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Chuck Dickerson dead at 86


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RIP big guy … he was a local icon in the early days of sports talk, bombastic, controversial and often wrong … but always an entertaining listen. Don’t think we would have won the super bowl against Washington even if he didn’t provide motivation for the hogs. I’m sure Wade Phillips and Glenn Parker send their condolences 😂

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My fondest memory is having a buddy in high school that would prank call into his show all the time. It was always a cat and mouse game to get past his screeners, get on air, get a few sentences into a "real" take and then go into the prank. Would send Coach off on a furious tirade. Was funny every time.

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17 minutes ago, John from Riverside said:

That’s the time whenever they need the most support came very close to losing the team in Buffalo

I don’t need my local media acting like cheerleaders either. There was some really really bad football going on at the time. Probably more of a reason they were in trouble, rather than Dickersons ranting 

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Dickerson was a GREAT radio personality.  


I have fond memories of his very entertaining shows.   That show couldn't exist in WNY today because you can't REALLY be critical of the Bills and keep a job in local radio or tv.  


One of those great memories is hearing @Bill from NYC regularly calling into his postgame and expressing his Bills pride as we drove home from games.    


Dickerson was not a particularly successful coach but Casper Milquetoast.......as Dickerson used to call Marv Levy........had mostly sh!tty coaches anyway.


Those late 80's and 90's Bills were totally driven by an outstanding personnel department.


Chuck Knox brought a really good group of scouts with him from the Rams and they beget guys like Polian, Butler, AJ Smith and the great Dwight Adams.    Buddy Nix was a really good scout in his day too.   

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He and his sidekick (Art Wander) were both grade A aholes. 

Dickerson would say he only wanted to hear strong opinions, strongly held. 

In other words, people who wouldn’t compromise, and wouldn’t change their opinions, no matter what the facts were. 

In a microcosm, everything that’s wrong with the US today. 

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