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Any chance of a home flex game?


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I was thinking about this sort of thing the other day.


If we continue to win and emerge as one of the more interesting stories of this NFL season, I can totally see us getting moved into a prime time game.

Buffalo winning / making the playoffs really does make for a feel good story line that should bring lots of attention.


Fun team to watch under McD...

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You also have to look at what's already in the SNF slot.


My best bet is the Colts on Dec 10th.


December 10th is Ravens/Steelers, which doesn't look very interesting given the Ravens season so far. IF Luck comes back and the Colts win a few I could see the Bills/Colts being a SNF flex game.

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Didn't someone die the last time there was a night game (vs Dallas)?


I think that was the last night home game they played or am I forgetting one?

Thursday Night game vs Miami a few years ago a porpoise fan was beaten unconscious and left face down in a snow bank. He suffocated to death. He was also drunk of course...
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