting the interview, Dunne said on WGR that he had a “private conversation” with McDermott at the combine which was positive. This is why Dunne has now access. Controlling the narrative? Perhaps. Or it’s allowing him access to use comments from actual coaches and players who can speak to the situation, rather than relying on former employees with an ax to grind. It seems like all parties had a chance to clear the air and are ready to move on. I’m glad to see it
  20. Miami may have been the higher seeded team, but the Chiefs had an easier game of it. The Fish hated every minute of that cold-weather game. They barely showed up. If Tua could have played wearing mittens, he would have.
  21. Innocent until proven guilty. But in America these days it's immediate guilty just because.
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