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2020 Election is officially Trump vs Biden

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KRUISER’S MORNING BRIEF: Joe Biden’s VP Pick Is Going to Be a Trainwreck, and President If He Wins. 


“The Democrats’ penchant for prioritizing diversity over all else may just be what wins re-election for President Trump.


We still need to ponder worst-case scenarios, however.”


You might want to grab a fresh cup of coffee, or perhaps heroin, before clicking.

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West Long Branch, NJ – Half of the nation’s electorate says they have ruled out voting for Donald Trump in November, while 4 in 10 say the same about Joe Biden. Biden currently holds a 12 point lead in the presidential race according to the latest Monmouth (“Mon-muth”) University Poll.  Biden holds a significant advantage among the 1 in 5 voters who do not have a favorable opinion of either candidate. Slightly more voters say they are confident about the challenger’s mental and physical stamina than say the same about the incumbent.

Biden currently has the support of 53% of registered voters and Trump has the support of 41%.  This is similar to the Democrat’s 52% to 41% lead in early June. Biden’s edge stood at 50% to 41% in May, 48% to 44% in April, and 48% to 45% in March.



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3 hours ago, IDBillzFan said:


That would be fine if Biden wasn't suffering from dementia, or at least facing the belief by millions of people, that he's suffering from dementia.


Eliminate the dementia angle, and I get your point. But all Trump has to say is "Is it really my tax returns, or are you afraid to display your dementia to people."


He follows this repeatedly with "Biden must fear showing his dementia" over and over and you'll quickly learn that no one of importance cares about Trumps taxes NEAR as much as they are concerned that the next Democratic president looks to have the cognitive skills of a baked potato.

Then Biden just keeps saying "relax your tax returns and let's debate.  What are you hiding?"  Very WWE like but that's what we've become.

6 hours ago, Foxx said:

because... a GOP debate is so obviously on par with a presidential debate.


your reachin' Doc. just admit you were in the park of the absurd with your contention that Biden should refuse to debate until Trump releases his tax returns.

Why not?  Biden can hold a charity for the Covid-19 victims instead like Trump did with the VA.  It won't happen but it would be fun to see if it did.

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9 hours ago, IDBillzFan said:


That would be fine if Biden wasn't suffering from dementia, or at least facing the belief by millions of people, that he's suffering from dementia.


Eliminate the dementia angle, and I get your point. But all Trump has to say is "Is it really my tax returns, or are you afraid to display your dementia to people."


He follows this repeatedly with "Biden must fear showing his dementia" over and over and you'll quickly learn that no one of importance cares about Trumps taxes NEAR as much as they are concerned that the next Democratic president looks to have the cognitive skills of a baked potato.



UNLESS Biden shows his dementia on the debate stage. The Dems would bleed out voters. They wouldn't vote for Trump, obviously, but they will stay home and refuse to vote for a guy who goes blank because his brain is tapioca.


This is an awful choice between someone who fundamentally does not have the temperament to be president  and who has failed to carry out his primary campaign promise of clearing out the swamp (Trump) and the aging and increasingly impaired nominee of a party that has gone totally insane.  (Biden).  Biden seems like a fundamentally decent guy, but I doubt he's strong enough to withstand the crazies on the left of his party who have all the energy and enthusiasm right now.  It will be very telling to see who he picks as his running mate.


I didn't think it was possible, but this is an even more depressing choice than the one we had four years ago.  

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The Strategies of Dementia Politics

by Victor Davis Hanson


Original Article


Joe Biden is tragically suffering a mental eclipse and sliding away at a geometric rate.


Understandably, his handlers have kept him out of sight. He stays off the campaign trail on the pretext of the virus and his age-related susceptibility to COVID-19 morbidity.


I say “pretext” without apology. Quarantine should not have otherwise stopped Biden over the past three months from doing daily interviews, speeches, and meetings. But each occasion, however scripted, rehearsed, and canned, would only have offered further daily proof that Biden is cognitively unable to be president or indeed to hold any office. Often Biden cannot finish a sentence. Names are vague eddies in his mind’s river of forgetfulness.






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A Black Running Mate Won’t Save Biden


by David Catron


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Public opinion polls appear to portend a Biden victory in November, but the former Vice President will almost certainly succumb to the same affliction that brought about Hillary Clinton’s electoral demise — anemic enthusiasm among minorities.


No Democrat can win without the robust backing of this bloc of voters, and Biden’s dubious record on racially sensitive issues combined with more recent blunders, has rendered this support noticeably tepid.


He also lacks the support of influential black leaders like civil rights lawyer Leo Terrell, who took to Twitter on Tuesday to write: “If the presidential election was held today, I would vote for #DonaldTrump.”

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43 minutes ago, B-Man said:

A Black Running Mate Won’t Save Biden


by David Catron


Original Article


Public opinion polls appear to portend a Biden victory in November, but the former Vice President will almost certainly succumb to the same affliction that brought about Hillary Clinton’s electoral demise — anemic enthusiasm among minorities.


No Democrat can win without the robust backing of this bloc of voters, and Biden’s dubious record on racially sensitive issues combined with more recent blunders, has rendered this support noticeably tepid.


He also lacks the support of influential black leaders like civil rights lawyer Leo Terrell, who took to Twitter on Tuesday to write: “If the presidential election was held today, I would vote for #DonaldTrump.”


...if voters (God help us from the fickle segment) that "qualifications" should be the top priority versus gender and race, we are in serious trouble especially if that person calls the shots with Bumblin' Joe in the "West Wing Nursing Home"......

Edited by OldTimeAFLGuy
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Just now, ALF said:

Susan Rice is well qualified for VP , although Michelle Obama might be more popular  with Barack to guide her.



I agree, as she pretty much ran Obama's administration,


and would have little difficulty running Joe's.




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