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Keon Coleman Slow Jokes

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Keon Coleman is so slow that he hits the gas pedal to reduce speed whilst approaching a red light.


The teamsters have officially declared that all their future 48 hour workplace go-slows are now to be referred to as "Coleman's"


That's all I've got.

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When asked to describe Coleman’s speed McDermott said glacial is the term I would use.  

One reporter is quoted as saying “Thank goodness he doesn’t play for the Sabres as he may actually get run over by the Zamboni if he did.”

Edited by JohnnyBuffalo
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A "Keon Coleman" decay is so slow that NIST qualifies it to radioactively date the longest possible measurable time interval.

The only thing it's good for is dating the Universe itself, and even for that it's probably overkill.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Keon Coleman is slower than the DMV Sloth in the movie Zootopia…, 

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