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Greg Garbriel: On What the Bills Are Trying To Do

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This guy has no idea what he's talking about.


I've watched football on TV my whole life, and was pretty good at Tecmo in my day, and I only needed to get halfway through the first quarter of Preseason Game 3 to know McDermott is is a failure, Beane is a fool, and Pegula is a horrible, horrible owner.


You'll see. You'll ALL see. Then I will return and say "I told you so."



I dont know about the month, but you certainly won post of the day!

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And that's my issue...why create a hole where one didn't previously exist?


Miller played well in 2016--the run game was excellent. I fear that moves like Miller/Watkins are unnecessarily propelling the team backwards for the sake of bringing in "their guys".


Perhaps it'll be for the best in the long run; right now that's (highly) debatable IMO.


We've been reading the same reports, Miller has struggled this off season. I suppose you could blame that he isn't a fit or is having issues adjusting to this zone blocking scheme which you could put the onus back on the HC/OC. But this is the system that they chose and they need players to be able to excel within their system. They want to build the team in the vision that they have and I have no issue with that.


My hopes are that they go with Miller and hopefully he'll be able to adjust to this scheme throughout this year so that they don't have to draft another player.


In regards to Sammy, we've talked about this and Gabriel makes the exact same point that I did. They simply didn't believe he was worth the financial risk due to his lack of production (due to injuries) and signability. You can disagree with it, but It's a rational decision to make. You either believe he is going to be healthy and be an All Pro or you don't. They believed the latter and didn't want to have to pay huge bucks to find out.

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We've been reading the same reports, Miller has struggled this off season. I suppose you could blame that he isn't a fit or is having issues adjusting to this zone blocking scheme which you could put the onus back on the HC/OC. But this is the system that they chose and they need players to be able to excel within their system. They want to build the team in the vision that they have and I have no issue with that.


My hopes are that they go with Miller and hopefully he'll be able to adjust to this scheme throughout this year so that they don't have to draft another player.


In regards to Sammy, we've talked about this and Gabriel makes the exact same point that I did. They simply didn't believe he was worth the financial risk due to his lack of production (due to injuries) and signability. You can disagree with it, but It's a rational decision to make. You either believe he is going to be healthy and be an All Pro or you don't. They believed the latter and didn't want to have to pay huge bucks to find out.


I really do understand the thought process; I simply think that they're taking some unnecessary steps backwards with their hard-line approach to showing their commitment to principle.


And I think you probably know my thought process well enough to know that I truly do hope they're right with every move they make, and that I don't mean to declare them wrong at this time.

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I really do understand the thought process; I simply think that they're taking some unnecessary steps backwards with their hard-line approach to showing their commitment to principle.

I think they saw this as an opportunity to maximize the value they could get out of him based on they idea he wasn't in the future plans. They got a 1 year rental DB and a pick that's likely to be top 40. Better than letting him walk and maybe getting a 3rd round pick if they meet all other criteria.

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Gabriel says



How absurd is that when neither guy has proven jack squat at their position as of yet - other than to put together and coach a team that has played several embarrassing preseason games. Yay - hall of fame bound!


To say that, Gabriel is biased beyond reason - at least at this stage of the game.


Let's see some superior team rosters, performances and records before anointing them anything other than wannabe's at this point in time.

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This guy has no idea what he's talking about.


I've watched football on TV my whole life, and was pretty good at Tecmo in my day, and I only needed to get halfway through the first quarter of Preseason Game 3 to know McDermott is is a failure, Beane is a fool, and Pegula is a horrible, horrible owner.


You'll see. You'll ALL see. Then I will return and say "I told you so."



ScottLaw, you forgot to sign off from your alias screen name.

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There will be some smart, calculated moves by this regime that make sense (Darby, Ragland), but I believe that the approach will also yield some moves that end up being big-time failures.


Not just getting rid of an elite talent like Sammy, but the "scheme fit" stuff will result in guys like Ducasse playing ahead of more capable players.


It's too early for any kind of diagnosis (let alone conclusion), and so I truly hope that this FO crew doesn't become the type that is so married to their scheme that they perpetually miss the forest for the trees.

don't have to say it when you say it.
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Give this group a chance, they have the talent to turn the franchise around but it will take time. I don’t see the Bill making the playoffs in 2017 but if the right kind of player acquisitions can be made, 2018 could be a very good year for the Buffalo Bills.


Ahh, next year. The eternal promise.

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McBeane will be considered a success if one of the following things happens:


1) Tyrod steps up and becomes the franchise

2) Peterman steps up and becomes the franchise

3) The QB they draft in round 1 next year steps up and becomes the franchise


That's it. If they can build a formidable defense they might get a chance for option 4, which is just a redo of option 3.

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McBeane will be considered a success if one of the following things happens:


1) Tyrod steps up and becomes the franchise

2) Peterman steps up and becomes the franchise

3) The QB they draft in round 1 next year steps up and becomes the franchise


That's it. If they can build a formidable defense they might get a chance for option 4, which is just a redo of option 3.


I'll take number three as a realistic option.

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Gabriel says



How absurd is that when neither guy has proven jack squat at their position as of yet - other than to put together and coach a team that has played several embarrassing preseason games. Yay - hall of fame bound!


To say that, Gabriel is biased beyond reason - at least at this stage of the game.


Let's see some superior team rosters, performances and records before anointing them anything other than wannabe's at this point in time.

Beane and McDermott have already made 1,000 decisions that have and will continue to impact the direction of the franchise.

Maybe Gabriel's opinion is based on the overall thrust of those decisions?


Maybe you are painting a shockingly incomplete and over-simplified picture of the situation?

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Gabriel's "These guys are fantastic and making all the right moves" position seems like someone looking for a good job.

Coupled with his " I feel bad for the Pegulas" tweet after the Jets game last year, I think you might be on to something.

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This guy has no idea what he's talking about.


I've watched football on TV my whole life, and was pretty good at Tecmo in my day, and I only needed to get halfway through the first quarter of Preseason Game 3 to know McDermott is is a failure, Beane is a fool, and Pegula is a horrible, horrible owner.


You'll see. You'll ALL see. Then I will return and say "I told you so."




Thanks, Sully.

Gabriel's "These guys are fantastic and making all the right moves" position seems like someone looking for a good job.


I always got the feeling Gabriel expected to end up with the Bills because he's a Buffalo guy, and might be a little bitter when he didn't. He's not exactly working at the highest levels of his craft these days.

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Yes, a small minority of us did say this from the start.


The vocal majority hated the whole thing, right from the start.

That's how you know the plan is a good one and has a real chance of succeeding.



Actually, this is a tough one to judge if you're just looking at board reaction. Most of the people who are almost always wrong hate the moves, but there are some highly accurate posters like Badol who don't like them either.


Me, I subscribe to the need for a scorched earth poilcy, so I am enjoying seeing everything about the past regime(s) thrashed and trashed. Even if McD & Beane are not ultimately successful in the end, this had to be done to truly begin anew.

Edited by Rico
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