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i still can't get used to no bbmb......

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other than a few people i miss that i haven't seen come over, not at all. it was far too difficult to post towards the end, and the quality of posters was getting bad.

Zip it Teef..........


Just kidding glad to see you over here buddy. You were one of my favorites on BBMB.

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i am not sure what it is and i'm sure i'll get flamed but could care less. it just seems to me that i could go to the old board and read for hours. there was always new threads and takes. a lot of back and forth and generally good humor.


however, after that midnight shutdown and having to come here, i see the same tired threads that last for weeks and go to 40 pages.

the bills home site has fresher stuff than this and i always immediately used to just click on message boards. this is a tired, stale forum...imo.


there's only so much on billswire...hell, i'm forced to surf bleacher report. i don't know if anyone else feels the same ,but i miss the old message board. this place is a bore. i could log in once a week and see maybe two new threads or have to click on page 40 of something that's old news.


i know it's the offseason, but this just ain't the same.


any other of us labeled lowly refugees feel the same?

No one on BBMB had fresh takes.

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So come up with a new and edgy hot take that we can all appreciate. Here's a few thread topics you might consider:

1) Should McDermott re-paint his office?

2) I can't believe Preston Brown didn't make the cover of Madden.

3) How do you urinate while tailgating if there's no portapotty around?

4) Should the Bills trainers consider P90X?

5) What was your favorite memory at BBMB and why?

1. If he wants to, but he should have the visitors locker room painted pink.

2. I'd prefer Brady face the wrath of the Madden cover curse.

3. Find a car with a patriots, jets, dolphins bumper sticker.

4. yes

5. That place shut down a couple months ago, I have trouble remembering last week. I do remember it getting really bad towards the end and was spending equal time here at that point.


Is a pre Madonna related to a prima donna ?

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When trying to read BBMB, I felt like a cat chasing laser beams. It was such a disorganized, hot mess. And I recall signatures longer than most posts, with all different font sizes and colors. Was the design team all middle school-aged girls?


Some don't like one 37-page thread, but the rest of us don't like 37 one-page threads. TSW was always a place for more (relatively) intelligent and sober (ha!) discourse. Some here can actually find a few complete sentences without a flashlight.

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If I was to write a Merriam-Webster definition for "Billsy", I am certain that the organization removing its own official message board would be one of the bullet points. Still, that message board had long passed its usefulness. It was cluttered. It was hard to read. The same people kept saying the same things over and over and over (and over), talking past one another, and doing the same exact thing across different threads. Moderation was spotty/inconsistent. If I owned the Bills, and took one look at that steamer, I would have shut it down too.


Maybe some entrepreneur has the cash to stand up a new message board, just so some can have it be "like it was in the old days". But I am not that entrepreneur, and I pray that nobody has the (non)sense to try such a thing. The costs of hosting such a thing in AWS or Azure will ruin you.


One thing that does stick out, and this is just an observation, is that many of the most irritating people on the BBMB are very quiet here. Maybe it's because TBD is a better board, by a wide margin, and that TBD doesn't enable / reinforce the bad behavior of some.


Having written all that, hopefully my average of 1.6 posts / day (or something like that) isn't ruining TBD. :-)

why is it "Billsy" when the vast majority (like all but 2) have long since removed the message boards from their official team sites? Berchtold was asleep at the wheel and Boyko cleaned things up as soon as he got there. It's very outdated to host a message board vs engaging fans on the main social media sites and they are just doing what the rest of the league who has a clue has already done.
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Guest NeckBeard

why is it "Billsy" when the vast majority (like all but 2) have long since removed the message boards from their official team sites? Berchtold was asleep at the wheel and Boyko cleaned things up as soon as he got there. It's very outdated to host a message board vs engaging fans on the main social media sites and they are just doing what the rest of the league who has a clue has already done.


It's all part of the master plan, my friend.

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I see little difference between BBMB and TSW, both had about the same amount of trolls, numbskulls, and antagonists


Yes, but the thing is... The trolling, numbskullery and antagonism here seemed to have a massive uptick on or around March 2, 2017.

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Its not bad here. Im also a newbie. I also get what youre saying OP


I hated the infractions on bbmb. I always was teetering on the line.


Lets not forget this is the offseason. Things may get more interesting during regular season.


We just have get accommodated with the move.

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It's often good, I agree.... but when it has devolved into that early in a slow breaking story and then updates trickle out over a few days I'd sometimes prefer just a fresh thread instead of looking for the update on page 37. Or occasionally what feels like a fresh story will get merged into one tangentially related.... generally not a big problem but figured I'd acknowledge it as an occasional thing

Thanks NS. I'll take this under advisement.


To the OP, from 'another country heard from', I agree with many of the posters in this thread that with the new McD regime being tight-lipped/one voice, the void left by the removal of the zaniness that was the Ryan Show has subdued the avidness this off season -along with just 6 'need' Draft picks and FA losses. But the advent of the unprecedented level of new posters as refugees from your old stomping grounds is having an overall negative effect here, imo. Of course there are some great, insightful newbies who add much to the discussion, but there's an undeniable whininess and internet tough guy mentality with many of your former brethren. Compounding this are the way too many unnecessary LAMP threads started (like this one) which do little to encourage civil discourse. We accept all Bills fans here, but its evident to me we have been much tighter about maintaining civility than MMBB. Perhaps this has something to do with it being shut down.. :huh: Moderators haven't been this busy in the many years I've been here.

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i am not sure what it is and i'm sure i'll get flamed but could care less. it just seems to me that i could go to the old board and read for hours. there was always new threads and takes. a lot of back and forth and generally good humor.


however, after that midnight shutdown and having to come here, i see the same tired threads that last for weeks and go to 40 pages.

the bills home site has fresher stuff than this and i always immediately used to just click on message boards. this is a tired, stale forum...imo.


there's only so much on billswire...hell, i'm forced to surf bleacher report. i don't know if anyone else feels the same ,but i miss the old message board. this place is a bore. i could log in once a week and see maybe two new threads or have to click on page 40 of something that's old news.


i know it's the offseason, but this just ain't the same.


any other of us labeled lowly refugees feel the same?

i feel the shoutbox here adds a nice dimension that bbmb didn't have...you can have up to date discussion with breaking news, live with other bills fans- and you are allowed to talk about other topics that don't include the bills, which is a cool aspect.


There is also more freedom here to speak your mind...i always had to scan my post 3 or 4 times before posting just to make sure i wasn't in violation...then i would get a violation for a "reputation" comment and i couldn't, for the life of me, figure out what i said wrong...i would even read it to my wife and ask her if i said any that seemed in violation...that's how bad it had become.


It got so bad that posters started going after the mods in their posts and personally calling them out because it was just too much...it was almost like the mods got some sick pleasure in constantly penalizing, and suspending people...it made you never want to post on the board unless you were constantly kissing the bills organization's rear end.


No, this place is much better- and i feel the scope of intelligent dialogue is much wider here.

Edited by JaCrispy
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I don't think the board has changed. I think following a non-playoff team for 17 years changes the "culture" of the board a little bit and makes it less enjoyable. Once the team makes the playoffs, this will probably be a fun place to hang out and catch-up on Bills news. I'm also annoyed with the "thread police" always attacking new threads - relax, already - so something could have been put in an existing thread - big deal. Just relax and enjoy the material - wherever it gets posted.

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I feel the same way, but hats off to TwoBillsDrive and this message board as even though it's not the same old BBMB that I was used to it's the best choice available of all the options I've tried.

i agree with this. BBMB had its strengths and weaknesses, as does this board. It is good to see people here who were valued contributors there.


FTR, the Buffalo Range is a disaster. Avoid it at all costs.

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Guest NeckBeard

This is a great idea.


Like I'd said earlier, you can totally do this through AWS, Azure, or some other cloud-based solution. But if it's on your dime -- I guarantee you will have a a largely different impression when you get your monthly bills (no pun intended).

Edited by NeckBeard
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i miss the bbmb the way you miss your abusive grandfather after he passes.


you only remember the good things.


that place was terrible toward the end. there were many good years but anything good was destroyed by creepy thread strangling moderators that made it impossible to have any fun.


"fun on a football message board, who does that guy think he is?! I'll show him!"


anyhow, this place is fine. anyone missing the boards, at least what they become was probably a bit of what made it intolerable.

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