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James Hardy

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5) Who brings a gun to a family get together on Mother's Day? If you need a gun for a situation like this, then I might suggest you call your mother, and go to see her another time without the rest of the family.


Why don't you ask the families of any murder victim if they felt like they were going to be shot or robbed at the mall, school, park, etc. If you could predict where robberies and crimes would be committed, we would have no innocent victims. You don't carry a gun because you think you will need it, you carry it in case you do.

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Yeah, but I was in a ghilly suit.

:flirt: Now that's a tough game of horseshoes if you need sniper gear just to play.

I also know there ain't too many of us who wouldn't be without a criminal record if we grew up today instead of 2 or more decades ago.

I would definitely have a record, especially in college. Lot's of trumped up crap from little town police who were obviously bored, they'd even start trouble with us once in a while as we were walking home from the bar, because we were on the "wrong" side of the street(no sidewalk). No schit. Thank God for reasonable judges.

When do the "We shoulda taken Limas Sweed/Malcolm Kelly" threads begin?


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at least the gun should help him get separation from those pesky 5'9" CBs :flirt:

Precisely! Who wants to cover this guy now that they know he's probably packin and if you get too close you're likely to get a cap in yo arse?


See, it really can all be good news.

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i agree the kid needs to make better moves and avoid the negative element -- but what is with the gun hate?


what part of france is orchard park in?


guy has a constitutional G-damn right to own weapons. for all we know his father WAS threatening him.


Guns are for puzzies. Anyone who stands behind a document written hundreds of years ago as justification for owning a gun is a moron and a coward. Guns a re a vicious circle of problems. People like you love them for some odd reason (I have my suspicions, such as it's instant balls or guts or someone makes you feel confident, which you aren't without it) and say "they're for protection." To which I respond: protection from what? And you and the others respond "from other people with guns" and always fail to see the idiocy, hypocrisy and irony of that argument.


The next time I hear a ration pro-gun argument will be the first.


You were looking for a fight here by insinuating that the guy's use of thw word piece was a shot your fifth amendment rights. Typical gun-owner, anything not pro-gun is anti-gun so rally the retards.

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LOL, the reactions here are hilarious. If he was playing for any other team, the reactions would all be that he has not changed and is still a possible punk. But because he is a Bill we all should reserve judgement and that it was probably someone elses fault that he pulled the gun. No one is saying he should be cut, just that he probably needs some serious help


Looking at what we know as facts from the article and his past


Fact 1 - He has a past incident where he was in a domestic dispute that became physical with his girlfriend and baby

Fact 2 - He was at a family get together with parents that weren't in his life much, and a father who was in prison for 9 years on drug charges

Fact 3 - A weapon that he has registered to himself was pulled out by him during a confrontation with his father

Fact 4 - The police were called to the scene to investigate and no charges were laid


Now using some of my amateur sleuthing skills I had picked up from reading Hardy Boys novels as a kid, and watching Scooby Doo, I can come to a fair assumption that


An arguement had probably broken out between him and his dad, and it probably started to get heated. For some reason Hardy pulled out his gun that he carried (to a mothers day BBQ with his family) during the confrontation and may have pointed it at his father. Either way it was pulled out, therefore there was some intent to use it to either scare someone, or hurt/kill them (if it wasn't pointed, then it was obviously just to scare them) Someone called the police and they came out to investigate and decided not to file charges (also leading me to believe that he didn't point, and only pulled it out to scare someone he had a confrontation with. Also leading me to believe that no one else pulled a weapon or threatened to hurt anyone else.


Now after hearing this, I do believe that Hardy needs help. Yes the second amendment says he has a right to bare arms, and the gun was registered, but no where does it say that he can take the gun out and use it (or threaten to use it). Using a gun on an intruder, or on someone who has a weapon and is threatening your life can be defended as self defence. Someone who feels the need to carry a gun to a family gathering, is not showing good judgement by keeping in contact with this family, especially in a high profile proffession that he is in. Anyone that feels the need to pull out a gun during an altercation when the other person does not have a weapon also needs some help to learn that a gun should be a last resort form of self defence. And for someone with a past situation of domestic violence, it shows that he does have some issues that need to be dealt with. it doesn't matter that his father was in jail for 9 years, that might be part of the root of his problems, but its not an excuse for his behaviour


All Bill and some of the others not defending his actions are saying is that they hope he does get some help so that he doesn't end up the next Henry, Pacman, or Johnson, and that he can get his act together.


Maybe I don't get it because I live in Canada and not in a City called Toronto, so I frequently can leave my door unlocked, or walk outside at night, and not have to carry a weapon on me where ever I guy "for protection". And I don't need to carry a weapon to a family gathering

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If you really justify arming yourself to go to a family get together than I wonder what part of Alaska you are from South Central?


Cmon, I grew up in South Florida its no pic nic.



Most of the people I know with concealed carry permits carry all the time as long as they are not going somewhere that guns are prohibited. If you only carried when you expected to have your life threatened, why would you go to those places in the first place.

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LOL, the reactions here are hilarious. If he was playing for any other team, the reactions would all be that he has not changed and is still a possible punk. But because he is a Bill we all should reserve judgement and that it was probably someone elses fault that he pulled the gun. No one is saying he should be cut, just that he probably needs some serious help


LOL this post by you is hilarious. If he was playing for any other team, likes the Bears with Cedric Benson, people would say that he has not changed and is still a possible punk.


Oh, wait, that didn't happen (outside of Bill :flirt: )


Looking at what we know as facts from the article and his past


Fact 1 - He has a past incident where he was in a domestic dispute that became physical with his girlfriend and baby

Fact 2 - He was at a family get together with parents that weren't in his life much, and a father who was in prison for 9 years on drug charges

Fact 3 - A weapon that he has registered to himself was pulled out by him during a confrontation with his father

Fact 4 - The police were called to the scene to investigate and no charges were laid


Now using some of my amateur sleuthing skills I had picked up from reading Hardy Boys novels as a kid, and watching Scooby Doo, I can come to a fair assumption that


An arguement had probably broken out between him and his dad, and it probably started to get heated. For some reason Hardy pulled out his gun that he carried (to a mothers day BBQ with his family) during the confrontation and may have pointed it at his father. Either way it was pulled out, therefore there was some intent to use it to either scare someone, or hurt/kill them (if it wasn't pointed, then it was obviously just to scare them) Someone called the police and they came out to investigate and decided not to file charges (also leading me to believe that he didn't point, and only pulled it out to scare someone he had a confrontation with. Also leading me to believe that no one else pulled a weapon or threatened to hurt anyone else.


Now after hearing this, I do believe that Hardy needs help. Yes the second amendment says he has a right to bare arms, and the gun was registered, but no where does it say that he can take the gun out and use it (or threaten to use it). Using a gun on an intruder, or on someone who has a weapon and is threatening your life can be defended as self defence. Someone who feels the need to carry a gun to a family gathering, is not showing good judgement by keeping in contact with this family, especially in a high profile proffession that he is in. Anyone that feels the need to pull out a gun during an altercation when the other person does not have a weapon also needs some help to learn that a gun should be a last resort form of self defence. And for someone with a past situation of domestic violence, it shows that he does have some issues that need to be dealt with. it doesn't matter that his father was in jail for 9 years, that might be part of the root of his problems, but its not an excuse for his behaviour


Bolded the important two parts. The one how you assert that this is an assumption, and then go on to assume a lot of information that you have no idea about.


All Bill and some of the others not defending his actions are saying is that they hope he does get some help so that he doesn't end up the next Henry, Pacman, or Johnson, and that he can get his act together.


Sorry, but saying "we have no idea wtf really happened at this point" is not "defending his actions".


Maybe I don't get it because I live in Canada


Probably the case, just ask crayonz.

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Precisely! Who wants to cover this guy now that they know he's probably packin and if you get too close you're likely to get a cap in yo arse?


See, it really can all be good news.

Exactly. Defenders will now know it's a matter of life and death to let Hardy immediately get past you, so he can't put the cap in your ass. Never run in front of him or alongside, because of the shooting lanes and lines of fire. This should eliminate obie wan's problem with him getting off the line against DBs. It's just being a professional.

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Guns are for puzzies. Anyone who stands behind a document written hundreds of years ago as justification for owning a gun is a moron and a coward. Guns a re a vicious circle of problems. People like you love them for some odd reason (I have my suspicions, such as it's instant balls or guts or someone makes you feel confident, which you aren't without it) and say "they're for protection." To which I respond: protection from what? And you and the others respond "from other people with guns" and always fail to see the idiocy, hypocrisy and irony of that argument.


The next time I hear a ration pro-gun argument will be the first.


You were looking for a fight here by insinuating that the guy's use of thw word piece was a shot your fifth amendment rights. Typical gun-owner, anything not pro-gun is anti-gun so rally the retards.


I agree. That damn constitution is outdated. They couldn't imagined this world we live in today. We should be limited to only the tools of the day for exercising any of the rights laid out in the Bill of Rights. So I'm guessing you'll be among the first to shut off your internet and throw away your phones, TV, computer, radios, etc? Afterall, you still have print media, which was all that was available in the late 1700s. That's good enough.

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Guns are for puzzies. Anyone who stands behind a document written hundreds of years ago as justification for owning a gun is a moron and a coward. Guns a re a vicious circle of problems. People like you love them for some odd reason (I have my suspicions, such as it's instant balls or guts or someone makes you feel confident, which you aren't without it) and say "they're for protection." To which I respond: protection from what? And you and the others respond "from other people with guns" and always fail to see the idiocy, hypocrisy and irony of that argument.


The next time I hear a ration pro-gun argument will be the first.


You were looking for a fight here by insinuating that the guy's use of thw word piece was a shot your fifth amendment rights. Typical gun-owner, anything not pro-gun is anti-gun so rally the retards.



You make a statement like this and call gun owners retards? Can you defend yourself and your family from a knife or gun wielding criminal with your abundance of confidence? What does the fifth amendment have to do with this argument? You don't even know the correct amendment but yet I'm an irational ( or iration according to your word) idiot? I would be willing to bet that you would not call me or many of my gun owning friends "puzzies, cowards and idiots" if you were not nestled safely behind a keyboard.

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Guns are for puzzies.

Anyone who stands behind a document written hundreds of years ago as justification for owning a gun is a moron and a coward.


People like you love them for some odd reason (I have my suspicions, such as it's instant balls or guts or someone makes you feel confident, which you aren't without it) and say "they're for protection."


You were looking for a fight here by insinuating that the guy's use of thw word piece was a shot your fifth amendment rights. Typical gun-owner, anything not pro-gun is anti-gun so rally the retards.


you should use your fifth amendment rights.


honestly, it will make your arguments seem much better.

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