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  1. Glad he is on our team! Has vibes of Freddy and Fitzy and K. Williams.
  2. TV all the way. Not a fan of crowds, traffic, and the garbage that comes from people overindulging. Plus if you want to know what’s happening and actually see the nuances of the game can’t beat replay. Plus you can see other games when the Bills are on commercial. Hockey needs to be live to SEE the game. Not football. Will be at the home opener though. I’m sure it will be cool but reaffirming in my preference too. Either way….GO BILLS!
  3. When asked to describe Coleman’s speed McDermott said glacial is the term I would use. One reporter is quoted as saying “Thank goodness he doesn’t play for the Sabres as he may actually get run over by the Zamboni if he did.”
  4. Basically better be able to start fast as there really might not be coming back from a stumble in the AFC road gauntlet early.
  5. Over 13 minutes in of great highlights before Diggs catches first one. Allen made a lot of guys good before him. He’s unreal! Go Bills!
  6. I have not read every response to this topic so if this is redundant I apologize. My gut would say yes to this post. I would think it comes down to where and who Josh has more confidence in. Down the stretch Diggs didn’t show up to the level of the BS he brings and I would think the confidence that he would help the team get over the “hump” by continuing to do what he’s always done…whine, complain, and drop off in big moments…took a hit. Therefore, confidence that Beane and company committed to doing all that they could to get Josh and team the weapons they need in the draft had to have a higher degree of confidence from Josh. Believe in the process or believe in your aging donkey diva WR…probably a pretty easy choice that the media and non-mafia/haters can’t see. Go Bills!
  7. Resounding NO! The most frustrating thing about basketball is how slow it gets at the end of the game. These are some of the most elite athletes on the planet and between fouls and timeouts the game screeches to a halt. To me it’s boring and frustrating to watch. “Oh the other man tapped my arm”. Game stop. Boring. Playoff hockey on the other hand is some of the most exciting action in the critical times of the game. The refs take a step back and the whistle is put away the speed hits another level and the action is non-stop. Unfortunately TV doesn’t showcase the speed and the Sabres have stunk for 12 seasons and counting… So between March Madness and Super Bowl….Super Bowl is better.
  8. You have captured the reality distortion to perfection!
  9. The line from Moneyball keeps coming to mind when Justice is told how much the Yankees and Billy Boy thought of him. So here goes…Hey Stef. The Buffalo Bills think so little of you that they are paying $31 million dollars of their cap space to play against you. That’s how little they think of you. That’s something isn’t it.
  10. I did not know this man nor do I know his family but I do know that we all shared and share something special together….the love of the Bills. Things like this make me remember that it is more than a game and it is about more than a team. It’s about being a part of something. That’s why I donated. Bills Mafia! Thoughts and prayers to the family and friends of James.
  11. Prayers/good thoughts/positivity from my family of 4 to yours!
  12. This question/topic frustrates me for a few reasons. 1. An opinion is debatable but not able to be proven. 2. Stereotypes are an oversimplification of a larger subject matter- good or bad. But thanks for questioning the vast majority of us, based on a minute few, as potentially being “less than” after a gut punch defeat once again. Go Bills and more importantly GO BILLS MAFIA!!!
  13. Not even slightly. As time passes and experience is gained you are supposed to become more aware of the reality of opportunities or lack thereof. The age of the team, cap space, and consistency of coming up short does not bode well for this team. I, for what it’s worth, am not as angry or bewildered. I am devastated. Heartbroken. This felt special since 6-6. Bottom line the better team won. And THAT means we aren’t anywhere near closer.
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